
1. Campaign 0- Character Sheets

"Bruno, you must look."

He was glad he'd turned his back on his mother, so she couldn't see him squeeze his eyes shut. He'd known this was going to happen; no need for a vision for that! Something didn't quite go as his mamá wanted and rather than accept it and move on she wanted to know who was to blame.

'Of course this isn't her wondering why Julieta burned the cakes,' he thought to himself, giving his mother a bit of credit. 'This is something far worse.' His heart broke for his sobrina, wishing he could go to her right now and comfort her. That was what was most important! She was the one who'd seen her dreams crushed in front of everyone and been left confused. But other than a few pats on the back from her parents no one had bundled her up and held her close like she needed.

Like Bruno sometimes wished someone would do for him.

No, his mamá's first thought the morning after the failed gift ceremony wasn't comforting Mirabel. Just moments ago he'd spied the little girl reaching for her, wanting a hug, but her abuela had just breezed past her and demanded Bruno follow, never seeing the heartbroken look at the child's face.

"We must know what happened to the magic. If it's going to affect anyone else. Will the rest of you lose your powers? What about the community, Bruno?"

He wasn't a man to feel anger. Being upset was just... tiring. He hadn't really felt upset in 15 years, ever since he'd come to accept that everyone was always going to blame him for their bad luck and raging against it wouldn't change a thing. But in that moment... he felt a spark of it.

'You've already written Mirabel off,' he wanted to snarl at her. 'It hasn't even been a day and you've already dismissed her from your heart.' His mother didn't care about helping Mirabel. Her request wasn't in hopes that maybe he'd figure out how to get Mirabel a gift. Or how to explain to her she didn't NEED a gift. No... it was everyone else that mattered.

"Bruno..." his mother said, her voice losing what pleading had been in it and taking the same sharp tone she'd used when he was 9 and didn't want to use his gift because it gave him headaches.

He didn't need a vision to predict what would happen next. He would look into the future and no matter what Mirabel would suffer. If she had no gift then his mother would scorn her, seeing her as not fitting into her preconceived noTíon of what the family should be like. If she got a power then it would be her embarrassing them by not getting it when mamá had deemed it right. And God above help her if it wasn't a useful power! If it were merely being able to... change her hair color or make balloons appear his mother would see her as not pulling her weight to help the community. And if her power was truly special then all she had to look forward to were commands.

Bruno had seen how his hermanas suffered because of their gifts. How Luisa was already being broken by the constant demands to never be a child and be a pack mule. How-

"Abuela," Dolores said from the other side of Bruno's door.

His mother frowned and Bruno turned to see her marching up and opening the door, glaring at the young woman who could hear all. "Did you not HEAR that I am talking with your tío?"

Dolores wilted at that but then, to Bruno's surprise, looked right back at her abuela. "I heard someone pass over the mountains."

THAT made his mother stop short. Almost NO ONE passed over the mountains. it was near impossible to make the trek and only someone who knew where the valley was could do it. They occasionally sent people out to get supplies that they couldn't make here but that was rare, a once a year trip. He racked his brain, trying to remember who could be coming back. After all, there were so-

"He was singing a song about... battle," Dolores said softly, nervously. "And... pink jaguars?" She crinkled her nose at that.

"...Ernesto," Alma Madrigal said with a biting tone and Bruno knew at once that the request for the vision was going to be put aside for the day. "Dolores, go get Luisa. We need to make sure that..." she paused and Bruno, despite everything, forced himself not to smile; he could tell his mother was fighting to not say something that little ears shouldn't hear. Which, come to think of it, included himself most days. "...that he doesn't cause any harm to the village."

Bruno followed after his mother as she left his room; part of him wanted to stay, hoping that she would forget all about her request, but the rest of him couldn't help but want to see the fireworks that were about to go off!

"Tío Bruno, what's going on?" Camilo asked, walking up to them as Bruno's mother barked out orders for everyone to prepare the house for their guest.

"Your Tío Agustín's hermano has returned from his wanderings," Bruno said softly.

"Tío Agustín has a hermano?" Camilo said, surprised, and Bruno frowned a bit at that; somehow when one married into the Madrigal family their past lives were washed away. Felix's parents still lived in the village, after all, but he hardly saw them. Same with Agustín and his family. They were now under the command of mamá and that was that.

"Yes," Bruno said quietly, not wanting to draw his mother's ire his way; she was working herself up into a true grumbling storm that might rival one of Pepa's actually storm clouds. "Ernesto. He likes to wander around the mountains beyond the village, exploring."

