
Pokémon Dark Edition: Arcane’s Rise

Arcane, a typical teenage boy with a love for Pokémon, wakes up one morning to find himself transformed into a four-legged creature with fur and a bushy tail. His initial shock turns to bewilderment as he realizes he has become a Hisuian Zorua, a Pokémon known for its dark illusionary powers and ghostly appearance. To his delight, he discovers he has been transported to a forest region. However, he soon learns that this is a world vastly different from the cheerful Pokémon universe he once knew. This world is a land ravaged by conflict and darkness. Far from the vibrant and friendly world depicted in games and shows, this realm is a harsh and brutal place where survival is a constant struggle. Pokémon battles are bloody, fierce, and merciless, and the landscape is scarred by battles and treacherous terrain. Arcane must navigate this grim environment with caution, as he quickly learns that the Pokémon he encounters are not the friendly companions he’s used to but fierce and territorial beings. Struggling to adapt to his new form and the harsh realities of this world, Arcane must reconcile his human instincts with those of his new Pokémon self. His human side craves safety and normalcy, while his Zorua instincts push him towards battle and survival which often clash with his former sense of morality. As he fights to restrain his human impulses, Arcane must learn to harness his Pokémon abilities.

Nii07 · Derivasi dari game
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17 Chs

Chapter 15

They walked in silence for a while, the forest around them returning to its peaceful state. The soft rustle of leaves in the breeze and the distant calls of birds were a stark contrast to the tense battle they had just faced. But the calm was deceptive—Arcane knew that danger still lurked, and the task ahead would be anything but easy.


As they neared the village, Arcane's mind raced with thoughts of what was to come. His Dark Illusion ability came to mind. It could be useful if they needed to infiltrate or trick the Beedrill. But he wasn't ready to reveal that ability just yet. He wasn't even strong enough to take down a scout let alone a soldier.


By the time they arrived back at the village, the sun was beginning to climb higher in the sky, casting long shadows across the ground. Arcane could see other Pokémon going about their daily routines. Felicia led him toward the center of the village, where Wyzin's towering form could be seen near the massive tree that dominated the landscape.


Wyzin turned to them as they approached, his sharp eyes immediately locking onto Felicia. "You found the rouge invading our territory?" he asked, his voice calm but laced with authority.


Felicia nodded. "Yes, I did but I didn't kill it. The intruder was a Beedrill scout and there's a nest nearby, and we couldn't afford to bring a swarm down on us. We need to organize a team and handle this quickly before it becomes a bigger problem."


Wyzin's expression remained unreadable, but he gave a slow nod. "You made the right call. We'll gather our strongest and take care of the nest before it grows out of control."


He then turned his gaze to Arcane, studying him for a moment. "I wanted to train you a bit more but this happened. You'll stay behind with the other young ones," Wyzin said, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Although you've proven yourself somewhat capable, you're still too young and weak for something like this."


Arcane nodded and he watched Wyzin's eyes staring deeply at him. "I'll understand."


Wyzin's eyes lingered on him for a moment longer before he turned back to Felicia. "Start gathering the others. Leave behind the Willow to defend the children. We'll leave as soon as possible."


Felicia nodded, then gave Wyzin a brief glance before heading off to carry out her orders. As she left, Wyzin placed a claw on one of the massive roots of the tree, his gaze thoughtful.


Arcane stood still for a moment, watching Wyzin and Felicia exchange their final words before Wyzin took off, his powerful wings carrying him effortlessly into the air. The Leafeon leader disappeared into the sky, leaving Arcane standing alone beneath the massive tree.


A small part of him was relieved. He knew he wasn't ready to face something as dangerous as a Beedrill swarm. The scout they had encountered earlier had been nearly five times his level—level 24—while he was only level 5. The gap was immense. Even though Felicia had proven that weaker Pokémon could defeat stronger ones with skill and experience, Arcane knew his limits. If he'd been the one fighting that scout alone, he wouldn't have stood a chance.


As the village returned to its usual rhythm, Arcane let out a slow breath and began heading back to his small sleeping area, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. He was grateful that Wyzin had decided to leave him behind for this mission. It would give him more time to grow stronger, to train and hone his abilities without the looming threat of death in every battle.


Just as Arcane was lost in thought, two familiar figures appeared in his path—Lily and Ember. Their eyes sparkled with excitement, and it was clear they had been waiting for him.


"Arcane!" Lily called out, bounding toward her with Ember close behind. "Mom told us about the Beedrill! What was it like? Was it scary? Did you fight it?"


Ember's tail wagged enthusiastically as she jumped in beside her friend, eyes wide with curiosity. "Yeah, we've never seen a Beedrill before! Was it really as dangerous as they say?"


Arcane blinked, momentarily taken aback by their energy. He hadn't expected them to be so eager about what had just happened, especially given the danger involved. But their excitement was contagious, and he couldn't help but smile a little.


"It was… intense," Arcane admitted, rubbing the side of his face with his paw. "The Beedrill was fast, and its stingers were pretty dangerous. Felicia handled it like it was nothing, though. She knocked it out in just a few hits."


Lily's eyes widened, and she bounced on her paws in excitement. "Wow! I knew mom was strong, but that's amazing!"


Ember nodded vigorously. "I wish we could've seen it! Maybe next time we can come with you and aunt to watch!"


Arcane chuckled softly, though the thought of them being anywhere near a Beedrill nest made him nervous. "You two should probably stay far away from Beedrill. They're not something to mess with, especially if there's a swarm."


Lily pouted playfully, but there was a gleam of understanding in her eyes. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Mom and the chief can handle it, though, right?"


Arcane nodded. "They've got a plan. They're going to gather the strongest Pokémon and take care of the nest before it gets too big. I think they'll be fine."


Ember tilted her head, looking up at him with curiosity. "What about you? Are you going to help?"


Arcane shook his head. "Wyzin said I'm too young and weak for this mission. He wants me to stay behind and keep training. I'll be here with the rest of you."


Ember's ears drooped slightly. "Aw, that's too bad. But I guess it makes sense. You don't want to get hurt, and the Beedrill sound super dangerous. I thought since you get to go out with mom and aunt they'd want you to join."