

Haru sat down on a patch of grass, pulling out his Pokédex and holding it up to his Pokémon. He smiled as he looked over their progress.

"Alright, Mudkip, Elekid, Meowth—let's check your progress," Haru muttered to himself as he flipped through the various sections of the Pokédex, navigating to the stats section. He tapped on Mudkip's profile first.

"Mudkip, you've really improved," Haru said, nodding at the display. "Let's see…your stats are looking good. The moves you've picked up are useful, and that Moxie ability is working in your favor. Now, let's check your EVs and IVs."

The Pokédex displayed the information: EVs: 60/50/40, and IVs: 24/28/23.

Haru nodded, impressed. "Not bad, you're getting stronger with each battle. The IVs could be better, but that's just fine for now. Let's continue to push you."

He then moved to Elekid. The little Electric-type had been a challenge to train, but Haru had noticed her potential. "Elekid, let's see how you're doing," he said, scanning her profile.

The display popped up: EVs: 30/60/40, and IVs: 20/21/18.

"Your Speed and Special Attack are impressive," Haru said, grinning. "You've made quite a bit of progress, Elekid. You're starting to grow into a real powerhouse. Still a little raw, but with time, you'll get there."

Finally, Haru checked Meowth's stats. He had grown more reliable with each passing day, her Iron Tail already starting to become more accurate in battle. "Alright, Meowth. Your turn."

The data showed: EVs: 50/40/40, and IVs: 22/25/19.

"Meowth, you've got some solid stats, especially in Attack. Bite's been doing its job, but you've got some real potential for offense with Iron Tail. We're making good progress, but you're not quite there yet. A little more work, and you'll be unstoppable."

Haru smiled as he looked at his Pokémon. "You've all come so far, but the journey's just beginning. We need to make sure you're all ready for the challenges ahead. Let's keep working together."

His Pokémon gave him determined looks, ready for more training. Haru packed up his Pokédex and stood, looking ahead at the path to the next gym. "It's time to test your strength. Let's go!"

Haru looked at Mudkip, Elekid, and Meowth, analyzing their progress and moves. He nodded in approval as he spoke.

"Alright, Mudkip, it looks like Growl got replaced by Aqua Tail," Haru said, inspecting the Water-type Pokémon's moveset. "That's a solid upgrade. Aqua Tail will give you a great physical Water-type move to complement your overall strength."

Mudkip, standing proudly in front of Haru, let out a happy cry and swished his tail excitedly, eager to try out his new move.

"Good boy," Haru smiled at Mudkip before turning his attention to Elekid. "As for you, Elekid, looks like we've got a nice new move for you too. You've replaced Leer with Brick Break. That'll give you some coverage against Steel-types and help you deal with certain Defense-heavy Pokémon. Just make sure to time it right, okay?"

Elekid nodded enthusiastically, sparking with energy as she imagined herself using her new move in a battle.

"Perfect," Haru said, finally focusing on Meowth. "Meowth, your Scratch got replaced with Iron Tail. I know it's a bit of a tricky move for you to control, but it's worth the effort. Once you get the hang of it, you'll have a solid Steel-type attack to go with your other moves."

Meowth nodded, tail flicking with determination. "Iron Tail is tricky, but I'll master it in no time!" she declared, flexing her claws.

Haru gave his Pokémon a thumbs up. "Great, now that we've got your moves all set, it's time for some real training. Let's head to the next area and test out those new moves!"

The trio of Pokémon nodded, their confidence growing as they prepared for more battles ahead. Haru felt a sense of pride seeing them all improving, but he knew this was just the beginning of their journey.

After training, if becane night, Haru was resting in the Pokemon center as he was looking at his Pokedex and his Pokemon current move starts

The lit up as the Pokedex Processed the information

Mudkip - Water Type

• Type: Water

• Ability: Maxie

• Moves:

° Tackle

° Aqua Tail

° Water Gun

° Mud-Slap

Elekid - Electric Type

• Type: Electric

• Abilities: Static

• Movies:

° Thunder shock

° Brick Break

° Quick Attack

° low kick

Meowth - Normal Type

Ability: Technician


° Iron Tail

° Fake Out

• Bite

• Fury Swipes

Haru closed his Pokedex with a smile, his pokemon are getting stronger and it looks like tomorrow he will face the Gym, and get his first badge, but maybe he should call the professor to get an evaluation items for Elekid.

