
Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Komik
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485 Chs

Chapter no.308 I Always Wanted to Say this

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[ Author Note: Ok, before you guys start reading, I wanted to tell you that I have made some changes to the previous chapter, especially the blood feral part. before it was that pokemon go feral while drinking blood from other pokemon that are not in their natural order but I found this to be a limitation to the story since I can't tell more predator-prey dynamics in the wild so I changed this to be that pokemon that indulge in cannibalism go feral and animalistic losing their consciousness and intelligence to pure instincts and second, this is more for [ Aaron_Salasan_4370 ], Austin's aura tattoos are invisible most of the time and they only appear when he is actively using his aura to do anything. Thank you all for your support and let's get to the story ]


[ POV Change ]

Austin and Green had been eagerly awaiting their chance to speak with Instructor Lisa. They had just conquered their Pokémon, and they knew that she would be the one to report to. They had heard so much about her - about her power and her cunning - and they were both a little intimidated by her. Nevertheless, they knew that they needed to speak with her if they wanted to succeed as Team Rocket grunts.

They stood nervously in front of the captain's dormitory, waiting for her to appear. They had been there for several minutes, fidgeting and checking their watches, when suddenly Instructor Lisa and an Alakazam appeared before them. Austin and Green were momentarily stunned, but Austin quickly regained his composure and stepped forward to speak.

"Hello, Instructor Lisa," he said calmly. "My name is Alexander Jones, and this is Genie Green. We just conquered our Pokémon. I wanted to report it to you."

Lisa's eyes sparkled with interest as she looked over the two rookies. "Well, well, well," she purred. "Aren't you both just precious? Tell me, are you siblings?"

Green took Austin's hand and spoke up. "No, Instructor," she said firmly. "This is my boyfriend."

Lisa's eyes widened in surprise, and she reached out to pinch Austin's cheek. "My, my," she said with a smirk. "You two are full of surprises. But that's alright - I like surprises."

She turned to the Alakazam beside her and nodded. "Go fetch their rewards, please," she said. "Three Ultra Balls, and three Team Rocket member suits. And make it quick."

As the Alakazam disappeared, Lisa turned back to Austin and Green. "But don't think that this means you can rest on your laurels," she said sternly. "You'll need to be ready to fight with your Pokémon. In just one week, all the rookies will face off against each other to determine who is the strongest. And if you're the strongest of them all, you'll have the chance to participate in a much more prestigious tournament."

Her eyes glinted with excitement as she spoke. "The winner of that tournament will be rewarded with a Larvitar Pokémon Egg from the boss himself," she said. "And you'll also have the chance to become one of his direct subordinates. Not to mention, you'll be helping me to climb the ranks, indirectly. So make sure you give it your all, darlings."

"And just so you know," Lisa added with a sly grin, "I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do. You might just surprise me again."

' Those two; Jeffery and Jessica didn't know the existence of Giovanni, does she know it ?'

Austin thought as Lisa brushed her hair to the back of the ear and said," Seeing as you two conquered your Pokemon in such a short period, I have a special prize for you."

With a flick of her wrist, Lisa's Alakazam teleported them all to her office. The suddenness of the teleportation was jarring, and Lisa watched as Green's face turned a sickly shade of green. But to her surprise, Austin remained unfazed, his expression almost indifferent.

" ~Oh~ tough guy, now aren't we? I like tough guys ~" Lisa said as she brushed Austin's face with the back of her hand.

" What is the special prize ?" Green said with a frown as Lisa smirked and seductively walked towards her desk before she unbuttoned the top of her shirt as picked up a bullwhip from her desk.

She turned to see Austin and Green enveloped in psychic energy as Alakazam held the two in place.

Walking up to the indifferent Austin, Lisa smiled sadistically as she grabbed his face.

" ~Oh~ my dear, you seem to not understand what is going to happen to you right now ?"

" Oh, I know what is going to happen. You just can't resist my handsomeness."

Austin answered back as Lisa chuckled before whipping Austin across his face.

" Oww."

" Quite the sharp tongue, you have there. It's going to be screaming something else in a few minutes."

" Look you old hag, I am a ten-year-old physically, how is that even going to happen? I have a better solution, why don't you shave your head, lube a dildo up and shove, it, up, your, ass."

