
Pleasure God's Opus

*Spawns into existence with an overpowered past* Walks in an elegant and dignified gait, takes a seat on a chair as if he was a sovereign and gazes down at you. "Hello, ladies~" I spoke in an enchanting yet overbearing tone, gazing at the ladies, who were dazed gazing up at me in a near-revering state. "And to you guys too" I mumbled in annoyance as my eyes landed on men. "Hey, can't you just remove men, except for me, from my world?" I asked _Eshwar_. (*_Eshwar_ choks on the drink he was drinking and glances away*) "Tsk, useless!" I cursed at him and glanced away, ignoring his menacing glare, that spoke volumes on his urge to erase me out of existence. "Him and I have spoken and we have come to an agreement on him telling you guys my opus, and heh, I will, of course, be the main focus, so ladies~~ You'll be seeing me soon~" I spoke to the ladies gazing up at me, while I continued to ignore the men in the crowd. Glancing to the side, my eyes fell on the men, who flinched at the ominous foreboding feeling that abruptly chruned their stomach, "You better keep your ladies safe...... since they'll be mine soon~~" I said with a smile that made men shudder while charming the women at the same time. My gaze swept over the crowd beneath, "Since the world I am to transmigrate into is overwhelmingly futuristic, there are many things to adventure about, so we have decided on, not dwelling too much on politics and other shit, but instead focus only on women and me~" I stated with an enchanting grin. *In a distinct chatter* "Oi, tell them the truth!!" _Eshwar_'s voice yelled at, from a distance..... "No wait, isn't he right? But a bit of politics should be good....." _Eshqar_'s mumbled whispers trickled my sensitive ears, but I didn't like the words that left his mouth. "Oi, we discussed not to include politics and shit like tha-" But it was already too late..... _Eshwar_'s pen wielding hand flitted across the plot filled sheets, as a subtle exclamation escaped his mouth, and at that, I could instantly tell that he was up to no good! "Oi-" "With a bit of politics!" He yelled from a distance, as a ghastly silence descended upon me and the crowd gazing up at me, while the men grinned mockingly and women tilted their heads to the side in such cuteness that I almost forgot the plight at hand. Afterall, when I narrated my opus, I stated repeatedly that I don't like politics! "You added politics?" I asked with a forced smile. "Mhm" _Eshwar_ nodded his head innocently. ".....politics?" "Yeah" "Ohyoumotherfu-" *with the distinct sounds of crashes, both of them fled from the scene* -- [AN's Promise] "Well, let's experience as many beautiful love stories as possible~" [A lovely bundle of fluffy love stories] -- AN: I don’t know who the artist of the cover is, but if you want me to remove it.... you can ask me to do so (T-T). Credits to the artist. (Honest thoughts: Goddamn the art is goooood!! of course, I have edited it to link my novel to it, but DAYAM!!)

_Eshwar_ · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
67 Chs


"Haaaa….." Raven huffed and a heated puff of breath escaped his lips.

[Silenced notifications that could have been put forth until master is free, are being revealed]

[[Unique Ability: Prism Core] has been created]

[Under the effects of the [Unique Ability: Prism Core], MP (magic points) and BMP (blood magic points) have been merged]

[[Unique Trait: Undeath Magic Points (UMP) has been unlocked]

[Under the effects of [Unique Trait: Undeath Magic Points]…..]

[[Unique Ability: Infrangible Blood] has been created]

[[Unique Ability: Angled Rings] has been created]

[[Amendments [????] has been utilized]

[[Prism Core] has been activated passively]

[[Angled Rings] has been activated passively]

[Master's physique has been strengthened accordingly]

[With the creation of a [Prism Core], Master has taken a step forth to reign over [Ivleunnil]: 100 [AP]s have been obtained]



[Master is suggested to complete synchronization]

"Link?" Muttered Raven, a bit confused as to what the invoke command was.

[Invoke command has been set to [Link]]



A shard of reality crumbled at his feet while he laid on the bed, with that plump proportions of that obsessively submissive ethereal woman laying over him, humming softly.

Her calming hum sounded as soothing as the caresses of mother nature itself while Raven smiled gently to place his hand over her, only to notice his hand pass through as she disappeared and dissipated into thin air.

"Shy now are we….." Raven mumbled in a tease, before he got back onto his feet only to notice a 10 feet tall crack mid space, in the shape of a cross. On the other side of the cross, Raven saw nothing but pure white lands.


His heart thumped in curious excitement while he took a deep breath and stepped foot onto the other's side…..

None of the novel like experiences occurred as he passed through the crack in space, but the space beyond was extremely beautiful.


[(Sandbox mode) has been invoked]

[World: [----] (Expand)]

[Biome: [----] (Expand)]

[Vegetation: [----] (Expand)]

[Mobs: [----] (Expand)]

[Hint: Mobs spawn and gather to create labyrinths at a random] [Spawn Rate has been set to 50%] [Change]



[Grass lands], [Mountains], [Rainforest], [Desert], [Savannah], [Marine], [Taiga], [Tundra], [Freshwater], [Temperate Forest], [Custom]]



[Colour: [White], [Yellow], [Red], ...]

