
POKÉMON: Journey Towards Greatness(EDIT of JTG)

I am in the process of editing this novel solely to enhance its grammar and readability, with no intention of personal gain from this endeavor. Author: Evil_God_ZARAKH

JunStark · Komik
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94 Chs

Chapter 14: Third Gym Battle

The evening sun cast a warm glow on the traditional Japanese exterior of Blaine's Inn. Julian, weary from his journey, had no other option for lodging in this remote town. As he entered the inn, a serene silence enveloped him, and he found himself in an empty hallway, with only the faint rustling of paper screens breaking the silence.

Approaching footsteps heralded the arrival of an old lady. She regarded Julian with curious eyes, her voice gentle but filled with wisdom.

Old lady: "You, young man, are you here to stay?"

Julian nodded, relieved to have found a place to rest his tired body.

Julian: "Yes, I would like to rent a room."

The old lady smiled warmly and gestured for him to follow her. Julian trailed behind her as they made their way down polished wooden corridors, their footsteps echoing softly.

She led him to a traditional Japanese-style room with tatami mat flooring and sliding paper doors. The room exuded an air of tranquility, with a low table and a view of a beautifully manicured garden. After showing Julian the room, the old lady left him to his own devices.

Julian unpacked his belongings and sat on the corridor outside the room. He released his Pokémon, and they gathered around him. With a calm demeanor, he began instructing them in their training, imparting his wisdom to each one.

His attention turned to Heatran, a Pokémon of immense power and potential. With a focused expression, Julian patiently guided Heatran in harnessing its formidable abilities, teaching it control and efficiency.

After the training session, Julian settled into meditation, seeking solace and mental clarity. In the quiet of the evening, surrounded by his loyal Pokémon, he found the stillness he sought.

As night descended, Julian and his Pokémon made their way to the inn's hot springs, a tranquil oasis. They immersed themselves in the soothing, warm waters, the tension of their journey melting away.

Julian contemplated his next move as he soaked in the hot springs. The evening air was filled with the soothing sounds of nature, and the steam from the water enveloped him in a cocoon of warmth. He weighed the decision to challenge Blaine, knowing that the Gym Leader would soon be gone on his island-wide roam.

Julian: "Should I go and challenge Blaine now? I think I should. In the morning, he won't be here as he roams around the island all day. Let's get ready."

With conviction, he stood up, calling back his Pokémon to their Poké Balls. Julian then leaped gracefully to the other side of the hot spring, thankful for the solitude of this women's section. His destination was clear—the imposing Gyarados statue.

As he approached, he carefully pushed the statue, and the ground trembled beneath him. A massive boulder shifted aside, revealing a hidden passage.

Julian: "Well, that's the way. I should hurry up and finish this. Tomorrow, I have to collect the Dome Fossil, which I hope turns into a perfect Kabuto."

With resolve, he entered the concealed passage. The journey through its winding tunnels was filled with anticipation, the narrow corridors echoing his footsteps.

Emerging from the passage, Julian found himself in a vast Pokémon battlefield. Across from him, in another corner, stood Blaine, who had shed his disguise, revealing his true identity.

Blaine: "I didn't expect that you would be able to find the Gym without me giving you any riddle."

Julian: "I just happened to stumble upon that statue."

Blaine: With a mischievous grin, he removed his beard and wig, exposing his bald head. "You're in luck, as I am the Gym Leader of this Gym."

Julian remained silent, his expression stoic as he processed the Gym Leader's revelation.

Blaine: "Are you not even surprised that I am the Gym Leader? Hey, you're no fun."

Julian: "Why should I be surprised? First, you give me your inn's address, then there's a battlefield inside a volcano near your gym, and now you're standing before me. Anyone could figure it out. If they can't, they're idiots."

Blaine chuckled at Julian's straightforwardness. "Ah, I see you're a smart man. Well then, let's start the battle. But first, the rules: we both use three Pokémon each. You, the challenger, can switch your Pokémon in the middle of the battle. The first person to have all their Pokémon unable to battle loses."

Julian nodded in agreement. "Okay, let's go."

Blaine grinned, his excitement evident. "You better be ready. I'm not an easy opponent. Go, Ninetales!"

Julian: "Monferno, I choose you!"

