
The Power of Looks

The leader of the group, a middle-aged-looking man approached first, and the three behind him followed, it looked like a bunch of ruffians, unfit to be members of the Heavenly Academy, they came at us, with lust towards Liang Yu and complete disregard towards me.

The middle-aged man nodded his head and one of the three followers tried to put his hand on me.

If I allowed that, I would be in trouble. Because the moment he'll touch my robes, he'll be immediately poisoned and I don't want to be revealed on the first day.

I quickly intercepted his hand, and with as little as a flick, broke his wrist.


The man groaned in pain as he looked at his broken hand in a daze and at me, unbelieving how this could happen.

The rest of the group became wearier.

"You, a newcomer dare make trouble in the Heavenly Academy! You sure want to standoff, don't you," the middle-aged man spoke, without a hint of worry or care.