
Pokémon: A Strenuous Path

Lgknight · Komik
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4 Chs

the grind

(yusei pov)

After leaving the town, I had to make it toward Rustboro. But before that, I need to get treecko and the rest of them to a decent understanding of how to battle in this world. Thankfully, they aren't as advanced in strategies as my original world.

Except for the truly remarkable trainers, such as pros and higher ranking trainers, they don't do anything but elemental advantage but don't think about anything else.

I had decided to go a different route instead of the regular route through Petalburg City and was going to go through Mauville City and head through towards the first gym.

Now, once I left Oldale Town and Route 101, it took around 30 minutes. I made it to route 110. I moved towards the forest and took out all three of his Pokemon: one normal-looking treecko, a bigger-than-normal rilou, and a bigger bagon that looked different from the normal bagons.

Once they came out, I instantly heard the voices of my two starter Pokemon questioning my bruising. People normally don't hear the voice of Pokemon, but I have some advantages, and that is I'm an aura guardian like my mother. Now, she didn't have the greatest amount but had enough to do the basic things like sense and telepathy.

Thankfully, she had left behind a journal that I had my system in my head scan so I could memorize it but I decided to keep the journal because it is one of the few things I have left of my mother.

Treecko, of course, when I met him in Birch's lab, he was curious about it but didn't ask about it before he was returned to his Pokeball.

"all right, guys, I'm going to be fixing myself up with a medkit, but it's time we talk about the future and introduce our new teammate to you guys." after saying this, both riolu and bagon backed off, and then looked at the newcomer who when the attention was on him realized how much smaller he was than the other two.

Ya, so turns out royals are pretty much just the modern way of saying an alpha, learnt that the hard way. Don't ask how.

treecko huffed in another direction while rilou and bagon continued to question him about other things since they would be a teammate and hopefully a family.

As they were doing this, I started asking the system questions in my head.

'system, can you tell me the known Pokemon and their levels on route 110?' I said inside my head, waiting for a response

[ There are Oddish, Zigzagoon, Poochyena Wingull, Elcetrike, Plusle, Minum, Gulpin, Tentacool, Pelipper, Magikarp, and Wailmer. They are all around 10-25 levels. Recommended badge levels 1-2] The system replied in a calm and monotone voice. At first, when I found out about these functions of the system, I was ecstatic because, apparently, it recorded everything that I saw and could predict the best options for me. It turns out it also recorded all my memories from my past life, considering I do not have many of the main ones I could recall. Honestly, it reminds me of a less-developed version of Nano from Nano Machine.

'Alright, not bad, seeing how most Pokemon are not that intelligent except for either released Pokemon or elder ones that participated in the battle, I'll do well here.' Typically, people would take a short route going through Petalburg and make it to Rustboro City, which I cannot do.

I have to get stronger quicker than other trainers, so I will not be taking the regular path that trainers do. I will go my own way, challenging the harder routes and maybe going off route.

 The reason why I have to get stronger is because I don't know what the league will throw my way. Then there's also the fact I need at least two badges to get what I want. 

The World League or Alliance has been posting requests for volunteers to come to other regions by the more undeveloped ones like Alola, Galar, and Paldea. Personally, I am aiming for Paldea because of two Pokemon, rotom and Chansey. One rotom is because I can create and combine the rotom cell phone with the Pokedex. Then, I can mass-produce it, but that will only happen after I make a name for myself. Second, I need a healer, and the Joy clan is safeguarding the Chansey line, but no one has recorded finding a Chansey or its evolution line in Paldea, but I know they are in that region. There are also other Pokemon I can get there if they catch my fancy. 

Right now, my team is stacked, but I need either a psychic or a ghost type because the ghost type can always be with me and protect me. The psychic is obvious. It can do multiple things for me, but I won't make it fight if it does not want to. 

I'm fine with Pokemon not wanting to fight, but you need to help me progress with my actual team and not play Water Boy.

"right guys, listen up," I said to my team, who then looked up to me.

