
Pleasure(Robert Baratheon SI)

Waking up in the body of Robert Baratheon in his wedding with Cersei....now how to survive this shitty world that is Westeros?

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5 Chs

Chapitre 2

Chapter 2

Entering the small council with Cersei in tow, Eric or should I say "Robert" now looked around at the members. From Varys, Pycelle and Jon Arryn. "Your Grace" they said in unison while standing up.

"Now now sit down I have much to talk to you all, let's get this done"

He went to sit at the head of the table and motion for Cersei to sit on a chair right next to him. This had the small council members raised their eyebrow but they did not say anything else.

"So before you all start talking, I have well a lot of things to say" Robert looked at all of them then continued "First of all we lacked a master of ships , master of coins and master of laws. And I already have decided on who will be appointed. So listen, Kevan Lannister will be my master of coins, Stannis will be my master of laws and as for master of ships you can appoint it to a redwyne or a manderly you decide." Jon arryn was about to speak but Robert raised his hands to silence him. "Secondly I want you Jon to go with the ship that is sending the body of Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch to Dorne and give Prince Doran this letter for me and obviously you are not allowed to read it's contents" Robert gave Jon the letter.

"What is in the letter Robert?" said Jon Arryn.

"Why my apologies of course, Gregor and Amory were monsters who killed and raped an innocent woman then butchered her children when the orders they were given by Tywin was to secure them and sent back to Dorne in Exile forever.Perhaps at worst the boy would have been sent to the citadel to become a maester while the girl would marry someone at Dorne and the plan was to then marry Ellia to Jaimie. That was the plan and those two fools went against orders. I wrote in the letter that what happened was never our intentions and I also apologized for what I did when I laughed at their dead bodies in the throne room. I was tired and full of anger and grief and I said something like that which I regrets." Robert took a sip of his wine after having finish talking.

"You have thought this through" Jon said surprised.

"Why are you so surprised Jon? You really thought I would always stay the same drunkard? The same dumb whoremonging man? No Jon that time is over, the moment you put that oh so heavy crown on my head was the moment I changed. Thousands and thousands of people depend on me now, on what I say, on what I decide, on what I sign! You may not feel the burden of it all Jon but I do. I do and it terrifies me for every single choice I make there is a chance I am fucking someone life over and without meaning to. I am no good at politics and yet I will have to become good at it. I hate bootlickers and sycophants but no doubt my life will be full of them from now. Backstabbers, schemers and potential enemies, Is it a wonder that Aerys went mad? The damn throne itself is uncomfortable to sit on for fucks sake!" Robert ended his rant with a sigh. "Sorry for the outburst, anyway about Rhaella and the little prince…"

"We have started rebuilding the royal fleet but it will take some time."Jon said.

"Give me paper and ink. I want to write a letter to my Aunt. I want her back here alive. I know what she went through because of her monster of a husband. The kingsguard who are suppose to protect women and the innocent did not bat an eye when she was being raped and beaten. Disgusting the lot of them even the so called Barristan the bold did not help his Queen. I want her and her child here, they will live as royalty. My aunt deserve happiness and I will give it to her, I know for a fact she was in love with a certain knight before getting married to Aerys,I will even bless that union if she wishes to remarry. She will be under my protection no harm is to be done to her when she is coming here and when she will be staying here. The little Viserys will be a problem but he is young and will be under my watchful eyes" Robert was speaking as he was writing the letter. Then he looked up the surprised faces of his small council members.

"What? Why are you so surprised? Rhaegar kidnap a young girl and went on to rape her, Mad king Aerys was burning innocents alive but Rhaella and Viserys never did anything wrong. Why should they die? I have already done a kinslaying by killing Rhaegar, I do not want to do it again." Robert said solemly. Then he looked at Varys, "Dear Varys now let us talk about you…"

"Me your highness? About what?" he asked with his high pitched and feminine voice.

"Why about where your loyalties lie of course. Pycelle over there is a Lannister creature through and through and Jon here is well at least loyal to me, he did go through a war to save my ass after all. But you Varys who are you? Where did you come from? You were brought here by the mad king, you could have helped Rhaegar in getting rid of his mad father heck perhaps you could have saved the realm by poisoning the man or arrange an accident? If your so called little birds are everywhere then doing something like that should have been easy right?"

"My king I would never try to kill a King and even though Aerys was mad, he was really paranoid of everyone and everything. Trying to betray him would have lead to my death." Varys said.

"Fair point, but tell me are you friends with a certain Illyrio mopatis?" Robert asked with a smile.

"Yes why do you ask?" Varys asked surprised and wary.

" Oh I just heard a rumour that the last blackfyre daughter married the man, sadly she died of a sickness in Pentos but I know for a fact she left a boy, a baby Blackfyre Varys. So will this Illyrio get any weird ideas now that he has a Blackfyre son? Will you Varys try anything untowards towards me and my future children? Hmm can I trust you when you are friends with a man who married a Blackfyre?" Robert looked at him sternly.

