
Chapter 11: Professors Meet and Greet

Rose and Dan finished signing in and getting their Id badges they left to the center of the convention building. Rose looked at her phone and saw the time.

[Rose] Okay we have an hour and thirty minutes before the professor research lecture starts. We can go get commissions and other souvenirs, Or get something to eat which one do you want to do.

[Dan] lets get something to eat, then do the lecture and after that if we don't get distracted get some souvenirs. By the way is there a battle area.

[Rose] Yes there is the Pokémon battle tournament is 2 days and 5 hours away from now. Though there is a practice arena over there on the first floor.

[Dan] Sweet. I'll wait for the tournament first though I will scout others out.

So they just did that, after eating 30 minutes have passed. Rose looked around and found Professor Lily and Professor Vex arguing over the proper diets of Pokémon and what should happen. Not wanting to get in that mess Rose continued to look around and saw Dan scouting other trainers and measuring their abilities like his dad taught him. Leaving that alone Rose continued on and saw Professor Oak and Professor Sycamore walking away like they finished a light conversation or something. Rose started to walk to Professor Oak.

[Rose] Hey Oak how you doing?

[Oak] Quite well, just finished a conversation with an old friend. You?

[Rose] I'm doing fine, some paper work here trainer reports there. Though it's good to relax every once and awhile. I brought Dan along so can have experience with different regions trainers. I am curious though who did you bring.

[Oak] My grandson Gray, Ash and Mrs. Ketchum are here with me today.

[Rose] that would explain why what seems to be a sixteen year old running around with a Pikachu on it's shoulder. So are you ready for Professor Jewel and Professor Lily performance of being announcers or what

[Oak] Most definitely. I can't wait to see the discoveries and foundings of other professors for our community.

~> TIME-SKIP <~< p>

[Jewel] Welcome Ladies and Gents; to Professor Con!

[Lily] Today Folks we will be telling you the Professors of various regions and the contributions they have done.

[Jewel] Unfortunately not everyone will be named. Though the professor can talk to us about their works if they want.

[Lily] Now! Lets get on with the show.

[Jewel] First up is ...

[Lily] The Kanto Region Professors which are...

[Jewel] Professor Willow, Professor Hazel, Professor Zelkova, Professor Oak, and Professor Peach.

[Lily] Now only three agreed to talk to us today so come on up Zelkova, Peach, and Hazel.

[Zelkova] Hello nice to meet you all, I am a professor that studies Poké-blocks and the effects it can have on a Pokémon stats. As you know some stats deal with certain pheromones the Pokémon to help them look more 'cooler' even 'Beautiful' when it comes down to it...

~Time-Skip to 15 minutes 3 seconds later~

[Lily] My that was a wonderful speech, I may have to look up on some of it later. now on to the next.

[Peach] Okay everyone I'll try to keep this short. I mostly research the history and variant evolutionary in the Pokémon that are in our world. Now as we know there are two types of evolution, the 'Metamorphic' evolution when it comes to Pokémon evolving and then there is 'Davison' evolution when it comes to natural selection in this world...

~Time-Skip to 7 minutes 45 seconds later~

[Jewel] Give it up for Peach and her amazing speech.

[Hazel] All right I research and study on myths and legends on pokemon and the impact it has on our culture and society; whether if it was from the past or our present...

~Time-Skip 45 minutes 17 seconds later~