"right now, Riolu and bagon know why we need to train and get stronger as fast as we can, but before that, treecko," I explained to the group while catching Teecko up to the other two. I have given them an idea about my idea and how they came under my care. After learning of the fate of the people who cared for them, they decided to follow their offspring, which is me. I then turned to treecko, asking him a question.

"I know Professor Birch has probably said something to you about me," I asked since that little speech Birch gave me. It made me seem he wanted my Pokemon to be loyal, so he probably explained my situation to him to gain sympathy. The treecko then nodded while lowering his head.

"Well, personally, I don't care. all I need you to train like your life depends on it." I said, gaining a shocked expression from treecko. I supposed he thought that I would use my situation to get his loyalty.

"I plan to take first place in the New Year conference since it only comes around every three years. That means we have two years to get everyone to their best form and final evolution. Yes, that includes you, bagon." yes, the conferences don't happen every year. Some tournaments are yearly, but not the conferences. I more than likely won't win it, but I will let the world know who I am.

"What I'm trying to get at is I need you to want to gown the need to show everyone that you are better than everyone around you. I'm asking you: do you want to remain a small, weak Pokemon or become the strongest Sceptile in the region?" I say, giving him a cheezy line, trying to get him excited at the prospect of becoming the strongest of his line. After a little bit of review of what I gave him, treecko then turned to me and responded.

'All alright,' treecko said while both rilou and bagon jumped to him and hugged him for joining the team.

"knew you'd see things my way. First, we need to get some things down; before we start fighting anything, we need to get some of these moves into the competent stage or the advanced stage."

"Treecko, you are to get the leer, acrobatics, quick attack, leaf storm, and synthesis into competent while focusing on acrobatics the most. Normally, I would have Leafstorm done the most, but that move is too powerful for you to do constantly." treecko gave a nod of confirmation and then jumped into a tree to find a decent training area.

"Bagon, right now, you need to focus on your speed. The reason why is your mutation has made your speed your best stat behind your physical strength. The moves I want you to master are bite, dragon dance, dragon rush, and substitute. Focus the most on dragon dance." bagon then nodded his head in understanding while running off in a direction to practice his move pool.

"Riolu, I need you to practice quick attacks: feint cross chops, sword dance, and, if you can, earthquake. The main move that I want you to focus on is swords dance." riolu gave me a salute and then ran off to an area and practiced his fighting moves.

"All right now, times during this or next week, we will fight trainers and wild Pokemon, so everyone will gain fighting experience," I said while disgusting my options in the future with my systems about building the first man-made evolution item and it pokemon that would help put me on the path of a professor.




After a few days, the team progressed greatly to the point where most of the moves that Yusei had requested of them were fulfilled. It took some trial and error for some of the Pokemon to get the moves working. They all had tried their best, even bagon him smashing his head into everything, including the back of Yusei's leg.

They are now walking down Route 110, which will take them a few more hours. 

As they were walking, Yusei pulled up the stats so he could review his work from the past few days.



Type: fighting

Level: 11

ability: inner focus and speed boost

Trait: royal

Talent: diamond

Moves- endure[u], quick attack[c], feint[u],metal claw[u]

egg moves: Earthquake[c], Cross chop[c], Swords dance[c]


Type: dragon

level: 8

ability: sheer force and moxie

Trait: mutated royal

Talent: diamond

Moves- ember[u], leer[u], bite[u],

egg moves: Substitute[c], dragon dance[c], Dragon rush[c]


Type: grass

level: 9

Trait: none

Talent: diamond

Moves- pound[u], leafage[u], leer[c], quick attack[c], mega drain[u]

egg moves: synthesis[c], acrobatics[c], leafstorm[c]


A great improvement because normally, with a bronze or silver potential, this would be a few months' progression, and with the diamond potential, Yusei suspected all the moves learned should be competent by the end of the week.

As Yusei was thinking about his progression, he was challenged by what looked to be some arrogant older kid who widened his smile when seeing him.

