
POKÉMON: Journey Towards Greatness(EDIT of JTG)

I am in the process of editing this novel solely to enhance its grammar and readability, with no intention of personal gain from this endeavor. Author: Evil_God_ZARAKH

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94 Chs

Chapter 46: Gengar's Adventure

Gengar, now inside the Team Rocket base, carefully examined his surroundings. In the gym, there was a battlefield and a platform at the end, covered by a curtain. He sensed something suspicious behind the curtain and decided to investigate. Pushing through the curtain, he discovered a passage that led to an office.

Inside the office, there were numerous paper files and documents, and a nameplate on the desk read "Giovanni." Gengar began to search through the office for any valuable information. His ghostly abilities allowed him to uncover a secret tunnel hidden beneath the office chair. Without hesitation, Gengar floated into the tunnel and descended deeper underground.

As he continued through the tunnel, it led him into a vast corridor constructed with some unknown, sturdy metal. Gengar couldn't help but wonder what secrets this hidden corridor held within the Team Rocket base.

Gengar silently hovered closer to the Team Rocket grunts, eavesdropping on their conversation to gather information.

Goon 1: "This month's captured Pokémon are really good; we'll be paid well this month, hahaha."

Goon 2: "Yeah, we got lucky. Many new trainers who come here to challenge the boss are pretty strong. Viridian City has become a haven for stealing Pokémon."

Gengar continued to listen, hoping to gather more insights into Team Rocket's activities and their plans within the Viridian Gym.

Goon 3: "Haha, once the boss defeats them, we can easily steal their Pokémon when they're injured and not at their full strength. This makes our work a lot easier."

Goon 1: "I heard that this batch will be sent to be brainwashed soon, and some are even reserved by Dr. Nanba for experiments."

Goon 3:"Those unlucky Pokémon... Hey, but we at least get our payment, so who cares about them, hahahaha."

Goon 2: "Yeah, with that money, I'll be able to take my girlfriend on a nice vacation, hehe."

Goon 1: "Man, I wish I had a girlfriend."

Goon 3: "Ha, look at you thinking about having a girlfriend when you can't even satisfy those girls from last night."

Goon 1: "What did you say? Well, at least I don't have a microp.e.n.i.s like someone."

"Goon 2 pleaded, 'Guys, you should really quiet down, or someone might overhear us.'

Gengar, growing increasingly impatient with the goons' senseless banter, eventually lost interest and nonchalantly floated away."

Gengar [I heard that they have captured some pokemons. I should look into this.]

Gengar looks around the place and finally finds a door which is locked and any entry is restricted. Gengar easily passes through the door and finds himself in a dark place. He looks around and sees some infrared CCTV cameras hanging on top, so he quickly turns them around so that he can continue his search.

As Gengar materialized in the heart of the room, his eyes fell upon a massive cage containing numerous Pokémon, their collective condition appearing grim. Weakened and dispirited, the captives who still retained some strength futilely pounded the steel bars from the inside. Upon Gengar's sudden appearance, a few of them jumped in surprise but swiftly regained their composure.

Sandslash spoke up urgently, "Hey, help us break free from this prison!"

Gengar observed the Pokémon closely, noticing the dire state of some who struggled to even stand. Among them, Sandslash and Nidorino appeared to be in relatively better health, yet they lacked the sheer power required to shatter the unyielding steel cage.

Gengar, with determination in his eyes, gestured to the trapped Pokémon, uttering a reassuring "Gen-gengarr" as he prepared to take action. The captive Pokémon quickly shuffled back to create a safe distance.

Positioning himself and adopting a fighting stance, Gengar summoned flames around his fist, a technique he had learned from Infernape. Though not as potent as Infernape's, it still carried considerable power. With a mighty punch, he struck the steel cage's door, resulting in a resounding snap as the door was cleanly cleaved into two pieces.

Gengar addressed the freed Pokémon, his tone resolute, "Gengarr-gar. You all must escape now. Sandslash, tunnel underground and lead the way to safety."

Sandslash nodded determinedly and began to dig into the earth. The other Pokémon wasted no time in following Sandslash's lead, supporting one another as they made their escape from the base. Gengar watched over them until the last of the Pokémon had vanished from his sight.

With a sinister chuckle, Gengar remarked to himself, "Haha, I'd love to see the looks on those fools' faces when they realize the Pokémon they captured have all escaped. Hehe. But enough of that. Let's stop fooling around and see what other entertaining surprises this place has in store. GAGAGA."

Gengar suddenly materialized at the entrance of a dimly lit corridor, where two individuals stood near a door. His eyes fixated on them, a sense of familiarity washing over him despite never having encountered them before.

Gengar pondered aloud, his voice a low murmur, "Hmm, do I know them? I've never seen them before, but there's something about them that feels strangely familiar... Hmmmmm."

Gengar delved into his thoughts, attempting to unearth the connection he sensed between himself and these two enigmatic figures. After a moment of contemplation, he finally arrived at an answer.

Gengar couldn't help but smirk to himself. "Ha, they must be those two fools that Infernape and the others mentioned," he thought, recalling Infernape's story about their encounter with these two. "He said they offended the master and got their behinds handed to them. Hehe, I should have a little fun with them, but first, let's see what they're up to."