Varys blanched a bit and recovered "where did you hear such a rumor? I did not know….."

"No need to lie Varys, it only makes sense now. Why you were trying to create discord between Rhaegar and his father. Why you told Aerys about what Rhaegar was planning at Harrenhall. If Aerys never came there then Rhaegar would have convinced us all to lead a rebellion against his father and put him on the throne but you had to warn Aerys right? After all a war torn westeros means it will easier for the golden company to invade in the future right? …of course all this is just speculation. No proof at all but my spy in pentos but you see Varys you are no one here, no important lord no one will miss you. So even without proof I will still execute you. It will be in secret, the world will just know that the cockless eunuch was the male lover of Aerys the mad and he tried to kill the new Queen and was thus executed. A decent story." Robert smirk. "Guards come in" they came and apprehended Varys. "stab him and throws his body away be swift about it" so they did, one came forward and stab him in the heart and they carried his body out of the room.

"Robert ….this…how much of what you said was true? Since when did you have spies in Pentos of all things? Did you just want to be rid of him, I do not understand?" Jon was red in the face.

"The fool man Illyrio mopatis is careless with whores when he is drunk he talked too much. One said whores was one I know, she came back from Pentos and told me about this interesting story recently. Hmm perhaps a network of spies made of whores will be to my advantage."

"So a Blackfyre boy, what do you intend to do?" said Jon

"I don't know, as long as he stays the hell away from Westeros then he can stay as a cheese merchant son for the rest of his life." He waved his hand dismissively.

" Do you have anything else of major consequence you want to tell us again Robert?" asked Jon Arryn with a tired smile.

"Oh yes. My dear Cersei here will be attending the small council with me from now on. So I want her to have her own seat when we come next time. Apart from that, oh yes Stannis. Enter brother!" he shouted

Young Stannis came in looking thin which is understable as he nearly starved to death during the siege. "My king" he bowed.

"Bah none of that crap with me brother, I called you here for two reasons. One is that you shall be my master of laws from now on. Two I am making it official that you are now the Lord of Storm End and my heir should anything happen to me. Do you understand?" he asked jovially.

Stannis gasp with surprise then straightened up " I understand brother" he nodded.

"Good then you can choose who will be the castellan while you will be in King landing acting as the master of laws. I shall also have to find a wife for you, of course if you already fancies someone then be sure to tell me then I will have you marry her. But for the love of gods please choose a smart woman, Gods knows we need them around." Robert smirked at Cersei then at Stannis.

"I like the lady Florent…"

"Oh good then send her a romantic letter or heck just invite her here then propose to her. Make it lovely and romantic like in the songs or something. Ahhaha"

Stannis blushed but nodded " I will try my best"

"Yes yes do that and now go and start working on that letter."

Stannis nodded then left.

"Well that went well. Oh yes one last thing now, Pycelle."

"Yes my king."

" You better not betray me, Tywin is very far away so watch yourself and just do your job. If you can't then I will replace you. I don't mind if you are a spy of Tywin, better I know who is a spy than I don't know. But if you try to ever poison me or my wife then you will die a most horrible death. Understand?"

Shivering and coughing the old man nodded.

"Good, and ah shit now we have to look for a new master of whisperers. Who even should we appoint? Ah yes call The Lord of white harbor, Wyman Manderly was it? A business man like him no doubt knows how to flesh out secret and see through plots and schemes, I think he will do a good job. If not him then Genna Lannister, Cersei needs a woman she trust around. Those ladies in the court are just manipulative bitches the lot of them.

"Robert another Lannister?"

"Ah you are right I cannot show such open favoritism now can i? but still I want her to stay in the keep from now so she can be with Cersei. I have not offered any vale men a position now did i? But then again their Lord is the Hand. That should be enough right?"

"If you say so…" Jon said tiredly.

" I do say so now you can leave you and pycelle"

They stood up and left.

Robert looked at his wife then said "so what did you think of your first day in the small council? I did tell you to observe today."

"You surprised me with a lot of things ….again. I did not think you would take those decisions but you did well nonetheless." She said smiling at him.

"Oh a praise from you? Now you just made my day!" he leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Let's go dear, we have orphanages to visit, coins and bread to give to the poor. They shall call you Good Queen Cersei soon , they will love you I am sure. You just have to charm them with your beautiful smile and lovely voice." He stood up and she did too. Grabbing his arm they went out of the room and the castle to the busy street of king's landing. Walking together and offering food and visting orphanages to play with children. It would be the first of many such outings for Robert and Cersei. Good king Robert and Good Queen Cersei the people call them, the warrior and the maiden incarnate some say. The people loved their new king and queen.