
8. Campaign 1- Encanto Feasting

There was an order to meals in the Madrigal home.

It had startled Agustin when he'd finally moved into the house just how firm Alma was in keeping to the pattern. Breakfast was for the entire family and happened at the same time no matter when everyone woke up. Agustin himself was an early riser, something that all of his girls save for Isabela had inherited though she was rather punctual. Camilo tended to be the last to get up and often dragged himself to the table.

'No, that's not true. Bruno was the worst.' But Bruno had left a decade ago so the title of latest riser had been given to Camilo, resulting in many comments about how 'thankful' Alma was for him to finally show up.

But everyone ate at the same time, no matter what. Which had been rather frustrating… okay, no. It was STILL frustrating to Agustin even 25 years after having his first meal in the house. He had been used to sneaking a quick bite to eat before setting about doing his chores but the Madrigal family simply wouldn't hear of that, It was improper and rude to the cook, even though Julieta had assured him several times that it was completely fine, that she didn't mind if he snuck in a bit of food while he went to check the bees.

'Over two decades later and I still come to breakfast starving,' he thought to himself. Which meant that he overate and that made him feel sluggish and when he was sluggish he made stupid mistakes…

Lunch was far better, as people could come and go as they pleased and many times would visit the village to get their meals. Agustin never did so as that was his chance to finally sit down with his wife and have a moment, just the two of them. She would prepare a few meals for those that showed up but they usually were able to have a quiet lunch all to themselves, sitting in the kitchen and eating pan to plate style.

Dinner was just like breakfast only far more quiet. With breakfast one discussed the plans for the day (or rather Alma instructed everyone of the tasks they had to do) and made plans for later (assuming they fit into Alma's schedule). By the time supper arrived everyone was usually tired and even Julieta's healing cooking couldn't deal with the weariness of the spirit from a long hard day. It was something that had only gotten steadily worse as the years had gone on; when Isabela had been born Julieta and Agustin would find time to play with their daughter, read some books, maybe if they were careful enough sneak away to be a couple in the most intimate of senses…

Now he was lucky if his wife didn't fall asleep going up the stairs and need casita to help her to her bed.

The only time things went different were if there was a party or celebration of some kind.

Mirabel's return… that had been a debate.

On one hand Agustin was glad that Alma had insisted that they keep it just a family dinner. He wanted to spend time with his daughter, to get to know her again by actually talking with her and not from letters and the occasional photo she had sent. If there was a party they'd all be expected to play some part, acting as hosts rather than getting to just enjoy the fact that Mirabel had returned. Yet… it also felt utterly cruel that rather than make a big display out of her and Bruno returning Alma was doing all she could to keep it quiet. Like she was ashamed of her or something. One couldn't even argue that Alma didn't like parties as they'd held a large one when Antonio had been born and there was another one coming in a month for his ceremony…

But what was done was done. They were going to have a quiet dinner for the first time as a whole family.

Pepa tapped her fingers on the table while Isabela kept glaring at the doorway like she thought doing so would get things moving. Antonio had to be told for the third time by Felix not to reach for a roll even though he looked ready to do the same himself. And Alma… Alma was struggling to keep her face stern and calm but he could see the rage slowly building in her veins.

"They are aware that it is time for dinner, are they not?" Alma said finally.

"Yes abuela," Lusia said softly. "I told them so. They said okay."

"Maybe they didn't realize that you were telling to come down for dinner?" Felix offered.

"How could they not?" Alma complained. "Dinner is always at 6:30. Every night."

Julieta spoke up. "Mama, you must remember that they haven't lived here for a decade. They might not remember. Or they might have dinner at a different time."

Alma glowered at that. "Dolores, what are they doing right now?"

The second oldest of the grandchildren frowned as she tilted her head to the side. "Mirabel is listening to Tio Bruno as he… pretends to be a woman who doesn't realize that the man she loves is really her second cousin once removed?"

"…what?" Alma said flatly.

Isabela huffed. "Why should we wait for them if they aren't going to be respectful?"

"Your sister just got home," Agustin chided her. "She is used to a different life than what we've led. We must understand that."

Isabela opened her mouth only for Alma to shoot her a dark look, the eldest of the grandchildren stopping and adopting a posture of perfect refinement and control. That settled, Alma looked at them all and said, "We eat as a family. Camilo, please get your cousin and your uncle."

