
Pokémon: Bond Evolutions of Pokemon

A person who is reborn as Ash Ketchum just before his journey through the Johto Region. This novel is not mine, I’m just changing a few thing here and there to make it easier to read.

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178 Chs

163. Poor Dorian

As a Trainer who also loves Water-type Pokémon, how could Misty not think about a battle after meeting him!

"This is the battle venue, below the ground!" The battle venue of the Coastline Gym is actually on the bottom of the sea, and this is also Dorian's pride. "Water-type Pokémon are able to exert their full strength in a place like this!"

This is a battlefield that even the likes of the Cerulean City Gym don't have one.

The most exited about this place was undoubtedly Misty, "I've long wanted to have a Water-type Pokémon battle in a place like this!"

"Before that, let me have a battle first. How about two on two?" Ash jumped ahead of Misty and wanting to challenge with some of his new inexperienced Pokémon's, "Okay, that's fine with me."

Dorian said, accepting Ash's request without a second thought.

Ash only has one Water-type Pokémon with him now, and that's the still inexperienced Lapras.

After traveling together for some time now, Misty can understand Ash's thoughts without him saying so. He definitely wanted Dratini to try battling and gain some experience.

With the help of the dive equipment in the Gym that allows for movement under the water, Ash and his party all came to the bottom of the sea.

"Doesn't this girl need the equipment?" Dorian looked at Latias, who was in her human form, stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but asked with concern.

Hearing this, Molly smiled sweetly, "Haha, there's no need for that!"

Seeing that Latias did not look like anything was wrong with her, Dorian had no choice but to nod along to what Molly said. This was someone else's privacy, so he didn't bother with it. Since they wouldn't tell him, he didn't ask any more unnecessary questions. There were indeed quite a people with very extraordinary talents in this world and he has even seen someone talking to his high percentage Rattata with their language.

"Now, Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and Dorian from the Coastline Gym are going to start a Water-type Pokémon Battel." After all, since this is not a Official Gym, it was just Dorian alone to mange to this whole place, so Brock decided to be the referee of this battle.

"Okay, Lanturn, your the first one today!" As the Gym Leader, Dorian took the lead in sending out his Pokémon first, and it seemed so far that he only had those three Pokémon in his team.

"Lapras, stand by for battle!" After Ash sent out his Lapras, he quickly swam to the bottom of the place.

The biggest difference between water battles and land battles is that the battle field here is three-dimensional, which means that all Pokémon here has more space for movement.

"Lapras, Water Gun!"

As one of the basic attacks of any Water-type Pokémon's, Lapras was able to fire it very quickly. This thin stream of water forms a high pressure similar to what he would do in land to hit the Lanturn.

"Get out of the way, Lanturn!" Lanturn, as based of a real fish, was much more agile in the water than most other Water-type Pokémon's, so he was easily avoided it, and then launched an attack of his own.

"Lanturn, use Supersonic!"

Sound skills are more powerful in water, but the same is true for one of Lapras's move.

"Sparkling Aria!"

This is a skill Lapras inherited from a Primarina, and this was also Primarina's signature move before it was discovered more Pokémon can learn this attack!

Sweet singing sounded in this sea area, Supersonic was easily pushed back, and huge bubbles emerged from the singing noise of Lapras, hitting Lanturn hard.

"What attack is this?" Dorian has never seen such an attack before, but it is obviously a powerful attack from what he sees, but it will not do much damage to Lanturn because of the distance and Lantturn using Supersonic to get out of most of the damage.

He had no time to be surprised, Ash's next attack was already on its way!

"Ice Beam!" Ash ordered coldly.

In his dazed moment, Lanturn was completely frozen and lost his ability to move and fight at the same time!

"Lanturn loses the ability to fight, Lapras wins this battle!" Brock announced the result of the battle immediately after seeing the condition Lapras was in.

Both Molly and Latias cheered loudly for their friend.

"Come back Lanturn! Thank you for your hard work!" Dorian took Lanturn back, "Next, Mantine, get ready!"

Obviously Mantine is Dorian's Trump Card, and also the strongest of his three Pokémon.

Mantine was a Water-type and Flying-type Pokémon, so its speed in the sea is even faster than Lanturn. However, his opponent is even more faster. "Get ready for your first battle, Dratini!"

Dratini is still young, but his eyes are very sharp when it comes to battle related things.

He has the strong confidence and courage of being a Dragon-type Pokémon. The Dragon-type Pokémon's species as a whole is the most suitable typing for Ash, for now that is!

"You actually have a Dratini?" Dorian was a little confused. He just used an attack he had never seen before. And now he brought a Dratini, who are one of the fastest Pokémon's in the water, in to a underwater battle!

Seeing his surprised look, Ash smiled. In fact, Latias can also fight in the water. But he was just afraid of scaring Dorian so he didn't let her show up and battle him.

"Mantine, use Supersonic!"

Supersonic seems to be Dorian's specialty. Because sound travels faster in water than on land, Supersonic's power are much better to use here than anywhere else.

Their tactic were to use Supersonic until the opponent was confused and then launch some attacks when they are unable to defend themselves.

But just now, Lanturn's Supersonic was annihilated by Lapras's own attacks. What would Ash do this time?

"Extreme Speed!" He said as if he was indifferent to all this.

Dratini disappeared as if teleporting from where he swam before.

Supersonic had no chance to strike him because he got to Mantine before he could even use his move!

"How is that possible?" Dorian seemed to be taken aback by his Dratini. What kind of magical speed is this?

Ash then ordered a Thunder Wave to paralyze his rival.

The electric shock hit Mantine all of a sudden. His type had no resistance to an Electric-type like this at all, and he was immediately paralyzed from this.

Ash then gave another new order before Dorian could figure out what was going on. "Twister!"

The Twister in the water formed a huge whirlpool. Just as Mantine wanted to avoid it, some sparks suddenly flashed across his body, making him unable to move.

It had no resistance at all and was sucked in by huge whirlpool.

"Mantine, use your Wing Attack to speed up!"

This is a flying Flying-type attack, as you would have guessed, with using this Flying-type move in the water! Mantine's speed increased by a good margin, so that he was now actually able to brake through the whirlpool and got ready to attack Dratini.

"Extreme Speed again!"

In the eyes of Ash and his Dratini, this speed is nothing at all. They were ready to show them the true horror of Extreme Speed!

Mantine was knocked back again.

"Mantine, use Agility and then Take Down!"

Obviously, apart from Supersonic, this Mantine doesn't seem to have any skills that can limit the opponents movements. Faced with such a fast target, Dorian can only bite the bullet and try to catch up with Dratini!

"That's it! Blizzard!" Facing the high-speed Take Down of Mantine, Ash calmly issued out his order.

Blizzard was an attack he had just learned like an hour ago and now he was already using it in a real battle. Dorian watched helplessly as the sea water froze little by little, and then completely enveloped his Mantine.

Mantine ended up just like Lanturn, being frozen in ice.

"Mantine, come back quickly!" Dorian hurriedly took his Mantine back to its Poké Ball.

Both his Pokémon's were now frozen mercilessly. And now Dorian was no longer in any mood to battle Misty.

He was anxious to go to the Pokémon Center to recover them, but he invited the group to stay in the Gym for now.

The next day, Misty and Dorian completed a fierce three-on-three battle. Misty had become much stronger than her original self and was able to beat Dorian's three Pokémon without losing in of her own.