
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
129 Chs


"Well I guess it's my time to chill out with you." joyfully called a young lady in a white and blue sailor like outfit and her hair in braided pig tails. "As for my name you may call me Candice."

"So it seems, I'm guessing the challenge level is increased but if that was a ice pun I heard then maybe it hasn't." exclaimed Foxx as he healed his pokemon and turned to face her.

"Fire may have it's advantages over ice but everything freezes." exclaimed Candice as she released her first pokemon, a sneasel.

Foxx just nodded to Joy and she dashed out and opened right with a ember. Candice countered this with a dodge and an ice beam.

Joy used agility to dodge the move only being caught on the tail by the ice beam. She then turned to counter the continuous beam of ice with a powerful flamethrower.

The two streams met in a steam crack in the center of the arena. Yet neither one would surrender thus causing a steam like fog to form and cover the field. Candice even smiled as her pokemon was taller and wouldn't be covered by the fog and blinded.

Yet to everyone's surprise Joy continued to hit her mark as the pokemon moved in a circle. It seems as if the fog didn't even blind her at all. It was at that moment that she realized Foxx was staring right at her pokemon and not any other part of the battle. Could they have some kind of psychic bound like Sabrina has with her pokemon?

And just like that her pokemon were defeated and she approached Foxx to give him the Icicle Badge only to stop before him and ask, "How is it Joy was never blinded by the fog while my pokemon eventually were?"

"Simple I invented a telepathic link collar and head band that are linked so me and Joy can communicate. But once I saw the fog starting to form I focus on our link and made it so she could temporarily see through my eyes." explained Foxx. "Eevee has a collar that works just the same it's why sometimes in battle I don't need to actually call out the attacks but I do so out of respect for the trainer I'm facing."

"Well you sure earned this badge." replied Candice with a smile.

To Be Continued...