Camilo, clearly happy to escape the tension of the room, quickly got up, shifting into a taller form so that he could race through casita all the faster. The rest of the family sat there, no one saying a word as they waited, afraid of upsetting Alma if they dared to draw attention to themselves. Julieta reached out to adjust a salad bowel, Luisa muttered under her breath, Pepa kept looking up to make sure she didn't have any storm clouds forming…

"Eep," Dolores said softly.

"What is it?" Pepa asked. "Are they not coming down?"

"No, Camilo hasn't reached them yet. It's that the woman in Tio Bruno's story just learned that her brother spent her entire inheritance on a tavern and now she has to run it if she wishes not to lose anything." She frowned, twisting her head upward. "Hmmm… she does seem rather determined to do it on her own despite not planning on it-"

Alma huffed. "Dolores, I think that's enough."

"Sorry," she said quickly… though Agustin noticed that she still was clearly trying to listen in.

Finally, after about ten minutes Mirabel breezed in, a smile on her face as she walked around the table, taking time to greet everyone. "Sorry, sorry! We usually eat whenever and I like to get in one of Tio Bruno's telanovas before dinner. Mama it smells delicious; papa," She leaned down and kissed both of them on the cheek. "Tia Pepa, Tio Felix." Bruno had walked in at that point, taking his seat, but Mirabel continued around the room. "Hey Antonio," she ruffled her youngest cousin's hair, earning a giggle, while Camilo finally walked in, looking bemused. "Dolores. Abuela," Mirabel said, leaning down and kissing the woman on the cheek.

"Mirabel, do you think-"

But she'd already moved on, greeting Isabela who kept stiff as a board while Luisa smiled and kissed Mirabel's cheek before she could. "Ah!" Mirabel said, pointing right at her and laughing before taking a seat.

"There, now that we have that settled and our late arrivals have finally graced us with their presence," she shot a look at Bruno who merely stared at her, then Mirabel who smiled and shrugged before mouthing sorry to Agustin himself, "we can begin."

"Oh! Let me since we were late," Mirabel said, bowing her head and lifting her empty plate up in the air. Bruno did the same and the others realized that Mirabel had volunteered to say grace. Agustin bowed his head along with the others, shutting his eyes- "Berronar Truesilver, Mother of Safety, we thank you once more for seeing us through another day. We promise that our endeavors will serve the greater good. See us through till tomorrow." With that she set her plate down and began to serve herself, Bruno doing the same.

"Who… who is Bernta?" Julieta asked, Antonio and Camilo deciding that if Mirabel was eating then they could too and began to load up their plates.

"Berrnonar, mama," Mirabel said. "She is the dwarven god of home and safety. It felt appropriate, considering where we are." She waved her hand about and smiled. "I mean, I suppose I could have thanked Moradin, since he is the dwarven god of knowledge, but he has a thing about orcs and yeah, that is a no go for me."

"A… dwarven god?" Alma asked, the horror clear in her voice.

"Well, yeah. I mean I am dwarven trained and my teachers would have my beard… if I had one, heh… if I didn't know how to do the prayer right." She looked at Bruno. "Tomorrow we'll thank Erathaol. I figured since you didn't do a prophecy today-"

"It's fine," Bruno assured her as he swallowed a mouthful of food. "I'm sure he understands. After all, he must have seen it!" The two shared a laugh at that.

"Erathaol…" Pepa murmured.

"Patron of Seers," Mirabel supplied before turning to Isabela. "So, how goes your Chlorokinesis, Isa? I know you were working hard to develop your vines. But that letter was from 5 years ago so I bet you've learned all sorts of tricks!"

"I do not do 'tricks', Mirabel," Isabela scolded. "I use my gift to summon plants to help the community."

"Like when you lower yourself down on swings to make grand entrances?" Camilo teased, causing Isabela to glare at him before returning her focus on her food. "So helpful, that."

Mirabel smiled. "Right, sorry… guess that would be touchy wordage. I know if people called my projects 'scrap metal tinkering' I'd get annoyed."

"One time and as a joke!" Bruno complained. He looked at Pepa. "She has no sense of humor when it comes her projects."

"Just because you have a lousy sense of humor-"

"I do not!" Bruno squawked, outraged… but his smile at the end showed it was all in good fun. "Grungok loves my jokes!"