Camilo smirked at that. "I bet Abuela doesn't like that." He darted his eyes towards Alma before transforming into her, giving his most put upon glare. "What else is there in the world that you can't find here?"

"Cute," Bruno admitted before shooting his nephew a look, Camilo quickly shifting back to his 5 and a half year old form. "But don't let Abuela see that, okay?" He nervously knocked on the wood around him and his head, hoping he didn't just jinx himself. "Yes, she isn't very happy with Ernesto, for the reasons you said. In fact-" He paused, having almost revealed that Julieta had been forced to beg her mother to allow her to marry Agustín when their mother had learned about Ernesto; she'd feared that his wild ways would bring shame to the family. It was only Pepa bringing up that Ernesto was gone so much that people forget he existed that finally swayed her to allow the marriage and even then Agustín had received more than a few withering stares until Isabela had been born.

"In fact what?"

"In fact she doesn't like him that much and let's leave it at that," Bruno said quickly, flashing a weak smile.

Camilo gave him a long stare, clearly not believing him, but finally, thankfully, he moved on."If she doesn't like him then why are we making sure casita looks nice for him?"

Bruno chuckled at that. "Because even if she hated the man-" and Bruno suspected she did VERY much, "-we still must make a proper appearance."

"...that's dumb," Camilo said and Bruno found himself agreeing with his sobrino but that was his mother for you: she never stopped worrying about what others thought of her and the family.

Soon they were all lined up, waiting to greet Agustín's hermano. It didn't matter if they were tired from the party the night before… or more accurately the party that hadn't happened and the worry that came from that. He glanced at his hermanas and could see that neither of them were truly all there. Julieta seemed utterly conflicted as this was her cuñado that was coming but all she really wanted to do was spend time with Mirabel; Bruno knew that with his hermana's duties to the community she wasn't getting the time she wanted to make sure her daughter was okay. As for Pepa she was muttered about clear skies and he couldn't help but glance up and make sure there weren't lightning bolts preparing to zap him as these days his hermana tended to strike him when she got in such a mood.

"I can't see him. Is he coming?" Bruno couldn't help but smile at that; of all the people that had a right to be down and want to avoid yet another guest at the casita it was Mirabel. After all she was the one that had suffered last night (despite what his mother might act like…). But there she was, all smiles and gleaming eyes as she bounced on her toes, waiting for her tío to show up.

"Mirabel," mamá warned but before she could do more to crush the little girl a figure crested the small hill that sat before their home and everyone focused on him.

Ernesto was a tall man, maybe an inch or two taller than Agustín which Bruno knew was part of their playful teasing seeing as Agustín was the older hermano. He had long curly hair that he never bothered to tie or do anything about, instead letting it flow about his head. He had a wide but shortly trimmed mustache that made his bright and playful smile all the more noticeable. He wore a simple dress shirt and slacks with a vest over that and he led a strong looked gray horse with him, the mare's saddle bags full to the brim.

"Hola!" he called out with a wave. "I hope I am not too late for the party!"

"You are a day late," mamá said with a sniff.

Ernesto merely shrugged, moving on from that. "Well, better than being two days, eh?" He walked up to Agustín and gave him a hug. "Hello hermano!"

"Hello Ernesto," Agustín greeted, patting his hermano on the back.

"You are looking good… for once." He chuckled and turned to Julieta, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "And you! Still giving my hermano the best gift in the world by loving him?"

"Of course."

Ernesto looked to Isabela and Luisa. "And there are my beautiful nieces. Now, I know that this day is about Mirabel but I couldn't not come-" Bruno saw his mother wince at how Ernesto worded that, "-without bringing you gifts!" He went over to his horse and pulled out two rather crudely wrapped presents. Isabela crinkled her nose at the rather sloppily done up gift but quickly hid her thoughts while Luisa merely tried to hold the gift without crushing it. "I think you will find them very special. Oh! And I didn't forget you two!" he pulled out two other packages for Agustín and Julieta. "Practical, like theirs, so no worry there!" He clapped his hands and instantly knelt down so he was eye level with Mirabel. "But here is the birthday girl!"

"Hello Tío Ernesto," Mirabel said politely.

"Do you remember me, little one?" Ernesto asked. "You were even smaller and cuter than you are now the last time I visited."

Mirabel though bobbed her head. "Yes!" she said with childish glee.