[Colour wheel: ...]

[Pixel Create Mode]


[Pixel Create Mode]:

[Place], [Move], [Reset]


One after the other, settings after settings, windows continued to pop up in front of him and before he knew it, his entire view was covered in an old, 2D, pixilated, dark blue system window of a new kind.

He could only browse and create only because he already was familiar with a Sandbox mode games while the never ending list of options did annoy him at times when he played games similar to those, since he didn't entertain them all too much, he would merely create a world he liked and then ignore the game for as long as it existed in his phone.

Since, he created life, why bother?

They should do the rest, so meh, I guess…..

Either way,

Minutes later,

Raven was finally done!

The lands were still purely white, and not much seemed to have changed, since all he did was creating the world of his liking, and that was exactly what was in front of him, so he wasn't concerned by it.

Now that he had created a world, whatever he did with it, was up to him.

'With this, I wouldn't need a separate base for my plans since this world is more than enough,' Raven mused.

Arrowhead-like crimson shoots were seen protruding at a distance, and kilometres away from the spot he stood, a crimson river flowed to the southern east, from the hilly terrain far away from him, and on the other side, seen towering into the skies at a distance were kilometres wide pillars coloured pure white, followed by heavy mountainous terrain.

At the south, were crimson grass, seen blanketing the pure white lands, with subtle amounts of dull grey rocks.


At the North,

A colossal crimson cross was seen hung, mid space, while a pure black coloured snake was seen coiling around the crimson cross, presumably resting with its eyes closed.

Beneath that colossal structure was a forgotten crimson throne, made of luxurious crystals, with five semi translucent, half crimson, half transparent pillars, sizing a few meters tall.

Having experienced the feeling of being at the top in more than a couple billions of lives, at the sight of the throne….


His Throne,

An ambience of a sovereign veiled him, naturally.

His enigmatic gait with touch of devilish charm, morphed to something else entirely.

A veil of majesty emanated from him while his world acknowledged its creator's presence, with a celebration that wasn't over the top, but could be felt through the air he breathed.

The skies parted to make way, existences within, bowed in reverence, and under that celebrative welcome, Raven arrived in front of the throne, and stood still to appreciate it for a few seconds.

Taking a step forward,

Raven took a seat on his throne.


[Silenced notifications that could have been put forth until master is free, are being revealed]

[• Name your Household (complete)]

[• Ascend the Throne (complete)]

[• Design a Tattoo (complete)]

[• Create Household skills (complete)]

[• List [Rules] (complete)]



[Synchronisation complete]

[[System: Sovereign's Beginning (Adventure Mode)] has been linked to Master's System]

'…. Another link?' Raven mused, calmly.


[AN: Attention!]

[There haven't been any suggestions for the names, maybe I missed mentioning something?]

[Ether way,

You can still suggest~

And since I'll have to introduce a new character soon, hurry!]

[Character Name: (Suggest Here)]

[Hair Colour:

• Brown

• Raven Black

• Ash

• Green

• Purple

• Blue

• Red

• Pink

• Yellow

• Orange

• White]

(To the colour you prefer, comment in the paragraph comments)

[Hair length:

• Short

• Waist length

• Thigh length

• Ground length (lol)]

(To the hair length you prefer, comment in the paragraph comments)

[Eye Colour:

• Brown

• Raven Black

• Ash

• Green

• Purple

• Blue

• Red

• Pink

• Yellow

• Orange

• White]

(To the eye colour you prefer, comment in the paragraph comments)

[Personality Traits: (Damn there are a lot more than I thought!)

[Positive and Neutral]

• Bold

• Cautious

• Diligent

• Excitable

• Imaginative

• Reserved

• Mischievous

• Stubborn

• Shy

• Quite

• Calm

• Honest

• Carefree

• Emotional

• Curious

• Cheerful

• Reliable

• Independent

• Brave

• Loving

• Supportive

• Hardworking

• Passionate

• Modest

• Confident

• Innocent

• Generous


• Aggressive

• Rude

• Moody

• Lazy

• Cold

• Dishonest

• Cowardly

• Selfish

• Greedy

• Arrogant

• Cunning

• Double faced

• Clumsy

• Bossy

• Possessive

(I think it will be more realistic to if there was a negative trait too, hence you guys can pick two traits, and do add more if you remember and know more traits that haven't been mentioned)

[A few negative traits seem hot in comparison….]

[The other choices will be mentioned when nearing the end]

[Anyway, do let me know on how you like the idea, and there will only be extensions, like this in A few chapters, so don't worry, and the word count will be met even without this part~]

Have a good night,




[Power Stones: 19/50] [+1 Chapter]

[Golden Tickets: 0/10] [+1 Chapters]

[Magic Castle: 0/1] [+1 Chapters]