Blaine: "Fighting fire with fire, I see. Ninetales, use Quick Attack!"

Ninetales darted forward with a burst of speed, a fiery aura surrounding it. Julian watched attentively, his confidence unwavering. 'This Ninetales is fast, but Monferno is even faster,' he thought, already formulating his next move.

Julian: "Monferno, dodge, then use Fire Spin!"

Monferno displayed impressive agility, easily evading Ninetales' Quick Attack. With a fiery twirl, Monferno conjured a spiraling inferno that surged toward Ninetales, dealing considerable damage but not enough to fully overcome its resistance to fire.

Blaine: "Your Monferno is both fast and powerful. Looks like you're a very good trainer."

Julian acknowledged the compliment with a nod. "Thanks for the praise."

Blaine, ever the seasoned Gym Leader, knew he had to respond strategically. "Ninetales, use Flamethrower!"

Ninetales unleashed a torrent of flames, the searing heat washing over Monferno. Initially pushed back, Monferno displayed remarkable resilience, gradually gaining control and stopping the Flamethrower in its tracks.

Julian seized the opportunity. "Monferno, BLAZE!"

As Julian issued the command, the temperature in the battlefield began to soar. Monferno's tail flame blazed even brighter, and fiery energy enveloped his body. Blaine's eyes widened in recognition, but it was too late to prevent what was coming.

Julian: "Monferno, get behind Ninetales and use Focus Punch!"

In an instant, Monferno vanished from sight and reappeared above Ninetales, delivering a powerful Focus Punch to the back of her head. Ninetales crashed to the ground, unable to withstand the doubled power of Blaze.

Blaine: "Ninetales, try to dodge!"

Julian remained relentless. "Don't give it a chance! Continue with Close Combat and Focus Punch!"

Ninetales struggled to evade Monferno's relentless assault as he unleashed a flurry of kicks and powerful Focus Punches, relentlessly driving her to the ground. Fainting under the onslaught, Ninetales struggled to rise.

Julian seized the opportunity to finish the battle. "Let's end this, Monferno! Focus Blast!"

Monferno assumed a formidable stance, creating a potent ball of energy that hurtled toward Ninetales. An explosion followed, shrouding the battlefield in a cloud of dust. When the dust settled, Ninetales lay fainted on the ground, Blaine's attempts to intervene thwarted.

Blaine: "Your Monferno is far stronger than I expected. However, the battle is far from over. Go, Rhydon!"

Julian: "Monferno, well done! You've earned a rest. Ivysaur, it's your turn!"

Blaine arched an eyebrow. "Not going to use your Monferno?"

Julian shook his head with a smile. "No, he's done an outstanding job, but now he needs to rest and recover. Ivysaur, let's give it our all!"

Blaine: "Ivysaur, huh? Rhydon, ready! Use Horn Drill!"

Rhydon charged toward Ivysaur, its horn spinning dangerously. Julian remained calm.

Julian: "Dodge, Ivysaur! Then, use Razor Leaves!"

As Rhydon closed in, Ivysaur evaded the spinning horn with agility. It responded by launching a flurry of Razor Leaves at its opponent. But Blaine had a quick counterstrategy.

Blaine: "Quickly, block those Razor Leaves with your back!"

Rhydon swiveled, turning its back to the approaching leaves. The Razor Leaves bounced harmlessly off Rhydon's tough hide. Julian couldn't help but smile; Rhydon had exposed a significant vulnerability.

Julian: "Ivysaur, this is our chance! Use Vine Whip and pull his leg!"

Ivysaur sprang into action, latching onto Rhydon's leg with its Vine Whip. With a thunderous crash, Rhydon came crashing down to the ground, belly first.

Julian: "Now, Leech Seed!"

A small seed shot from Ivysaur's bulb, latching onto Rhydon. It began to drain Rhydon's energy, sapping its strength.

Blaine: "Rhydon, nooooo!"

Julian seized the opportunity to finish the battle.

Julian: "Finish it off with Energy Ball!"

The Energy Ball slammed into Rhydon, its depleted strength unable to withstand the attack. Rhydon fainted, unable to battle any longer. Blaine, with a resigned look, called back his Pokémon.

Blaine: "Looks like all your Pokémon are very good at fighting."