"Good. I am sorry I missed your party." At that Mirabel's face fell and Ernesto frowned. "Oh, what is with that lip?"

"The party…" Mirabel said softly, only for mamá to cut in.

"Mirabel did not receive her gift," she said and Bruno shut his eyes; why oh why must his mother be so cruel? Did she never think of how her harsh words hurt those around her? Embarrassed them?

But Ernesto merely laughed. "Then that just means she will need to find her own gift!" He touched her nose with his finger. "After all, I do not have a Gift and I have found the world to be a magical place. Your gifts are… cute… but there are things out there… oh yes."

"Hmmpf," mamá huffed; Ernesto was always telling them tall tales of what he did in the mountains. The grandchildren enjoyed the stories but the adults didn't like them as they filled the kids heads with wonders that simply weren't real. Dolores and Isabela were already growing out of such fables and while Luisa clearly still enjoyed them she was careful to hide that from everyone as best she could. Ernesto talking about giants and dragons simply wasn't important when there were duties to be done. Even Camilo, who had loved the stories the last time Ernesto had visited two years ago, seemed more interested in getting away so he could practice his shapeshifting than listen to the letters. But Mirabel still enjoyed the tales and was already growing excited to hear more. "Well, let us see you inside. Do you plan to stay long?"

'Don't sound so gleeful to be rid of him, mamá,' Bruno thought to himself.

But Ernesto didn't take the hint or if he did he showed he was mature than her. "For a little bit. But first I must talk with Mirabel. I haven't decided on your gift yet and I wanted to spend some time with you to decide on what would be best."

"That would be a good use of Mirabel. Keep her out of the way, right Julieta?" mamá said.

"Yes… yes, you are right," she said. Because she didn't argue with mamá anymore even if she was insulting her youngest daughter, making Mirabel sound like she was a bothersome toad they had to deal with rather than family.

'Was it only a day ago that she cuddled up with Mirabel and told her stories?' Bruno thought to himself as he looked at his mother who wasn't even looking in Mirabel's direction. In that moment he had a vision without actually having a vision: years and years of cutting statements, insulting 'compliments', shunning and dismissals. Of Mirabel constantly reaching out only to get her hand smacked away. Of the rest of the family being taught by example to ignore the girl, that she didn't matter, that they didn't need to spend time with her or help her. That when it came to everyone in the valley Mirabel was last. What a sad life where the only joy Mirabel might know would be when Ernesto-

"You must take Mirabel with you."

Everyone stared at Bruno and he was startled to realize he had been the one to speak up. He honestly thought it must have been someone else but no… the way they were looking at him… he'd been the one to say that.

"…pardon?" Ernesto said, looking at Bruno in confusion.

"Your gift," Bruno said quickly, realizing he'd dug himself in this hole and now the only way out was to dig deeper. "To Mirabel. Not… uh… not your Gift because you don't have a Gift… no offense… but uh… your gift to Mirabel. You should take her on an adventure."

"Bruno…" Pepa began and he cringed as he prepared to be fried.

"Brilliant!" Ernesto declared, clapping his hands.

"What?" Agustín said.

"Huh?" Felix echoed.

"…really?" Bruno asked himself.

"Yes!" Ernesto said, reaching down and picking up Mirabel who giggled in delight and God above was it wonderful to hear that sound again; even if it had only been less than a day casita without Mirabel's laughter had been like a world without sun or air. "I keep telling you all that you must see the world! And I understand that you have a purpose and duty to your community but as you said Mirabel is young and has time to explore!"

That… wasn't what they'd said. They'd said that she didn't have a purpose because she didn't have a gift and in this family that meant you got shoved to the side. Bruno wondered if Ernesto actually thought they'd meant that or if he was just being nice.

"I… I don't know…" Agustín said.

"Come now, what is the harm? A bit of harmless adventure and excitement? Gives you all a bit of rest and Mirabel can see some real magic!"

As Ernesto began to wear down his hermano and cuñada Bruno's mother walked up to him and whispered, "Did you have a vision?"

He knew what she was asking. Did he have a vision that Mirabel had to leave in order for the magic to be protected.

But she had merely asked, "Did you have a vision?" and thus his usual inability to lie to her… didn't come into play.

"Yes," he said because he had had a vision… several days ago about some goats destroying a flower bed. Mamá didn't ask WHEN.

She nodded firmly at that before raising her voice. "Ernesto is right. Mirabel should go with him."

