
The Dragon and Emperor we're born

"God damnit what the hell did he even say" I thought

"So where is this anyway it's dark and warm"

[Poison Emperor System successfully installed 100%] a mechanical female voice said

"Well at this least this here with me, hey system where am I "

[Host is currently in the womb of Miyumi Hyoudou]

"Wait so I am going to be the MC's brother, well there goes the Canon"

"So system do you have a name or are you just system" I say curiously

[No I currently do not posses a name would host like to assign one to me]

"Sure why not, not like have anything better to do so what would be a good name for you"

"hmmmmmm oh I got it nightshade how is that."

[ This name is adequate, changing name to Nightshade]

" So night do you the have a normal system." works like the novels I read"

[Yes, all host had to say to access these features is to say Status, Inventory, Skills, Shop and Gacha]

"Ok Stats" I say excitingly


Name: ?

Age: 8 months

HP: 100/100

Mana: 100/100

Exp: 0/1000

Str: 1

Vit: 5






Stat point:20


"Ok, this is not too surprising I am a fetus but none the less how should is distribute these points let's looks at skills first "



User is immune to all forms of poisons and venoms.

100% Resistance of Poison attribute


User can create any toxin that enters the body,

this allows the user to create any toxin as long as they consume once.

1 mana per litter of toxin created

"Ok nice with these I could do some damage, ok for stats I will go for a assassin build"


Str: 2

Vit: 50






Stat point:0

" Ok looks good now, night did it get a stater pack"

[Yes, would you like to open it Y/N]

"Yes" I excitingly

[Opening Stater Pack...

Displaying items

Vial of Tetradotoxin x1

Vial of Tarantula hawk wasp venom x1

Jormungandr bloodline x1

Antidote Generator skill card x1]

"Wow, from what I heard the wasp sting is insanely painful, what system can you explain the last two items are"

[Jormungandr bloodline, this is the bloodline of the mighty snake this gives the user to use some of it skills as well as being able to transform into one at the cost of Mana]

"So like a zoan df" I interrupt

[Yes, while the Antidote Generator skill card allows the user to be able to create a cure to any venom or toxin as long as has enters the users body]

"Amazing, now I don't have to worry about friendly fire as much" I let out a sigh in my head from relief

[Would host like to integrate bloodline and skill Y/N]

"Yes" I say without hesitation

[Host will be put into an unconscious state for the pain, does host wish to stay like this till there birth?]

" Sure why not like I much else to do"

[Confirmed put host into a unconscious State]

I sleep as darkness draws me in a deep slumber