Julian: "It should be expected of them. I personally train with them and help them overcome their weaknesses."

Blaine: "You have won and defeated my two Pokémon, but my last one is not a pushover. Come out!"

As Blaine spoke, the battlefield's lava began to churn in a specific area, and a Magmar emerged, standing proudly on the fiery battlefield.

Julian: "Ivysaur, return. Your Magmar looks impressive, but I have a surprise for you. Come out, Heatran!"

At the sight of Heatran, Blaine was taken aback. His eyes widened in astonishment as he beheld the rare and formidable Pokémon.

Blaine: "What Pokémon is that?"

Julian: "It's a Heatran. It dwells deep within volcanoes, and its fire is hotter than any normal flame."

Heatran's presence changed the dynamics of the battle dramatically, and Blaine knew he would have to strategize carefully to face this formidable opponent.

Blaine: "I see, a perfect Pokémon to battle in this type of battlefield."

Julian: "Let's get started, Heatran! Use Ancient Power!"

As Julian commanded, Heatran unleashed Ancient Power, causing its stats to rise significantly. The battlefield was charged with energy, and Heatran appeared more formidable than ever.

Julian: "Now, use Earth Power!"

Heatran responded with a powerful Earth Power attack. Magmar found itself surrounded by the earth's energy, and it felt its defenses weakening.

Blaine, puzzled by the sudden change in Magmar's condition, couldn't help but ask for an explanation.

Julian: "By using Earth Power, the opponent's defense is lowered by 10%."

Blaine clenched his fists in frustration but remained determined.

Blaine: "Magmar, use Tackle!"

Julian: "Heatran, run toward the edge and cling to the outer walls beneath the battlefield!"

Magmar charged forward with a Tackle, but Heatran swiftly evaded the attack, disappearing from sight as it clung to the outer walls beneath the battlefield. Magmar stood alert, knowing it could be attacked from any direction.

The battle had taken an unexpected turn, and both trainers were now faced with a new set of challenges and strategies.

Blaine: "Magmar, stay alert!"

Magmar, trying to survey its surroundings for Heatran, made a grave mistake by turning its back. It was a fatal error that Julian didn't hesitate to exploit.

Julian: "Now, Heatran, Iron Head!"

Heatran, seemingly right in front of Julian, dashed forward with blinding speed. Its head transformed into a heavy, iron weapon as it collided with Magmar's back. Magmar was sent hurtling through the air, crashing into one of the volcanic pillars.

Blaine: "Magmar, get up quickly!"

Magmar struggled to regain its footing, its strength waning as the battle took its toll.

Julian seized the moment.

Julian: "Heatran, let's finish this! Use Magma Wave!"

Heatran gathered an immense amount of fiery energy, drawing power from the surrounding magma. It formed a swirling, molten tsunami that raged toward Magmar with devastating force. The magma wave crashed over Magmar, breaking multiple pillars and melting others in its path.

Blaine stood in shock, witnessing the overwhelming power of Heatran's Magma Wave. Julian, too, marveled at the strength of the move, recalling his efforts to help Heatran gain control over its formidable abilities.

Julian's thoughts raced as he watched the destruction. 'Luckily, Heatran didn't know how to control his energy when we first caught him, or Monferno would have been hurt really badly. Thanks to me telling Heatran how to control his power, it has drastically improved the strength of the move. Even though it's still not perfect, after some rigorous training, Heatran will have full control over his power.'

Blaine: "Julian, that Pokémon and its last move are ridiculously strong. Haha, it's been such a long time since I've been defeated, and being defeated by such a strong opponent is an honor. Magmar, you did great. Return."

Blaine returned Magmar to its Pokeball, his respect for Julian evident in his words and demeanor. He walked toward Julian and handed him the Volcano Badge with a warm smile.

Julian accepted the badge, gazing at it for a moment, then turning his attention to Heatran.

Julian: "Look, Heatran, this is the symbol of our first victory together. And we'll continue to grow more powerful together."

Heatran responded with a joyous roar, a clear sign of the bond that had formed between them.

With their farewells exchanged, Julian made his way back to the Inn. As he lay down to rest, the Volcano Badge served as a reminder of their triumph and a promising future filled with even greater challenges and victories.