
The principle

Clarifications characters music or images do not belong to me credit to their authors and any similarity with other stories is pure coincidence or was made in a way of entertaining

-Hey Vash I can ask you something-A calm voice called him from the bar where he was resting, his left hand holding a glass with a thick liquid and ice.

Turning his head, I pay attention to who called him.

Sitting almost at the bottom of the drink bar was an acquaintance I could almost call him a friend he looked young 13 years old as a student of some prestigious school he wore black shorts, equally black bestir shoes, a white buttoned shirt with a navy blue sweater, on top he wore an elegant black coat to match his clothes and to finish a navy blue tie.

His appearance was what some might consider charming but his face denoted boredom, he has dark brown hair and green eyes in his hand, he held a glass equal to his.

Most would think that a child should not drink at a young age although of course anyone who tried to tell 5 Hargreeves would run the risk of being hit in the face or shot depending on the mood that 5 had at that time.

Taking a sip of the whiskey mixture from Professor Phillips' personal collection for what he could remember was one called The Macallan Fine and Rare Collection 1926 he had it stored in a glass display case reinforced by enchantments and stamps that at first surprised him due to his high safety for just a simple bottle of alcohol.

"Of course you want to know," he answered calmly as he stood up to pay attention to his question.

"Because they call you a bird of Hermes," he asked the question, "I always hear that they call you but I still don't know why.

Vash thought about his answer-well it was a name that arose from circumstances of the history itself and paradox-trying to explain commas detail he thought-mmmm I think it has a lot to do with my own existence and personality.

-I understand I have heard that that bird is the representation of freedom and the rebellion itself-5 it seemed to come to a conclusion.

-More or less supposedly it was an incarnation of mine before it existed or it should be the past of my soul the details are always confusing-someone else had already explained this topic to him but with a mind saturated with information of thousands of years it was difficult to remember specific things easily.

"You know better, I'll tell you a little story, smiling," he proposed his idea.

-A story mhp I guess it would be fine-from a sip his own glass ended and teleporting in a blink of an eye he took the bottle and stuffed to the brim his glass knew that the best whiskey is served at a relatively low temperature, between about 16 °C and 18 °C, since that way the original flavors, aromas and color are maintained. Although the ice enhances the aromas, it must be added in large cubes or in the form of spheres in the glass but to begin with the bottle was not yours and what better than to enjoy the best pure whiskey I had ever heard that this thing was worth at least 1.9 million dollars a fortune or at least your salary of a few days of work.

-All right, get comfortable, applauding his hands in a fun way, he set out to tell the story.

Then the bird was created and the gods gave her the gift of freedom, in this way the bird could travel the world so that she could do with this what she wanted. Freedom was undoubtedly the best gift of all because the creature had no laws to obey or limits any rule or chain that stopped it the bird was indomitable without a doubt it was an indomitable spirit years passed decades centuries and millennia witnessed the birth of stars as well as collapses of the universe and the extinction of planets under storms and sinister observed how the inhabitants Of the earth they drowned, they were destroyed as the earth desolated and this as it resurfaced.

Some time later when the gods had changed their name and new men had been born the bird in this way equally free of everything even death the times had changed creative gods had been lost in the memory of ancient inhabitants and now Zeus reigned the mortals attributed the bird to his son Hermes.

The bird of Hermes continued his immovable life of his purpose and Hermes who loved his beauty adorned his wings being these provocation of desires many both men and gods sought to make him prey with chains and cages but they failed to get legends to arise about the creature but not even the words did the songs enclose him.

The bird of Hermes traveled through the miseries of the earth as well as through the beautiful landscapes of the world destined to travel with time through time and over time free from dying of hunger or fatigue he found a force superior to him a force to which every creature or beast, whether large or small, conscious or ignorant, succumbs a force that sacrifices lives and revives the dead.

The bird was trapped he met her and when he met her he could not stop observing her, and she carnal woman woman who is alien to everything that the bird was because being considered an eternal God she could never be by his side.

I went down then for the first time to the earth denying for thirty-seven days his free nature to do his will surrendered himself to a cauteverio of an uncertain affection entered a paradox in the throbbing bird they postulated millennials pure freedom even if his nature allowed it his very essence denied it was Hermes' paradox.

Then under the heavens and before the eyes of the beautiful woman of peaceful aura he denied "The bird of Hermes is my name me domestique devouring my own wings" and he could no longer fly.

Time spent in the company of the woman taking a human form to walk next to him walking on two legs traveling the world which he had already seen from heaven decided to give an opportunity to this feeling so alien to him.

-I hope he was interrupted before continuing

I observe how the man with the body of a teenager was asleep on the bar and the expensive empty bottle laughing to himself got up from the bar and taking off his red coat put it on top of the quiet boy.

Turning off the light of the small bar, he retired to rest.

-Good night 5-he said goodbye tomorrow he would be in a bad mood and with a hangover and possibly the teacher will also get angry with them for having drunk one of his many bottles.

Seriously, he had so many vaults full of wines and alcohols that they didn't even exist anymore and paradoxically he also had bottles extracted from other realities.