The family looked at her in surprise and Bruno could tell they were warring with just agreeing with her and their desire to keep the five year old close. And because he knew how much better this would be for Mirabel to have a chance to escape the sad stares and murmurs and judgment… he found himself speaking again.

"And… I'll go with her."

Everyone looked at him and he smiled weakly.


"How did I get roped into this?" Bruno muttered two weeks later as he rode on the horse mamá had purchased for him, Mirabel sitting in front of him happily playing with the reins. Ernesto was guiding them through the mountain paths he always took, riding on his own horse and pointing out different trail markers that, to Bruno… looked like normal things found in the jungles that clung to the high mountains.

"Come now, Bruno, this will be fun for you too!" Ernesto declared. "You and Mirabel… you have been sheltered! There is magic out in the world! Adventure! Romance! Excitement! It is good you get to experience it with an experienced adventurer like me."

"Mmmhhhmmm," Bruno muttered. He knew what they were really going to experience: nights sleeping on the cold ground, traveling in the rain, rations, maybe finding a village with a few people in it that would give them the stink eye, a griffin, wet boots when they crossed rivers, bug bites-

Bruno stopped, slowly replaying what he'd just listed off.


Well, that was to be expected considering one was FLYING RIGHT ABOVE THEM!

There it was, as big as life, breaking free from the tree tops and letting out a mighty cry as it raced skyward. Mighty wings flapped and other birds darted away as it banked about. It was… it was the most beautiful thing Bruno had ever seen in his life.

Mirabel gasped and Ernesto chuckled as he opened up his saddle bag… and began to put on armor with glowing runes etched into them.

"As I said… your magic is cute Bruno," Ernesto said as he pointed down and Bruno, following the griffin's flight down, saw that below them was a land teeming with villages, temples, and all manner of magical creatures, "but it is a big world."


Chaos' Notes: So I blame Garnett for this.

Over on my discord, Into the Chaosverse, several of us were talking about the movie Encanto and what fanfics we would like to see made when Garnett mentioned her idea, where just outside the valley there is a magical realm and it turns out the Madrigals are just a bit bigoted.

Now, Garnett has also talked many times about her D&D group and the campaigns they do. I have no idea about D&D but... I began thinking about what she'd suggested and suddenly the image formed in my head of Mirabel going on a long trip to the outside world and discovering that they have magic too; powerful magic. To the point they find the Madrigal magic cute in how focused it is when there is so much more.

Garnett and I shifted to direct messages and this story came into being. A bit about our writing process: I do the bulk of the writing with Garnett serving as my expert on what I can do (or finding HOW to make the plotting work). I will also throw out ideas, she will take them and run with them to come up with really cool fantasy and RPG ways to do it, then pass it back to me to build off her ideas. Round and round until we have stuff locked in.

As for this chapter I decided to set it right after the failed ceremony because it offered so many chances to change canon. Keep Bruno from hiding and instead go with Mirabel. Have Mirabel not be beaten down by her family and thus when she left... it was just one crummy day but otherwise good, if vague memories.

As for Ernesto that came about because there was a fanfic, I am so sorry I can't remember the name at the moment, where its revealed that Agustin and Felix's families live in the valley but they drifted away from them because Alma HATES Agustin's mother and she shares the view. And that made me wonder what would have happened if a non-magical member of Mirabel's extended family showed up... and Ernesto.

Garnett can go more into his backstory but basically he is a paldain. As for Mirabel and Bruno Garnett and I have locked in their futures and I think you'll love what we have set up!


Garnett's Notes: I can't help we vibe so well~

Chaos has explained most of what you need to know, I was written a few scene suggestions here and there but 99.9% of this is Chaos own brand writing (And I can tell you as someone who's a few chapters ahead of you, it's hilarious) As we've worked together on this we decided to joint post it, Chaos on his Fanfiction account and me on my AO3 account We figured this would be fair and just works XD

Ernesto as mentioned is a Paladin, to be exact an Oath of the Watchers Paladin. During Ernesto's first adventures outside the Encanto he was entranced by the magic he found seeking out his fortune and new freedom. Though sadly he was soon introduced to it's darker side when he found a village, it's people decimated from being forced to act as pawns in a petty scuffle between two minor gods.

Enraged at his injustice brought upon these people Ernesto took his oath to protect the small people from the whims and desires of all 'higher' beings, He became rather famous on his adventures gathering together a small band of adventurer's and...Well spoilers. Ernesto has calmed down from his more aggressive youth but is still a defender at heart and protective of his niece and brother in law...At least at first.