As Haru leaned back on the Pokémon Center's sofa, he felt a sense of satisfaction. His team was shaping up well, and their training was paying off. He looked at the phone on the table beside him, debating whether to make the call now or wait until the morning.

After a moment, he picked it up and dialed Professor Elm. The line rang twice before the familiar voice of the professor came through.

"Hello, Haru! How's your journey going so far?" Elm greeted warmly.

"Pretty good, Professor," Haru replied, smiling. "Mudkip, Elekid, and Meowth are improving fast. We've been training hard, and I think we're ready for our first Gym battle tomorrow. But I wanted to ask about something."

"Oh? What do you need help with?" Elm asked, intrigued.

"It's about Elekid. She's doing great, but I was wondering if I could get an evaluation item to check her potential further. Also, maybe a power-up item to help her in battles?" Haru explained.

"Ah, excellent idea," Elm said thoughtfully. "An Electirizer might come in handy for her evolution in the future, though you won't need it immediately. As for now, I can send you a Power Band for EV training or an Expert Belt for general battles. Which would you prefer?"

Haru considered his options. "The Expert Belt sounds good for now. It'll give Elekid an edge in Gym battles."

"Great choice!" Elm agreed. "I'll have it sent to the Pokémon Center you're staying at. It should arrive by morning. Good luck with your Gym battle, Haru!"

"Thanks, Professor. I appreciate it," Haru said before ending the call.

He placed the phone back on the table and glanced at his Pokémon resting nearby. Mudkip was curled up on the floor, Elekid was leaning against the wall sparking softly, and Meowth was sprawled out on the couch, tail flicking lazily.

Haru smiled. "Tomorrow's a big day. Let's give it our all."

With that, he turned off the lights, letting the calm atmosphere of the Pokémon Center lull him into a peaceful sleep, ready for the challenges ahead.

The next morning Haru arrived to Violet and the first thing, he saw was the Gym leader attacking an Air balloon with his pokemon as it went flying, as he can hear Team Rock Blasting of again, as he just blinked

Haru just kept waking. "Not my Chimchar not my churches".

As he walked away as he came infornr of the gym leader and who he was talking, as he loomed at him.

Haru looked at Falkner as he spoke. "Hey Falkner, I am here for Gym Battle".

Falkner looked at and smiled. "Ah Haru it has been a while".

Haru knew Falkner, because of when he first challenge the Gym when he was 10, when he still had his original team, back then he was not the Gym leader it was his dad, and Falkner was a officer, as they looked at Eachother.

Falkner looked at him and spoke. "Can you wait for your battle I have decide to take his battle first".

Haru then looked at the Trio of Misty, Brock and Ash, as his eyes meet ash as he looked at Falkner. "Which one is figthing"

Ash then pointed at him self, as he smile. "That would be me".

Haru looked at Ash. "Hey aren't you the kid that came 16 in the indigo league because of his Charizard".

Ash felt like he punched in the soul. "Why does everyone know that".

Falkner chuckled lightly, trying to diffuse the tension as Ash stood there looking mildly embarrassed. "Well, Ash, you did make quite an impression back then," Falkner said, smiling. "Not everyone manages to get that far on their first attempt."

Ash scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Yeah, but it's not exactly the highlight I want to be remembered for…"

Haru crossed his arms, smirking slightly. "Don't take it personally. It's just something people talk about. Besides, it shows you've got potential. You wouldn't be here challenging gyms otherwise."

Ash perked up a bit at that, his confidence returning. "Yeah, you're right! And this time, I'm going all the way to the top!"

Falkner clapped his hands to grab everyone's attention. "Alright, let's focus. Ash, you're up first. Haru, if you don't mind, please take a seat and watch. It shouldn't take too long."

Haru shrugged and leaned against the wall, his arms still crossed. "Sure, I'll watch. This should be interesting."

