
Pleasure(Robert Baratheon SI)

Waking up in the body of Robert Baratheon in his wedding with Cersei....now how to survive this shitty world that is Westeros?

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Chapitre 3


It has been a week since I found myself in westeros as Robert of all things. Honestly living in a mediaval society is one of the most boring shit ever!

No wifi, no phone, no Netflix?, no Anime and manga, No fantasy books sigh I would do anything to have every wheel of time books to read right now or Brandon Sanderson's fantasy epics.

Apart from fucking, attending the small council and actually holding court. There is not much to do, hunting is not even that fun but riding a horse can be quite relaxing. Holding court while sitting on that uncomfortable throne for hours has to be the worst thing yet though. Listening to petition after petition, listening to complaints and pleas for help and so on. Shit being King is such a tiring thing.

And so that is why I called for playwrights,singers and dancers from all over the world to come to king's landing. The king is bored and I need distractions and entertainment and no I am not fucking some whores, who knows what kind of nasty disease I might catch.

Leaning on the terrace and staring at the blackwater bay and my stinking city I sighed. One of the first things that I wanted to push was to make a drainage system in the city. No way I am gonna live the rest of my life in a city full of shit!

Thank god the crown was not in debt yet so we had the budget to start the project. Kevan Lannister is taking his job seriously, master of coin and all that.

Hmm Cersei is an interesting woman, but for someone from the modern day "courting" her is easy. Shower with affection and attention, show her I care and I am listening to her. And that's it, that makes her happy.

Pleasure her in bed and not just used her for my own pleasure and she is a satisfied woman in bed too. So far life with Cersei is good,very good.

I honestly tried to think about the future, I knew about the ironborn threat and other…magical ones far north. I have pushed for us to help the nightwatch too so that is good. Food and prisoners forced to join their ranks will help their rank for the future.

I have received a letter back from Rhaella, she is willing to come back alone first to see if what I said in the letter is true or not. If she is killed then viserys will escape Dragonstone with his men. She is quite the courageous pregnant woman, as if I would harm a pregnant woman for gods sake!

I sent a letter to the Tywin telling him I am worried about the Ironborn and to keep an eye out there. Surely he will put his gold and spies to work. If he or my master of whisperers hear any thoughts of war and rebellion there, we will squash it before it begins. Killing Balon Greyjoy can't be that hard!

Walking to the dining room, Cersei was already seated with her Uncle,Genna,little Renly and Stannis.

"Ah sorry to make you all wait" I said while taking my seat. The servants hurried to serve us our food and wine.

"We did not wait long Robert, don't worry" Cersei said with her beautiful ass voice.

So we ate in silence then when we were all done.

"Kevan how is the drainage work doing?"

"Its doing good my king, the city will be clean and not stink in a few months."

"Good good, I don't know how other kings before me could bear to live in this stinking pile of shit! Why is the capital not in the reach or something? Or heck in the westerlands? I guess it is too late if I suddenly want to change my royal seat!" I laughed because shit If only I could do that.

"The cost to even build a new capital and new castle would be too much. Let's not talk it might even take years to complete such a big endeavor." Grimaced Kevan while shaking his head.

"Yes, I know" I make a show of sighing loudly.

"Anyway little Renly how was your sword lessons and study lessons today?"

"It was great brother, it was tiring but having Ser Barristan Selmy teach me is great!! And the study lessons were boring as usual" he said sheepishly.

Oh Renly renly my little brother who in another life is a sexual predator who preyed on little Loras and who died like a fool. Not happening in this life though brother, but you can fuck dudes if you want in private I don't care. I thought to myself again, I have been doing internal monologues too much lately…


Robert my new husband is surprisingly sweet and kind to me. The way he looks at me when I talk, the way he holds my hand when we walk together,the way he hugs me when we sleep at night, the way he whispers sweet nothings to me, the way he makes love to me.

Gods did Cersei enjoy the attention, the way he could be gentle during sex making love to her then suddenly another day he fucks her roughly and says the most degrading things to her in the heat of the moment but that still heats her core and makes her shiver with pleasure! His duality is something that she loves!

The things he does with his tongue is just divine! The way he rains kisses all over her body, the way he bites her and leave marks all over her then say "to mark you as mine love" in his raspy voice.

Watching him talking to his little brother Renly had her thinking of the future. When they would have a child together, would he act like this too? Indulging our child like he does with Renly?

She misses Jaimie sometimes when Robert is not around but that is getting lesser and lesser. Jaimie is the past, Robert is her future and what a future it will be. Already the people loves her and Robert so much, the idea of visiting the city together to offer coins and foods to the poor was a great idea from Robert. Visiting orphanages too, Robert was so great with children, he attracts them like a fly to a moth!

She really hopes she will get pregnant in this year. After all the sex they have been doing this week, she was sure it would happen sooner or later.She was excited to be a mother…