"hey there, kid, let's battle, and I'll put up 400 pokedollers if you win and some if I win the deal," the kid said to Yusei. The kid probably didn't know who he was because they would just try to humiliate him more or take all of his money.

"deal," Yusei says as he throws out his riolu to the field, and the trainer three out an electrike. Once he is on the field, Yusei brings up his stats.



type electric

level: 15

trait: none

talent: bronze

moves-tackle[c], thunderwave[u],leer[u], howl[u], quick attack[u]

egg move- none


'This guy is nothing special. The fact that the electrike is level 15 and has bronze potential means that he was more than likely training him for months and only fighting. Not progressing his moves mastery,' Yusei thought to himself while using a small amount of arua, telling rilou to use a swords dance before they realized it.

Once Riolu started to power up, the trainer facing Yusei noticed this and started to shoot his orders to attack Riolu.

" Electrike, use quick attack on Riolu," he said as his eclectic dog then used normal energy to move at a quick speed and approach the now buffed-up riolu.

"Riolu, jump and cross-chop on him," Yusei said. Riolu immediately jumped up in the air while avoiding the quick attack. The dog had clearly never seen this from the look of dumbfounded shock that was on his face that he ignored the informing Pokemon that was powering up a fighting move. Thankfully, the electrike does not have static shock, which would have paralyzed rilou on contact.

After landing the hit on the Pokemon, Yusei could see it caused a decent amount of damage, but a second one would probably not finish it off. The trainer, gaining a look of terror at how strong that Pokemon was, started to throw out orders of tackle and quick attacks which, upon listening to Yusei's orders, riolu had no trouble at dogging the attacks.

After a little bit of letting his Pokemon show off, Yusei then gave riolu one last order.

"end this with an earthquake," Yusei said. His opposing trainer then gained a look of shock from a riolu knowing that move. After ordering this, Riolu then gathered ground-type energy and slammed his fists onto the ground, which caused the ground to become destroyed and entrapped the elecrike in the ground, leaving it to face a super effective move empowered by a swords dance, which, upon contact, made if faint.

"Ugh, fine, you win this one." the trainer said while recalling his Pokemon and leaving Yusei. Yusei then looked at his Pokedex and saw that his account had increased by 400 pokedollors. 

Yes, something that is great is when challenging a trainer for something, it has to be an official battle. You need to send the information through your Pokedex, and if it is money, you can have it sent immediately after confirming the winner to their bank account. 

Yusei didn't need it because of the amount of money that was transferred to him after his parent's death. This was another reason why he believed his parent were not traitors because if they were, the league would have had all of their assets taken by the league.

'That was quite easy; then again, all he did was spam quick attack and tackle,' Yusei thought to himself, reaffirming his statement about how underdeveloped the strategies of this world were.

"All alright, let's go," Yusei said towards rilou, knowing that they had a few more days before reaching the city. 




In the course of a few days, Yusei had allowed all of his Pokemon to start to level up after having decent move mastery. Now, all of his Pokemon have reached at least level 10.

Now, something that happened with the adventure towards Mauville city was the numerous battles he did with people that didn't recognize him and those that did, for the ones that recognized him tried to get everything he had, but with the tactics that Yusei had used they really didn't have any chance. 

One had a high level of bronze talent, but fortunately for him, it was Pokmeon who had no move mastery. 

Once he managed to get close enough to it, he saw the city in all its glory and a giant building in front of him, which was mostly a glass building with a green roof. This reminds him of the giant malls he knew in his previous life. 

Stopping his staring, he then entered the building; thankfully, there wasn't anyone in the section that he entered, so he started to move toward the pokecenter to get his Pokemon healed up. 

As he made it to the center of the mall, he heard the grumbling and whispering of people around him. The kids pointing at him didn't do anything good for him since their mothers then told them not to point at him.

As he entered the Pokecenter, he went up and handed over his Pokemon to the working nurse, Joy, and was informed that they would be ready in an hour, so he had all the time to himself.