Misty and Brock joined Haru on the sidelines as Falkner and Ash prepared to start the battle. Brock leaned over and whispered, "So, you know Falkner? What's the story there?"

Haru kept his eyes on the battlefield. "We go way back. When I was ten, I challenged this gym for the first time. Back then, Falkner's dad was the leader, and Falkner himself was helping out as an officer. Let's just say it wasn't an easy battle."

Misty tilted her head. "Wait, does that mean this isn't your first time challenging the Johto gyms?"

Haru gave her a side glance and smirked. "It's a long story. Maybe I'll tell you after Ash's battle."

On the battlefield, Falkner sent out his Pidgey, and Ash released Pikachu. Haru watched closely, curious to see how Ash would handle the Flying-type specialist.

"Let's see if this kid's as good as he thinks," Haru muttered under his breath.

The battle between ash and Falkner started, Falkner sent out his Hoothoot and ash sent out his Chikorita, and this made Haru sigehd just as he thought Hoothoot won, then ash sent out Pikachu and after a while Hoothoot was done with, after that Folkner sent out his Dodrion and after a well place thunder ask won, then Folkner sent out his pidgeto and it defeated Pikachu as then as sent out his Charizard

Haru looked at her. "So he got to control the fire lizard after all".

After one epic battles, will not in Haru eyes, once you have seen two legendary battle these felt noting and ash got his badge

Ash looked at his badge. "I won"

Haru then spoke. "Won more like wastee time".

Ash stopped and looked at him. "Hey what do you mean".

Haru just sigehd and looked at him. "You had a perfectly good Pikachu and Charizard, but instead your first Pokémon is Chikorita, a grass types in a flying type gym, If I was you I would started with Pikachu then went to my Charizard if Pikachu lost, and if Somehow Charizard lost I would use another Pokémon anything but a grass types".

Ash stared at Haru for a moment, processing the words. He was about to protest, but something in Haru's tone made him hesitate.

"I mean," Haru continued, "Chikorita's a great Pokémon, but it's just not the best choice for a Flying-type Gym like this. You're trying to go for a badge, not prove a point about your Pokémon's loyalty or whatnot." He shrugged, walking over to the sidelines as Falkner came to congratulate Ash.

"I understand where you're coming from," Falkner said with a smile, offering a friendly pat on Ash's shoulder. "But Ash's battle style is his own. He prefers to take on challenges the hard way sometimes. That's how he learns and grows. Isn't that right, Ash?"

Ash nodded eagerly, still holding his badge proudly. "Exactly! I believe in my Pokémon, no matter what the situation. And we made it through, right?"

Haru watched Ash for a moment, the fire in the young trainer's eyes reminding him of his own beginnings. But there was something about Ash's strategy that irked him.

"I guess it worked out for him," Haru muttered, more to himself than anyone else. "But it's still reckless."

Misty chuckled, shaking her head at Haru's bluntness. "You really know how to make friends, huh?"

Brock, always the mediator, stepped in. "Haru's not wrong, though. It's just that Ash likes to take risks. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But that's what makes his battles interesting."

Haru raised an eyebrow, his arms still crossed. "Interesting, huh? If you call watching Pokémon get knocked out for no reason interesting, sure."

Falkner walked over to Haru, his expression friendly but a little teasing. "So, Haru, are you ready to challenge me now?"

Haru turned to face Falkner. "I've been ready," he said, his gaze unwavering. "Let's get this over with."

Falkner's smile faded just a bit as he recalled his own team. "Alright, Haru, but don't underestimate me. I won't go easy on you."

Haru smirked. "Good. I don't need easy." He glanced down at his Pokéballs, Meowth, Mudkip, and Elekid. "I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."

Misty, still smiling at the playful tension, leaned in. "Looks like we're in for another good match."

Ash, still holding his new badge, gave Haru a thumbs up. "Good luck, Haru! I'm sure you'll do great!"

Haru nodded, the challenge now officially in motion. He turned to Falkner, his gaze sharp. "Let's see if your skills can keep up with mine."

The battle between Falkner and Haru was about to begin, and this time, Haru wasn't holding back. He knew the gym would be tough, but it was nothing he couldn't handle.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones and enjoy