
Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Komik
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485 Chs

Chapter no.11 Crush

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The girl looked at Austin and quickly looked away before saying in a low voice. "Yellow."

As soon as that name left her mouth, Austin felt his eyes widen in pure shock.


What the heck-?! Yellow didn't exist in the Anime, only in the Manga with Red and them.

What was she doing here-?!

"-bout you?" Austin blinked as Yellow looked at him curiously from Samurai's question due to how he never really gave a name.

"Um… Ash Ketchum." Austin said as he felt weird about using Ash's name.


Austin had to stay there for the night as the Beedrills wouldn't leave after an hour.

Yellow however was worried because it turns out she was staying at her uncle's place in Pewter City and meant to go back before nightfall.

Her hair was pulled into a ponytail at the moment now that no one was being chased by a horde of Pokemon before Austin remembered something important.

"Hey Samurai." He said gaining the trainer's attention as he was making some soup for him and his guests. "Do you mind if I let Weedle out? I need to see if he's injured."

"Just make sure he doesn't use Poison Sting while you do that." Samurai allowed as Austin gave a nod and pulled Weedle's Pokeball out Yellow looked on curiously and Pikachu got ready to defend his trainer.

As the brown caterpillar shook its head, Austin took the Pokedex out to scan the date. "Weedle the Hairy Bug Pokemon. Often found in forests, eating leaves. It has a sharp stinger on its head that injects poison." The Pokedex beeped catching Samurai and Yellow's attention. "This Weedle is Female and the Ability is Poison Point. Currently, this Weedle knows Poison Sting and String Shot. The Age of this Weedle is Two Weeks."

"Huh, pretty interesting," Austin said as Weedle tipped her head to the side curiously.

"What's that?" Yellow asked pointing at the Pokedex.

"I would like to know as well," Samurai said remembering how the other trainers from Pallet had a device like that but he never asked what it was.

"It's a Pokedex," Austin said a little surprised that they didn't know it before he saw Weedle squirming towards him as Pikachu gave it a cautious look.

Austin couldn't help but feel uneasy when he eyed the stinger on the top of her head before Weedle stopped seeing Yellow and sped over to her, rubbing against her leg as she did so, being mindful of the stinger.

' Just like Caterpie did to Misty.' Austin thought with a hint of nostalgia as he remembered that particular episode of the anime.

"Well, Weedle likes you," Austin said with a chuckle as Yellow calmly rubbed Weedle's head, being mindful of the stinger.

' I should set up a training schedule though ' Austin thought as Yellow and Samurai were talking to each other as Austin returned Weedle. 'With a full team, they need to be strong before the Gym Challenge.'

'Plus Caterpie is behind due to how he was a Metapod for you at this point.' Austin silently told himself.

' I'll fix that in Pewter City.'

'Yeah, but the fact that Yellow showed up is throwing a wrench in knowing what will happen.' Austin thought as he shook his head. 'I swear if the Elite Four are Eco-Terrorists I will be pissed.'


The next morning, all of them were walking through the forest, Samurai showing the way out since Yellow got lost running from the Beedrill.

"So, how mad will your Uncle be?" Austin asked as Yellow groaned.

"Very mad," Yellow muttered looking down. "It wouldn't be so bad if I managed to succeed in catching a Pokemon."

Austin frowned in thought before he remembered how Weedle reacted to Yellow instead of him and he took out her Pokeball in thought.

"Pi?" Pikachu asked as he stopped behind Austin, seeing him in thought.

That caused Samurai and Yellow to stop as they were wondering what Austin was doing. "The exit is nearby if you're tired," Samurai said although he had a feeling that wasn't it.

"Yellow, what do you think of having Weedle as your Pokemon?" Austin asked surprising her.

"But I thought she was yours."

"Well, I only just caught her," Austin admitted with a chuckle as he held out her Pokeball. "Plus, Weedle seems to have taken a liking to you yesterday."

Yellow looked a bit hesitant before she accepted the Pokeball. "T-Thank you," Yellow said unable to believe it.

Samurai looked at Austin. "You sure about that?"

"I am," Austin said as Pikachu was giving a nod, agreeing with Austin's choice.

On remembering something, Austin winced. "I'll have to call Prof. Oak so he could help with changing ownership." He said out loud. "That way if I catch another Pokemon it won't be transported to his Lab."

Yellow gave a nod as they continued on their way before Samurai came to a stop as the line of trees came to an end and they were shown a path. "Alright, this trail will lead you to Pewter City." He said gesturing to it. "I'll be heading back to my Cabin."

"Thank you for showing us the way out," Austin said with a smile.

Samurai may have only shown up once in the Pokemon Anime, but he was cooler than he was portrayed.

"It was no trouble," Samurai said as he grinned. "Next time however I will emerge victorious from our battle."

"I'm looking forward to it," Austin said holding his hand out as Samurai shook it.

As the samurai left, Austin had a troubled look as he knew ash never did meet back up with Samurai.

Come to think of it, what happened to him?

As Austin waved goodbye to Samurai, he saw how Yellow had Weedle out as she was holding him with a smile. "So how long until Pewter from here?" He asked curiously.

"At least a good twenty minutes," Yellow said to him before looking away as her face was a little red. "So um... How long are you going to be in Pewter City?"

Austin looked a little uncomfortable.

He may be ten again, but he wasn't as dense as Ash was, he could see that Yellow had a crush on him, or rather 'Ash'.

It was like when Red saved her in the Manga and caught her the first Pokemon.

"Probably a week or two," Austin said not wanting to let on that he could see the beginnings of a crush.

Besides, chances are that this crush may disappear in the week, he's had that effect on people.


Meanwhile, the days after battling Austin didn't go any better for the Rocket Trio as they were now running through the forest yet again with Meowth wrapped up like a mummy.

After spending a whole day lost, they ended up accidentally running into the twerp again in the Forest and went to beat him down with their Pokemon as payback but the twerp has been busy with catching three new Pokemon and managed to use those five to beat them, sending them running for the hills again.

"That twerp is seriously starting to tick me off," Jessie grunted with them panting now in deep Beedrill territory, so they had to be careful. "I could forgive the Viridian Heist as we underestimated him but this?!"

"Jessie maybe we should stop and focus on getting back to base?" James suggested tiredly. "We need to restock on supplies and I don't think we should keep the Boss waiting anymore."

"Y-You're right," Jessie conceded, biting back the retort she had as while she figured they could last without the supplies, not reporting back to the Boss was asking for a death sentence. "So what do we tell him?"

"How about we say that there were too many tough trainers there for us to handle?" Meowth suggested as both Rocket Members gave a nod.

It was a good one as while they were stronger than the average grunts the trio specialized in stealth when they were not being flamboyant. So the Boss wouldn't think anything about that lie unless something else happened.

"Let's just focus on getting out of the forest first before we head to the safe house in Pewter City," Jessie said taking command, something that the other two usually left for her to do. "Once there we work on our story."

"Meowth, that's right."


Austin's Pokemon Team

Pikachu (M) Ability: Static. Moves: Thundershock, Growl, and Tail Whip.

Spearow (M) Ability: Keen Eye. Moves: Peck, Leer, Focus Energy, and Fury Attack.

Rattata (F) Ability: Guts. Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, and Focus Energy.

Caterpie (M) Ability: Shield Dust. Moves: Tackle, String Shot, and Bug Bite.

Pidgeotto (F) Ability: Tangled Feet. Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack.

Pokemon used to Own.

Weedle (F) *Given to Yellow*

Pokemon Seen: 13

Pokemon Owned: 6

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