
30. Campaign 4- Party Gods

Camilo had learned many ways to entertain the village children. It all depended on who he had to watch. Certain ones were shy little things that just wanted their mamas or their papas and would cry unless Camilo became their missing parent. Others were evil little gremlins that wouldn't listen to anyone save a particular relative and he would be required to act in their place to keep the tiny monsters from destroying the entire village. It all got rather complicated when he had to watch multiple children at once but he had figured out how to keep an eye on things at all times while also knowing when to duck away to become someone else so that the illusion was never broken.

Anton though?

"Ow!" Carlos complained, waving his hand as he grimaced.

"You didn't think it would be just a matter of racing really fast to get it, did you?" the warlock asked as he leaned back in his chair, a smirk tugging on his lips.

"I honestly can't believe this is working," Camilo said with a shake of his head as the Carlos went back to huddle up with the other boys, one occasionally glancing back at him to make sure he wasn't trying to snoop on them. They were some of the worst he dealt with but they hadn't caused a problem all morning!

"Its a classic way to deal with certain people," Anton said with a shrug as he looked over at the prize the boys were going after. It was a large pedal car, based on one Anton had once had to drive in New Wire City during a rather amusing bank heist that was anything but. The village children didn't know was a 'car' was but they did know that the strange new toy looked very enticing and wanted to have a chance to play with it. Anton though had challenged them to figure out a way to get to it, placing a barrier around it that would give a mild static zap. "It all depends on your target."

"What do you mean?" Camilo asked.

The warlock rubbed his chin. "Well... look here." he stood up and walked over to Maria, who had been left on a bench to play with a bear Anton had conjured into being. It was a purple thing with fluffy fur and the slight scent of strawberries and the nearly 2 year old was alternating babbling to it and looking at her other toys. Camilo shifted into her mother, to keep her from getting upset, but Maria was too focused on the bear to care. "Some people you tell them to do something and they'll get a reward and they will leap at the chance." he knelt down next to Maria. "If you are a very good girl and don't fuss until it's time to go home... you can keep the bear."

Maria, who had thought she only got to PLAY with the bear, stared at him with big brown eyes before silently bobbing her head in agreement.

"Other people," he said as he looked at the boys, "need a challenge. Tell them you think it is impossible for them to do something and they will put all the effort in the world into proving that you're wrong."

"Then there is my abuela," Camilo muttered as he shifted into her. "Camilo, do this or you'll live to regret it! Do you wish to dishonor your family?"

Anton let out a grunt of annoyance, glad that Camilo turned back into himself; at least he could mimic the voice. He hated shapeshifters who could only use their own voice. Was fucking creepy. "Yes well I am not a fan in using punishment to get children to do what you want."

Camilo smiled slyly at that, remembering what Mirabel had told him about Anton and his powers. "So you're saying find some hot goddess and seduce her and I'm on easy street?"

Anton froze before looking over the kids, making sure they were okay before forcing a smile on his face. "Hey, mind helping me grab the snacks for the tykes?"

"Uh... sure," Camilo said, clearly confused by the change in topic. The two walked around the side of the home that they were using as their base of operations for Mission: Daycare and it was only when they were out of earshot of little ones that Camilo frowned, eyes narrowed. "What's the problem?"

"Listen... I didn't want to scare them because they are innocents and I only bring this up to you because I like you. You've got spunk and haven't been beaten down by the world yet. But like I said... you're basically a kid and don't know how the world works so I won't scream at you for what you just said."

"What I... huh?"

"Don't... don't ever make light about getting in a relationship with a god. Ever."

"Heh... why exactly?"

"Because one might take you up on your offer."

Camilo frowned. "And that's... bad?" He smiled but it fell when Anton just kept staring at him intently. "That's bad."

"I... listen, I was a little older than you when I made my presence known to my husband. He's an archfey... their whole thing is fucking over people-no jokes." Camilo snapped his jaw shut, the retort dying on his tongue. "That was the stupidest fucking thing I could ever have done. You don't openly try and court a god."

"Why not? You turned out fine. Great even."

"I got fucking LUCKY," he stressed. "There are thousands of gods out there and for every kind one there are 100 more that are evil bastards that are little more than demons with better PR. For them relations with a mortal... it is a chance to experiment. And out in the real world? You don't want a god's attention unless you know EVERYTHING about them."

"Mira mentioned that... her and Bruno did a prayer to the Truesilver or something like that..."

"Yeah. We researched who Mirabel should pray to for 6 months. We almost settled on two other ones only to find out one demands the heart of their worshipper's first born and the other enjoys hunting down dragonborn and flaying them while still alive. And that was BEFORE Saharah joined us."

Anton ran his fingers through his hair, reminding himself that Camilo was a sheltered kid. Mirabel and Bruno had been the same way but one had been little and the gods, for the most part, forgave kids for stupid things and Bruno was hyper cautious.

"Don't get me wrong... there are good gods and goddesses out there. My husband. Dryft's folks."

"His parents really are gods?"

"Technically Dryft is a god himself he just hasn't established himself," Anton admitted. "Within the next 200 years or so he'll need to select what he wants to be worshiped for and he'll take his place beside the rest of his family. But yeah, his mom and dad are gods and they are good people... er... capricorns. Very loving, very supportive. About the best you can find if you need sea blessings. But his aunt, the Lady of the Wastes? She has the body of a woman, the head and coloring of a zebra, and she is a monstrous bitch who will imprison anyone that questions her in the earth and let them slowly die of starvation. His uncle was a storm god and nearly destroyed an entire island chain before Dryft's dad stepped in and beat his ass. We've all been warned if we hear someone claim Dryft as family we are to run in the other fucking direction.

"Same with my husband. He has brothers and sisters and former loves that would like nothing more than to kill me right where I stand for a number of reasons. Very likely I am going to die one day because one will decide he's weak and thus they can get away with it." He smirked. "I hope the last thing I see is their shocked faces when he rips them apart."

Anton laid a hand on Camilo's shoulder. "You want to be like me? Be a warlock? Look into every other magic type there is first. Talk to Nocci about the druids. Asking Dryft what he does as a cleric. Your Uncle Bruno can tell you a lot about monks. I can even call up some wizards or some mages. Even a magician or two. Make sure you REALLY want to be a warlock, that you understand what that means... and then if you still want to go that route I'll help you as best I can to make the right choice. Find a peaceful god or goddess that wants to help the world and will lend you power. But kid... promise me you won't be stupid like I was."

Camilo swallowed at that but nodded. "You... you'd still help me become a warlock though? Even though you don't want me to be one?"

"I don't think its a good fit for you but if you have your heart set on it after you understand what it means I'll do all i can to help-"

Anton blinked as Camilo collided with him, giving him a hug.

What the fuck had Mirabel's family done to this kid that he thought ANTON was someone to seek comfort from?