
Chapter Ten: Dylan's Journey report

Dylan wakes up get dressed and eat breakfast before he starts walking he kisses his mother goodbye. As he continues to walk he first meets Tyler than Sam. Dylan tries to ignore the seemingly lover's quarrel that Tyler and Sam starts. when they get to the professor's lab they get a safety and regulations Lobster from the professor. After that Dylan gets a bubble sore as he watches the couple to be fight for dominance in a Pokemon battle. as he speedruns to beginners Forest he goes north to separate from the two childhood friends. Looking at is Bulbasaur he stares at her.

[Dylan] your personal name will now be Peri.

[Pokédex] you have named this bubbles for Peri. this name will be permanent until you find a name master. This Pokemon will now only answer to Peri.

after a few days have passed Dylan caught a Sewaddle right next to the campground. For the next 10 days he battled some Pokemon before catching a pidove. It took 7 days to get to the next campsite.

[Dylan] all right your name will be Steven and the pidove will be amethyst.

[???] hey you over there!

[Dylan] okay Sally how are you doing?

[Sally] fine. I became a gamex trainer instead of an Elementalist trainer.

[Dylan] Really? why?

[Sally] so I don't have to use a specialized habitat area. You need a gym badges to get to certain areas, and I don't want to be stuck with one Main type like Jerry.

[Dylan] Sherry chose to be flying types specialist, right?

[Sally] yep, I don't know why though. we'll see you around Dylan.

Tom stayed there in the forest for four months and eventually caught a houndour and named it Susan. Dylan then made his way to Mystic Hills and stayed there for three more months. while watching the psychic and fairy types playing around Dillon found a hatenna and decided to name her Lily. Dylan then entered the mount Crystal Cave and spotted a trainer that he knew.

[Dylan] Kevin how are you?

[Kevin] hey! Dylan I see you became a prodigy trainer like Kelly.

[Dylan] yep, how is your older sister by the way.

[Kevin] she's doing fine even if she's just five minutes older than me.

[Dylan] so what trainer did you become?

[Kevin] an Elementalist trainer. I chose the rock type though since Geodude is my favorite. how are you doing by the way.?

[Dylan] nothing much trying to catch a Mawile inside this Mountain cave, then head to Russellville.

[Kevin] really I'm I'm going through dungeon Central and heading to moondust Valley to see if I can get any moonstones. well good luck on your journey kid.

[Dylan] hey you're only two years older than me. see you soon Kevin.

after that short talk with an old schoolmate Dylan continued on with his journey. During the next three weeks Dylan finally caught a Malwile and named it Berry while existing Mount Crystal Cave.

[Pokédex] -Ding-

[Dylan] Oh a notification.

[Pokédex] congratulations! you now have six Pokemon! that now means you have a full team; any other Pokemon you catch will be mandatory sent to the Poke box. Where it will be monitored by your Region's Pokemon professor and law enforcement. if you want to switch out a team member please go to the Pokemon Center and use the specialized containment computer.

[Dylan] dope.

[Pokédex] Do you wish to see how long you have been a Pokémon Trainer?

[Dylan] sure as long as only my family members and Professor can see it.

[Pokédex] Confirmed.

Dylan's Pokémon Team:

1. [Starter] Bulbasaur (Peri) *Female* level 16

2. Sewaddle (Steven) *Male* level 20

3. Pidove (Amethyst) *Female* level 21

4. houndour (Susan) *Female* level 23

5. Mawile (Berry) *Male* level 27

6. Hatenna (Lily) *Female* level 29

Time: 8 months 10 days 7 hours and 35 minutes (private)