Gengar floated closer to Cassidy and Butch, his ghostly form making no sound as he drew near, eager to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Cassidy muttered in frustration, "Hey, Batshman, we've been waiting here for the boss forever. What the heck is he doing?"

Butch's face twisted into a scowl. "IT'S BUTCH, GOD DAMMIT," he snapped in irritation.

Cassidy retorted, her voice dripping with annoyance, "Don't shout, I said it correctly; it's Bugsh."

Butch waved off her correction, his frustration evident. "Ha, never mind," he grumbled. "But yeah, why is the boss taking so darn long? We informed him an hour ago that we'd be here."

Just as their impatience peaked, the door swung open, revealing a female agent stepping out while adjusting her skirt.

The agent addressed them curtly, "You both have been summoned by the boss."

Without much thought, Butch promptly entered the room. Meanwhile, Cassidy found herself momentarily distracted, her gaze lingering on the departing female agent.

Cassidy muttered under her breath, "What an idiot, wasting our time."

She followed Butch into the room, with Gengar silently trailing behind. Upon entering, they were met with the intense gaze of their boss, Giovanni.

Giovanni's voice was cool and commanding as he inquired, "So, why have the two of you graced me with your presence?"

Cassidy wasted no time, getting straight to the point. "Boss, we're here to report on that trainer who caused us to fail our mission."

Giovanni's eyes narrowed as he recalled the incident. "You mean the trainer you encountered in Lavender Town, the one who left you battered and bruised?"

Butch and Cassidy felt a wave of embarrassment wash over them, their memories of the day their boss had scolded them for their mission failure still fresh in their minds. They were well aware that Giovanni had not forgotten about it and was still quite angry.

Butch cleared his throat, trying to maintain composure. "Yes, Boss," he began, "we spotted that trainer in Viridian City. It seems he's here to challenge the gym. If we can manage to capture his Pokémon, they could easily become valuable additions to your main force."

Giovanni leaned forward, intrigued. "You mentioned he has two mysterious Pokémon and a powerful Ivysaur?"

Cassidy continued, "We've been conducting research on those Pokémon, and it turns out one of them is an Infernape, a Fire/Fighting type from the Sinnoh region. The other is an ancient Pokémon known as Kabutops, a Rock/Water type."

Giovanni's demeanor shifted slightly, his interest piqued. "An Infernape and a Kabutops," he mused. "It seems you two aren't entirely useless after all. If you can manage to capture those Pokémon, I might reconsider your promotions."

Giovanni delivered his instructions and then swiveled his chair, turning his back to Butch and Cassidy while signaling for them to take their leave.

Gengar, who had been discreetly listening to their conversation, couldn't hide his wicked glee. He relished the opportunity to make their day an ordeal.

Just as Butch and Cassidy were on the verge of departing, their faces adorned with smug smiles, an unexpected and bizarre event unfolded. Butch felt an unseen force taking control of his hands, causing them to grasp Cassidy's a.s.s. Cassidy, initially startled, swiftly transitioned from surprise to anger.

Cassidy, her anger reaching a boiling point, couldn't contain her outrage any longer. She exclaimed, "YOU PERVERT! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?"

Without a second thought, she swiftly turned around and delivered a powerful slap to Butch's face, leaving a distinct palm print imprinted on his cheek. The sudden commotion caught Giovanni off guard, causing him to turn around abruptly.

Giovanni began to inquire, "What are you two—"

Before Giovanni could even finish his sentence, he was abruptly met with two swift kicks to the face, one from Butch and another from Cassidy. The duo had no idea how they had ended up attacking their boss after the earlier slap. The next thing they knew, their bodies were propelled forward, their legs extended in a kicking position, and a chaotic scene unfolded.

The force of the kicks sent all three of them crashing onto a table, shattering it into pieces and sending documents flying in every direction.

Giovanni, seething with anger and disbelief, roared, "HOW DARE YOU TWO ATTACK ME LIKE THAT! GET OUT! YOU ARE BANNED FROM THE HEADQUARTERS!"

Butch and Cassidy were overcome with fear, and without a second thought, they fled from the scene, their hearts pounding. Giovanni, after collecting himself, stood up and dusted off his coat, which had accumulated a layer of dust during the chaotic encounter.

Giovanni bellowed at the top of his lungs, "SOMEBODY COME HERE!"

His urgent call echoed through the room, prompting a few loyal goons to come running to his aid.

The goons inquired, "What happened, Boss?"

The goons hurried to Giovanni's side, not knowing the full extent of the situation. However, as they entered the room, their eyes widened in astonishment. The office desk lay in ruins, and their boss stood amidst the chaos with two distinct shoe prints imprinted on his face. Giovanni's expression was a volatile mixture of anger and frustration as he glared at them.

Giovanni seethed, "Clean this mess up. I'm leaving."

With a last resentful look at the disarray, Giovanni stormed out of the room, his anger still simmering. Unbeknownst to him, a mischievous presence trailed behind, a devilish figure laughing heartily at Giovanni's expense.