Austin's words caused Green to glance at him in shock.

" Ash, you have a plan right, you always have a plan, please tell me you have a plan !"

" I do but it won't be easy, we may not make it out alive but if a man doesn't have something worth dying for, what's the point of living ?"

" Hold up, your plan has us living right ?!"

" Yeah."

" Good, because I was about to tell you that you were on your own if it didn't, what's the plan ?"

" ~Oh~ you seem to have forgotten about me !"Lisa said in anger as she grabbed onto Austin's shirt.

" Still a ten-year-old, you old hag."

" Oh, don't worry my alakazam can psychically converge your blood into your dick."

" That sounds painful."

" Oh, don't worry your girlfriend is going to hear and see her boy turn into a man in Infront of her."

Green's heart was racing as she watched Lisa taunt Austin, her tears threatening to spill over at any moment.

"Hey, leave him alone!" she screamed, her voice laced with anger.

Lisa only laughed in response, her eyes glinting with malice. "Oh, what's the matter? Can't handle a little teasing?"

Austin, for his part, simply sighed, his eyes downcast as he tried to ignore Lisa's jabs. But even he couldn't keep his cool forever.

"You know," he said, his voice low and intense, "I always wanted to say these words."

Green looked at him quizzically, unsure of what he meant.

"What?" she asked.

"Begone Thot," he said, his voice rising with each word. As he spoke, his body erupted in a red aura, the energy pulsing around him like a fiery halo.

Green couldn't help but gasp as Austin's punch connected with Lisa's face. There was a sickening crunch as her nose shattered under the force of the blow.


[ Austin's Pokemon ]

[ Musharna - Telepathy ]

[ Moves: Calm Mind, Defence Curl, Dream Eater, Future Sight, Hypnosis Imprison, Magic Coat, Moonblast, Moonlight, Psybeam Psychic Psychic terrain, Stored Power Wonder Room Yawn Zen headbutt, Hyperbeam, Giga Impact, Thunder wave, Light screen, reflect, Safeguard, rest, rock slide, Snore, protect, attract, rain dance, swift, helping hand, power swap, guard swap, trick room, wonder Room, psychic terrain, psychic, energy ball, ally Switch, trick, shadow Ball ]

[ Combo Moves ]

Hypnotic Future ( Hypnosis/ Yawn+ Dream Eater + Future Sight )

Psychic Soccer ( Energy Ball + Psychic)

Terrain Punishment ( Psychic on the ground )

Starfall ( Swift + Psychic)

God's Shield ( Safeguard + Protect + Light Screen )

Meteor Ascent ( Rock Slide + Psychic)

[ Ultimate Move ]

Hell's Judgement ( Expell out dream mist of Austin's PTSD nightmares onto an opponent. Caution: Cause stress-induced seizures ( minimum) and can cause comas due to stress on the mind and body. )

Note: Due to the PTSD and CPTSD of Austin, he physically can't go to sleep without pills.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Today, the desert is a wilderness to be reclaimed, not an advancing force of nature, and when a man touches the desert it is to irrigate. This has not always been the case, for history tells of a civilization that turned a rich river valley into a barren desert by training far too many Flareon.

Flareon has long been a popular pokemon to train; their mannerisms are commonly considered adorable, and although not the most powerful pokemon, they are effective enough at defending trainers from wild pokemon to act as guards. In the Orre Valley, then rich in fire stones and Eevee, they became popular, even fashionable, until they were as common as Hoothoot and Rattata.

As their population grew, a devastating drought spread throughout the land, bringing famine everywhere. This sparked an investigation of the climate, and it was soon found that while the headwaters were fine, the Orre river itself was evaporating. The large concentration of Flareon, with their immense body heat, had overheated the river and the soil might as well have been deserting sands for all its nutritional content. Upon news of this, some trainers killed their Flareon in rage or sent them to other far-flung lands, but most could not bear to part with their pokemon or their homeland. The people starved, the land turned to desert, and the survivors left their cities, forced into nomadism by their pokemon.

Today, Orre's capital is called Phenac, after an old name for Ho-oh, for their civilization perished in flames and seeks to rise again. Orre today is a chain of cities in a vast desert, and the cities are small and often harassed by Flareon trainers raiding them for food. It has not yet risen again.