
Ch 6: Route 22

Wes finally reached Viridian City at the evening of the third day.

"Ok let's see the map of this City. Ok so if i go straight for around 600. meters and then i go left, i will reach the Pokemon Center."

Then moving at a quick pace Wes began moving towards Viridian City's Pokemon Center. When he finally reached it, inside it, he had a suprise encounter with a certain someone.

WES: Good evening Leaf. Did you come to heal your Pokemon after training?

LEAF: No Wes. As i was looking for a Grass Type Pokemon i bumped into Garry. So we had a 1VS1 fight. Well his new Abra Teleport tactics were to much for Bulbasaur to withstand.

Leaf starting venting out her frustrations.

"Well i can understand her a bit. She probably wanted to show off to her crush, but that turned into Garry's new Abra schooling her Bulbasaur."

WES: Don't worry it's just a single battle.

LEAF: I know don't worry. If you meet him, be extra careful of his Abra. It can Teleport right behind your Pokemon and strike with it's Fire Punch move. It also knows the Psywave Move.

WES: Thanks for the info Leaf.

LEAF: You're welcome Wes.

NURSE JOY: Trainer Leaf your Pokemon is fully recovered please come to receive it.

LEAF: Coming.

Then me and Leaf proceeded towards nurse Joy. As we passed a table my eye caught an article in the news paper, reporting news of a newly busted Team Rocket base.

LEAF: Thank you nurse Joy. Wes i have to go to Viridian Forest to get a Bellsprout. Thanks for listening to me. Bye.

WES: Don't worry about it. I also have to go towards Route 22 to catch my next Pokemon. Good luck at your travels and at the gym.

LEAF: Good luck for you too.

Then Leaf received her Pokemon back and left after saying our goodbyes.

WES: Here the Pokeball's that need healing.

NURSE JOY: OK. You can wait at the waiting area until your Pokemon are healed.

Then i went straight to the Phones to call my parents and professor Oak.

WES: Good evening mom.

MOM: You look well son. where are you right now.

WES: I have arrived at Viridian City.

MOM: You took only 3 days! Nice.

Then we talked about how my journey proceeded and i showed both my Eevee's to my mother. My father was doing research on some Pokemon Eggs. After that was over i called professor Oak.

OAK: Hello Wes. You are the 3d to reach Viridian City.

WES: Yes i already met with Leaf.

OAK: I can understand that. Garry could not stop praising his Abra. He also got a male Nidoran and a Spearow. Daisy found a Left out Pokemon Egg in the wild, so she came back to give it to me. She has caught a Pidgey.

Then i briefed the professor about my journey. After that i received my Pokemon back from nurse Joy and slept at the room for trainers in the center.

When morning arrived i left straight for Route 22. When i reached my destination i immediately opened my system to see if that certain Pokemon i wanted can be caught in this area like in Pokemon Yellow.

Route 22

Rattata: Very common LV 1-7

Pidgey: Very common LV 1-7

Mankey: Common LV 1-7

Spearow: Common LV 1-7

Nidoran♀: Common LV 1-7

Nidoran♂: Common LV 1-7

Magikarp: Very common LV 1-11

Poliwag: Common LV 1- 8

Goldeen: Rare LV 1-7

Psyduck: Very rare LV 1-7

Slowpoke: Very rare LV 1-5

Ok so i can get the Pokemon i wanted like in Pokemon Yellow. And it's also quite Common in the area. While i was training both my Eevee's while searching for an acceptable inclusion in my team, after 35 underwhelming Nidoran♂ i finally found a good one.

Nindoran: male. LV 7 Ability: Poison Point Item: no

Moves: Lear, Peck, Sucker Punch (Baby), Head Smash (Baby), Focus Energy.

Sucker Punch now that's an amazing Move. One of the best Dark Type moves in the games.

WES: Ok Eevee. Time for action.

Then my female Eevee appeared.

WES: Use Hidden-Power (Fire).

Then orbs made out of flames danced around Eevee then those same orbs were smashed directly on Nidoran♂ face. Then Nidoran♂ tried to use the Peck Move but Eevee dodged to the left and used Stored Power sending Nidoran♂ away. Nidoran♂ groaned in pain and stood right up Charging towards my Eevee.

WES: Eevee dodge to the right then Stored Power.

Eevee managed to dodge to the right but Nidoran♂ suddenly stopped moving and used the Lear Move.

Lear is a move that lowers the targets Def by 1 stage. Eevee countered attacked by throwing out a psychic pulse knocking down the Nidoran♂. Then i thrown a Pokeball at it managing to catch this Nidoran♂ adding a new member in the party. Then after training until the sun was down i returned in Viridian City's Pokemon Center to heal all 3 Pokémon of my team. I slept again there and at the morning, i left towards the Viridian Forest. Being one more step closer towards fighting Brock for my first badge of the Kanto region.


1: Eevee: female LV 12 Ability: Adaptability Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Detect (Baby), Stored Power (Baby), Hidden-Power-Fire (Baby).

2: Eevee: male LV 11 Ability: Run Away Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Helping Hand, Curse (Baby), Wish (Baby), Sand Attack.

3: Nindoran: male. LV 7 Ability: Poison Point Item: no

Moves: Lear, Peck, Sucker Punch (Baby), Head Smash (Baby), Focus Energy.