He decides to get the materials for a rotom phone and some more potions for himself. The store clerks thankfully didn't send him away and took his business. he had thought to get a bike to progress his traveling speed but then gave up that thought so he could level up his Pokemon and get better move mastery.

Once he finished shopping, he decided to get some food for himself since he had been having nothing but Pokemon on the road. Yes, pokemon; since there are no normal animals in this world, he was to eat Pokemon. 

Thankfully, they make their food look like ordinary cuisine and not something that looks like it came from Pokemon.

He then headed to the food court to get some decent food, got some burgers and fries, and began eating. To him, this was way better than what Yusei had been eating because there was seasoning, and it's not something from a dog.

' Seasoning, that's something I have to get before leaving. No way I am going back to those disgusting meals and-' Yusei thought to himself before feeling a liquid get poured on his head, drenching his hair and wearing his clothes.

"there, that's better for someone of your stature. No one should have to see your ugliness out in public," the voice said, which at first caught Yusei off guard but then began to think how things might be. 

'There's only one guy that I know that cares for appearances and has the backing in the Hoenn League to do this in public.' Yusei thought to himself while turning around and seeing the figure of the person in front of him.

Wallace Emerson, the heir of the Emerson clan, is said to be a prodigy in his clan. Fortunately, he will be starting his Pokemon journey in a few months, but he more than likely has had Pokemon for the legal age or has gotten permission from the league.

"Oh, and doing something like this in public is more acceptable than leaving me alone. the way your actions speak is that you are just a sad little kid who couldn't get enough attention for mommy and daddy, so you look for the best target that you can't fight back against. if you could this as a win that will elevate you to a more positive light in society then you truly have no worth," Yusei said to himself while seeing what liquid Wallace had drenched him in. Thankfully, it was only water.

After saying this, Wallace gets flustered, and the growing crown begins to chuckle at him but sends him looks of appreciation for doing something that they themself would not do. Once he sees those looks, he becomes more confident and knows he is doing the right thing.

"Oh, the best you say. I wonder if that mouth of yours will bite as much as you bark in the conference two years from now," Wallace said while beginning to walk away.

"oh, it will be easy for me, but then again, I wonder if you'll learn more tricks than just splashing your opponents instead of actually damaging them," Yusei said while getting up from his seat to the Pokemon center to pick up his Pokemon, not seeing the look of frustration on Wallace from not getting the last word.

After receiving his pokemon, he walked towards a market selling spices and left the city, heading towards Route 117.




How much progress did the Pokemon have during the time skip?



LV: 15

move update: metal claw[c], counter[u]


LV: 11

move update:bite[c], dragon breath[u]


LV: 14

move update: mega drain[c], detect[u]





Well, here is the next update, and sorry for the short chapter. I will try to get more content in it, but at this point, I will have to read other fanfics to see what they did for the training and not make it seem boring. I at least gave you guys some drama.

Now, on to more exciting news: Yusei has revealed his plans for the future. It was established in the info chapter that the world isn't as advanced as in the anime or in the era, and Yusei wants to take advantage of this.

The other region that joined the league very late doesn't have a league and is underdeveloped. he plans to take advantage of this and gain Pokemon that clans have a monopoly. 

The two Pokemon he has his eyes on are rotom and Chansey. This beguin Chansey is an excellent healer and can be a type of trainer or support for his Pokemon. I don't think I need to say why rotom is wanted.

There was a show of the ability of the system, but it was only slightly. The reason why it showed him that is like the game. He has seen what Pokemon are in those routes and where to go for those Pokemon.

Also, the Pokemon had progressed very quickly, which can be understandable since he has all diamond potential Pokemon, and the leveling will slow down around half of their limit, so around 40-50.

He made it to Mauville City and had an encounter with one of his rivals, Wallace. Now, I don't know Wallace's personality the best, but at this point, he is a spoiled heir to a power clan and is more than likely to believe anything the league says. He is impulsive, which can be seen in this chapter, but he isn't as confident when people start questioning his acts and begin to trash talk back.

Thank you for reading, and please comment on the chapter.