Trapped within the damaged walls of her mansion located in Yuchang City, Princess Cheng found herself confined alongside her grandmother, a fallen figure within the royal circle. The elder royal was placed under house arrest, accused of involvement in promoting illicit markets and fostering corruption within the realm. Xuan Cheng, residing in poverty alongside her grandmother and two aged attendants, was compelled to mature prematurely due to these circumstances. Motivated by a fierce will to escape poverty and make sure that no one could mistreat her, Xuan Cheng committed herself to learning a variety of trades and skills in order to support herself. Xuan Cheng was gifted with the ability to heal herself in addition to her grandfather's Seven Cultivation and grandmother's Jade Eyes. She immerses herself in her grandfather's collection of books and risks everything to cultivate fearlessly on her own. At night, she would go out and battle evil cultivators who would frequently obstruct her travel plans. She founded "Duyi Pharmacy" in order to aid the underprivileged and give back to the Almighty in the form of charitable donations. Xuan Cheng is a lone cultivator of Qi who exceeded the Tian Limit. In a world where the Evil Lord had eradicated factions and groups of cultivators, Xuan Cheng encountered someone akin to her: Prince Zhao Ming, the sole individual wielding demonic Qi across the entire Diqiu realm. They both had weaknesses that affected each other, but their unspoken love made them each other's pillars of strength. Betrayal by people they trusted brought them closer, forcing them to rely on each other even more. However, fate kept testing them with many challenges and trials.
The deafening roar of battle engulfed the soldiers as they clashed. Piercing screams of the wounded filled the air, a haunting backdrop to the chaos. Whistling arrows sliced through the sky like deadly meteors. The taste of snow and blood clung to their parched tongues as the cold winds blew harshly against their shielded bodies.
The blade's edge cut through the air as he sprinted toward the enemy lines, fearless and resolute. Each step he took carried the weight of destiny as he led the charge, his sword leading the way.
Zhao Ming had embarked on a journey towards the Imperial Summer Palace, a place situated three days' travel from the northern border. This summons from his father was a familiar one, and Zhao Ming anticipated what lay ahead. It had occurred twice before, and he knew that he would once again face his father's stern words, criticizing him for being a burden and a freeloader in the army.