
Pokémon A New Frontier Clash.

This story original developed on the basis of Multidimensional activity created by Palkia and Dialga, through the wormhole New creation Pokémon cross to many universe and our hero is one among them which had similar character as Pokémon series.. Ash a legendary Pokémon master once became the champion and lived his life of adventure as travel with Palkia and Dialga to many planet full of new Pokémon, making new travelling section to explore world but soon met his nemesis a Pokémon of destruction. If God of Pokémon existed then Demon lord of Pokémon also do exist, if Pokémon are light then there will exist a shadow, Fighting to the end he was able to seal that nemesis with Arceus. But for the price he and all the girl’s who followed him with his friend’s soul were also sealed, in the seal time he was able to see through every girl who had followed him feeling which came as a guilt to him while he didn’t had any eyes or tear to shed in that state. Unknown to he suddenly saw a light and Pikachu materialize In front of him and his whole body was blinded in light after……. Hello guys this fanfic of Pokémon will release two chapter a day and 14 chapter per week so I will write according to my job adjustment.

Akash_Rathor_1836 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


10 February 2020



Hello everyone this time around it's going to be an adventurer of finding and catching rare Pokémon like Sandshrew, Geodude and if Onix is also possible.


Leaving the peaceful city of Pewter Ash walked toward the new destination to which he has to walk out from the cave where Diglett, Sandshrew and Zubat while the chances of encountering an Onix is also very possible.

Among the road Ash was looking around to find more Pokémon but to his unveil he didn't find any suddenly his POKÉDEX vibrated as he open to see a message from Professor Oak which made Ash a bit startled as he open it and saw Professor Oak.

"Hello Ash." Professor Oak greeted while smiling as he continued " I got the information you had defeated Brock and got your first Gym badge and this call is for congratulation you for first step in Kanto conference, while I also called for a help because I want you to research on Clefairy, they are very rare type of Pokémon and I want you to catch one of you can, I asked Gary, Rant and George but they were unable to spot any till now."

" As for the gift I prepared for catching one is also very good, as a friend inventor of mine created a portable container bag which can hold 700 Pokémon ball with Pokémon, which can enhance your capabilities as you can carry Pokémon more than one but still you can only keep 6 Pokémon on outside for fight and battle."

" it can also make you had much more chance to train more than 6 Pokémon." After Ash listened to the detail he knew for sure that this world of his has changed and along with the people, but suddenly he remembered that Pikachu was same and maybe the people can be same too.

But the incident changed the way of development happened in the past, and it was the same world he knew of but with some new updates.

" Ash, what happened." Professor Oak asked.

" nothing, and you can count on me professor Oak." Ash smiled as he adjusted his hat while continuing " After all I will be a Pokémon master, so this is to be expected."

" Serena, I hope you are still the person I know off." Ash hoped about his wife and continue to walk.

" Ash was that professor Oak." Brock asked with reference.

" Yeah, and I wish to catch a Clefairy to help Professor Oak, will you guys help me in this case." Ash asked with smile.

" Of course." Both replied instantly.

" let's go then." While our hero continued to there journey.

" Clefairy huh, it won't be easy at all." Ash ponder while walking.

As they continued to walk Ash finally reached the entrance of the cave while they heard a scream " help me." Ash rushed as he smiled while he thought ' isn't that Seymour.


Character Pedia ( for those who didn't watch anime version Seymour)

He is a scientist from Pewter City who investigates Mt. Moon, specifically the various Clefairy and Clefable living there.

Ash and his friends first met Seymour after they rescued him from a horde of Zubat at Mt. Moon's entrance. Seymour explained that he was visiting Mt. Moon to investigate why its wild Pokémon were behaving oddly. He directed the group's attention to some bright lights set up throughout the cave complex and soon discovered that Team Rocket was responsible.