"Grungok is a troll!" Mirabel exclaimed.

"A real troll?!" Antonio exclaimed, eyes wide and bright.

"A real troll," Mirabel told him as she speared some vegetables with her fork. "And very nice. A bit slow but nice. Which is why he loves Tio's jokes." She then put her hand over her mouth and pretended to whisper, "but I think he is just humoring him."

"Like how Prince Tybalt humored you about-"

"DO NOT bring that up again!" Mirabel exclaimed.

"Prince Tybalt?" Felix asked, surprised. "You met a prince?"

"A self declared prince. I don't think he really was one."

"All royalty is self-declared at some point," Bruno pointed out. "That's the whole idea. You come in, you declare some land is yours, and put a crown on your head." He took his napkin and placed it on his head. "I declare myself Prince Bruno of The Casita Table. Bow to his royal highness."

"Long may he reign!" Mirabel said, giving him an odd salute.

Agustin smiled at the interplay between his daughter and her tio… and felt a touch of sadness. This should have been him. He should have been the one to have secret tales that only the two of them understood and playful banter that teased without ever hurting. It was a rather bitter pill to realize that his youngest daughter was a stranger to him. He'd thought he'd understood who she was through her letters but now he realized he'd missed so much. Had she just not told him? Or had he failed to notice? He'd need to look at her letters again…

Never once though did he begrudge his daughter for having a happy life. All her messages to him and the family had spoken nothing but excitement at what she was experiencing. Back then he'd believed it merely childish tales; embellishments on mild events to make them into grand adventures. Now though he saw that Ernesto had allowed his baby to see the world in ways he never could have and seeing how open she was… he would be eternally grateful to him for that.

But that didn't mean he didn't wish it hadn't been him.

"Excuse me," Alma said as Mirabel took a breath from telling Antonio about some kind of two headed eagle she had once seen, "but we are all rather tired after a long day… I do not think this excitement is proper for the dinner table, when we are trying to rest and contemplate the day."

"Of course, mama," Bruno said with a smile and after a moment Mirabel shot Antonio an apologetic look. The little boy, used to his abuela demanding silence at the table, merely nodded.

Agustin forced back a sigh. He had been hoping to ask Mirabel some questions but with Alma in a mood he didn't want to make her more upset. That meant he'd have to wait till after dinner and that was assuming she didn't decide they should all turn in early, as she sometimes commanded.

'Perhaps if she is an early riser I can catch her,' Agustin though as Mirabel shared a look with Bruno, raising one eyebrow and then wiggling the other. Bruno wagged his head back and forth before looking slightly to his left, causing Mirabel to smirk-

Agustin nearly dropped his fork.

How many times had he seen his mama and papa engage in such silent communication when they'd silently debated what punishment to give him or Ernesto when they'd gotten into trouble? And in turn how many times had he and his brother, before the wanderlust had taken Ernesto over and Agustin had been concerned about proving himself to the Madrigal family, used that very same language to plot behind people's backs?

The Language of the Eyebrows.

He lightly tapped his fork against his plate, just enough to cause Mirabel to glance at him… before he raised an eyebrow twice.

'You okay?'

Her eyes widened before she grinned and wiggled her brow. 'Very good!'

'Busy after supper?'

'Will be with Bruno.'

'Can I come?'

'Of course!'

Agustin felt like he was a boy again in the best possible way.

Bruno suddenly stood, rolling his shoulders. "Julieta, thank you for the wonderful meal."

"It was so good, mama!" Mirabel said, already rising. "Well… goodnight!"

"Goodnight?" Alma said, confused. "But I-"

"Am tired, like you said," Bruno said and there was something decidedly cold in the warm smile he flashed her. "Need to have quiet to recover from the day. Sadly Mirabel and I are much too excited after our journey so we'll just retire to The Bureau, so not to bother you."

"Coming papa?" Mirabel asked.

"Yes," he said, pushing his plate away, Julieta looking at him in surprise.

"Wonderful! Tio Bruno still needs to finish his stories for the day. I will get you caught up."

Antonio grinned. "I'm done! Can I come too?"

"Of course!" Mirabel said before anyone could deny the boy. Camilo was instantly up, picking up his little brother and letting him ride on his back while Luisa, after a moment, surprised them all by rising and joining Agustin in following after the new arrivals, leaving the rest of the family in the kitchen gaping at them in shock.