
Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Suddenly, a peculiar little shop called "Mystery Hatchery House" appeared on the seas. Inside were all sorts of eggs, along with magical creatures that seemed as if they had eaten Devil Fruits. They were called... Pokémon? As time passed, this shop gradually became famous worldwide. The world's strongest man, Whitebeard, was constantly sending children to "Pokémon Academy" for schooling. Garp, not only beat up his grandson all the time but also became one of the Elite Four. The Pirate Empress became one of the eight Gym Leaders of the "Pokémon League". The aloof Mihawk was driven to the brink of collapse by his own Pokémon every day. The Navy established a special operations unit called the "Trainer Corps" to eradicate pirates across the seas. The Beasts Pirates, green with envy, transformed into a Rocket Team, snatching Pokémon wherever they went. The ripples caused by these magical little fellows in the great seas didn't matter to Dak at all, because he was just an ordinary breeder. "Alright, it's about time to start the first Pokémon Tournament. Everyone, please head to the eight Pokémon Gyms around the world to collect badges first." "Everyone, the times have changed. The Pirate King is a thing of the past. Please strive towards the goal of becoming a 'Pokémon Master'." www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!]

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219 Chs

Chapter 76

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Doflamingo's forehead veins bulged, clearly at his limit with Dak, fingers twitching as if ready to eliminate the nuisance himself.


But before Doflamingo could make his move, a deep crimson surge of Conqueror's Haki swept through the area.

After three seconds, Dak retracted his Haki, looking pleased with the demonstration.

Sweat trickled down Doflamingo's forehead, and only four people, including his top three executives and Senor Pink, remained standing beside him.

"Now, can we have a serious conversation?" Dak's face bore a gentle smile, as if the overwhelming display of Haki was unrelated to him.

"Who are you?" Doflamingo's agitation settled, the veins on his forehead smoothing out—a sign he was regaining his composure. The strength of Dak's Haki was something Doflamingo hadn't encountered before, its oppressive force palpable even to him.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Dak, manager of the Mystery Hatchery House."

"Mystery Hatchery House, huh? What does the King of Pokémon want with me?" Doflamingo recalled hearing rumors about the revolutionary Pokémon that had stirred massive waves across the seas recently.

They had briefly discussed these creatures at their gathering of the seven underworld leaders, speculating about the person who wielded such power.

Unexpectedly, that very individual now stood before him. Initially skeptical about the real influence and potential of Pokémon, Doflamingo was now a believer, having witnessed Dak's display of power.

His ambition was undeniable; the forces at his command were far from ordinary.

Doflamingo's eyes, hidden behind sunglasses, gleamed faintly—his interest in Pokémon's power piqued. If not for Dak's demonstration, Doflamingo might have already been negotiating in his typical, aggressive manner.

"Actually, I have an item here called the Crescent Feather."

"A feather?"

Doflamingo's brow furrowed in confusion, not following Dak's lead. Nevertheless, he listened intently as Dak continued.

"Yes, Pokémon possess a variety of powers, like Darkrai here."

Dak tapped the ground lightly, and Darkrai emerged from the shadows. Before their widened eyes, Darkrai spread its arms, enveloping them in an endless vortex of darkness, momentarily isolating them from the outside world.

Silence fell.

Overwhelmed, Doflamingo had nothing to say, his thoughts racing silently.

"The Crescent Feather comes from a Pokémon as powerful as Darkrai. It has a magical ability that allows one to see deceased loved ones in their dreams."

Dak's last remark was directed at Senor Pink, pinpointing his true aim. He knew Senor Pink would yearn to see his beloved Lucian again.

Doflamingo caught onto this as well. Having investigated Senor Pink's change of heart over the past two years, he knew what had happened and how desperately Senor Pink wished to see Lucian again.

Doflamingo didn't understand this desire. To him, the dead were just that—dead. Even having personally killed Rosinante, he wouldn't want to see him again, preferring to remember him in his own way.

However, Doflamingo respected his family members.

"We'll take that feather."

Without hesitation, Doflamingo spoke, not even turning to consult Senor Pink.

It wasn't necessary.

Doflamingo knew Senor Pink well enough to decide for him, fully aware that he would forgo such a precious chance to avoid being exploited, a testament to the loyalty within the Donquixote family.


Doflamingo seemed about to add more, but Dak didn't give him the chance to continue. In an instant, Dak and Darkrai vanished from the spot, leaving the Donquixote members alone under the sky, their faces devoid of joy after the terrifying experience.

"If he had wanted to kill us, nobody in the world would have known."

"Cheer up. You'll see your wife soon enough. Think about what you want to say to her."

Doflamingo interrupted Senor Pink, then used his String-String Fruit powers to move the unconscious bodies onto the ship, quickly departing with his crew.

Once the Donquixote ship was out of sight, Dak emerged from the shadows. He knew Doflamingo had intended to discuss Pokémon business. Given his ambitions, Doflamingo wouldn't easily give up on the power of Pokémon.

But Dak had no interest in dealing with him.

Despite Doflamingo's popularity among fans for his compelling backstory, his actions—slave trading, arms smuggling, and other unspeakable deeds—made him far worse than a typical pirate. In spite of his loyal followers, his moral corruption was beyond redemption.

If Pokémon chose to ally with them, Dak wouldn't interfere, respecting their choice. But he wouldn't intervene if they were captured or executed by the Marines for their crimes.

And now, selling Pokémon eggs to the Donquixote family?

Absolutely not.

(End of Chapter)