After Team Rocket was sent blasting off, Seymour, Ash, and his friends witnessed several Clefairy evolving into Clefable with fragments of a giant Moon Stone. Seymour decided to live amongst the Clefairy and Clefable with the hopes of visiting their true home and proving his theory to be true: that Clefairy came from space in a shuttle created from a Moon Stone.


Rushing toward the voice Ash found Seymour surrounded by Zubat while Zubat seemed more aggressive than usual, Ash knew why and asked Pikachu to use thunder shock.

Understanding the implications Ash nodded to Pikachu which used thunder shock and most of the Zubat was sent flying away but a Zubat seemed to paralyzed and Ash used his pokeball

Pokeball go





Pokémon capture successful

Pokémon : Zubat

Type : poison and flying

Zubat has no eyes and it's a blind Pokémon who detect it's enemy by ultrasonic sound from its mouth.

Status : Captured ( Ash pallet town.)

Walking toward Seymour, " Thank you, I had heard Human best friend is Pokémon and today seeing you both I had confirmed this." Seymour hugged Ash as he cried bitterly

" I thought I was dead 😭😭😭"

" but suddenly a hero with Pikachu came rescuing me."

" Okay, okay it's alright mister I didn't did anything and so what happened to Zubat they seemed very aggressive." Ash smiled wryly while he got serious looking at cave direction.

" Not good, I am a professor and my name is Seymour, Seymour as sey for see and mour for more." Seymour spell out his name while continuing " As for Zubat case, come with me."

Entering the cave they saw light hanging around all over the cave.

" hmm, team rocket again." Ash thought in his mind.

Walking Ash saw parasite and then he saw a rare Pokémon " Sandshrew." Which caused him to smile in happiness,

" what are you doing Ash." Misty asked as she saw Ash to take out pokeball and walked toward Sandshrew.

" I gonna capture it." Ash replied with out any hesitation.

" he seems so weak, how can you." Misty felt a little wronged by Ash action and disappointed too.

" That is why I am capturing it, he seemed to be injured due to some reason and if I let it stay here, I will be digging his grave for him." Ash spoke as he stroke Sandshrew little head.

" Sa-a- nd shre-e-ew."

" this guy is suffering and I can't let it be more harmed, because I believe I will become world strongest trainer and most safe place is right by my side." Ash continued " while pokeball had a little healing effect while I'll spray some recovery potion to let it heal inside pokeball." As Ash used healing Potion and put pokeball on Sandshrew head





Sandshrew captured.


Pokémon : Sandshrew

Type : Ground.

This Pokémon live in the area with limited rainfall, it had high defense on its shell but had a weak stomach part, to protect it can curl I to ball when sensed the danger.

Status : Captured ( Ash Ketchum Pallet town.)

" Sorry Ash, I doubted for that Instant." Misty apologized.

Entering the cave deeper region Ash finally saw Meowth and asked " what are you guys doing here."

" Little brat that's our question."

" To unite all peoples within our nation! "

": To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

": To extend our reach to the stars above! ."..

"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"

" Surrender now or you had to fight."

" Mew, that's right."

James and Jessie came out with usual dialogue, while they seemed to carry digging equipment and that's not all suddenly a Clefairy came by their side and was about to be capture by Meowth, " Pikachu quick attack."

Pikachu bolted out as it slammed on Meowth sending it flying away while Ash holder Clefairy like a doll.

" You alright." Ash asked.

" Clefairy." Clefairy chummed in while moving it's hand to and fro while holding moon stone, " you are alright, that's good enough as for you guys, Pikachu thunder bolt."

" Ekan."

" Koffing."

Pikachu Vs Ekan and Koffing

Pikachu used thunder bolt on Koffing who was stunned by paralysis while Ekan jumped toward Pikachu to bite,

( Pikachu dodge it and then use quick attack.)

Pikachu dodge it while it made a room the used quick attack sending Ekan toward team rockets.

Pikachu finish it with full power thunderbolt.

" Pika- Pika-Pika- Chu."

Which blasted apart team rocket toward the sky.

Team rocket is sent flying again.