
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Home Sweet Home

The hospital was obviously not very friendly to him as he was discharged after a few more checkups and pokemon moves.

He had managed to get a hospital staff member to get him a mirror, of which he sighed in relief.

His brown face and hazel eyes weren't burnt due to him not being in the fire for long, but he did have scars on his chest and arms, which is a grave reminder to him that one shouldn't play with fire.

A nurse walked in with a wheel-chair and a poketch, both heavily equipped with technology that made Evan look confused

"I didn't pay for this?" Evan looked towards the nurse in confusion, and she laughed "The local community where the day-care resides got you this for your recovery."

Evan looked at the wheelchair before a brief smile went on his monotone face.

"Indeed, my mother did do a lot for the community."

The hospital resided in Jubilife city, right next to floaroma town where the day-care centre was.

Picking up a pen and paper beside him, Evan wrote a couple of lines and showed them to the nurse

"Where is my sister?"

The nurse looked confused, before saying "I don't know about that information sir, you need to contact the authorities."

Evan nodded before he was scooped out of bed and put into the wheelchair, which was incredibly comfy, although no comfort came from the limp feeling in his legs.

Although the wheelchair was electric and could be manoeuvred by himself, the nurse still pushed him out of the hospital and sent him off with a smile and a wave.

What a nice nurse.

Floroama town and Jubilife city are divided by Route 204 and the ravaged path.

But he still had some things to do.

First, he went to the bank of Sinnoh, where he was fingerprinted, and did all of the security procedures to access his account.

Evan Zyra

Account balance : 1.3 million pokedollars.

That was quite a bit he received from an inheritance.

Not to mention that he didn't even receive the rest of the money from his locked sister's account.

"Sorry sir, we can access somebody's account without their presence." The person at the counter looked towards the boy sympathetically, which was a common occurrence in this city

Evan nodded, before wheeling away.

The cars in Jubilife city made him shiver every time he saw them, as the scenes flashed between the normal car to the broken exploded car.

What happened?

was it really a wild pokemon attack?

Evan shivered as he slowly went into the railway station, as it was quicker and easier than..... going in a car

The Sinnoh railway is incredibly advanced, as it runs of electromagnetic pokemon.

It seems that the world had advanced even more in the 4 years he was asleep.

His sister is 5 years old, what a scary thought.

He was excited to meet her again.

The railway was packed due to workers going back home, but they were all respectful to him as he had a clear space around him.

He read about this railway on his poketech on the 10-minute ride to floaroma town.

Pokemon such as magnemite, nosepass and other's found in mount coronet are tailored to make electromagnetic forces that run through the train tracks.

Pokemon onboard of the light-weight train float the train via forces of repulsion, almost like how a magnet repulses another magnet.

The lack of friction means that the train is unbound when it comes to its speed, but for safety purposes and cost purposes it can't go more than 240 mph.


the intercom said, as only a small amount of workers got off. Floaroma town was a small area and a rural place.

Most people here would get off at Eterna city, which was much larger than this place.

But to Evan, it was home.

Although he was knocked out for a few seconds, four years have passed and he needs to face the consequences of being away from this world for 4 years.

He just needs to adapt to this new place.

Floaroma town looks around the same as it did previously, rural but covered with flowers.

Slowly wheeling around for a while, he went to a flower shop, where a Floette looked at him with a large gasp.

"you've grown, flebebe" Evan looked towards the red flower pokemon that happily danced around him and wheeled into the shop , where a middle-aged woman looked heard the bell go.

"Welcom-" her expression instantly froze when she saw the boy in the wheelchair "Arceus be damned."

Auntie syndra was a refugee from the dessert city of Unova, and she inherits most of their traits, that being their signature black hair and dark tanned skin.

Although not related by blood, she was classed by the family as close as a sister by his late mother.

"I missed you..." She kneeled so she could hug Evan, before saying "And I miss her."

Evan got out his notepad and pencil and wrote

"How is Cindra?"

"Fiery as always." Auntie syndra said, "She's..... passionately fighting." Auntie syndra sighed "Your vegetative state really hurt her, y'know? she will be glad when she sees you again."

Cindra was Syndra's daughter, and both of them were childhood friends.

"Hey..." Auntie Syndra said "If you ever need help, don't forget to reach out, ok? I and Cindra will always be here for you, no matter the consequences of us helping you."

Evan hesitated for a moment, before writing it down on his notepad.

"Where's...Veronica." Evan wrote down, as Syndra's expression went stale.

"Im sorry Evan." Syndra said, "But it's most likely that you won't see her for quite a while."

Veronica was naturally his sister, as Syndra looked towards the boy with an angry expression

"Some...unnatural folks took her abroad from Sinnoh." Syndra said, "This is speculation, but they isolated Veronica from the rest of the village that wanted to see her for no apparent reason, as they were always quiet." Syndra's expression became silent "Most likely, they want her inheritance."

Evan was angry, but his outside expression was monotone.

This scared Syndra, who was speechless.

Without a letter more, Evan wheeled out of the store and activated the electric part of the wheelchair to go up a hill.

The daycare land was around 30 acres, fitted with a pool, a forest area and a plains/flower biome.

biome wasn't the right word to use, more like "Ecology park."

The hill was large, and after wheeling past through several gates, he came across the building that he used to live in.

It was the day-care main building, one that consisted of an indoor "Ecology park." alongside the hospital, living quarters, libabry and so on.

The house was wide, taking up around 10 acres of land and 2 floors. . The reason is that in winter, most pokemon like it inside than outside.

Finances and pokemon skills need to be accounted for.

In the front yard of the house, was 2 small stone plaques.






A simple grave, but Even was on the verge of breaking down seeing it.

slowly picking a buttercup flower, his big sisters favourite flower, he placed in each of the graves before walking into the rundown house.

It certainly needed cleaning.

Water wasn't running, nor was there any electricity in the house, which was a... problem.

Since he was 16, the legal age of an adult, he was heavily restricted.

He had a lot of things to do, and hard ones at that.

He needed to make a plan.