
i hate you

My husband, my husband wow, I laughed, you understand what it means,

You also know the meaning of the husband-wife relationship, its foundation is on truth and trust.

And nothing like this between us,

why do you want to see by calling and messaging your dear, you love me,

Your doing this hurts me, I feel sorry for what you say to me, I hate you, whenever you do this.

you know, when I met you, my life was ruined, You don't even know me well, and you don't even know what's going on with me,

He pulled me strongly towards him, and said, I don't know what happened to you, no one will know you more than me.

You shut up, Stevan, I don't even know how much you know me. Then hearing all this, Amaya wakes up and says sister, I am scared.

I release my hand from Steven and say to Amaya, you go inside, I will come now,

Steven then pauses to say,

Please Merry trust me everything will be fine, I agree everything is not easy but just give me some time, trust me.


I will not trust you till my death, just do me this much favour and end this relationship.

You know I used to love someone else, then what you did all, And you say have faith in you.

I go to Amaya and say, you go to sleep, I will stay with you, sister, will you help me and my friend?

Yes, of course, I will ask you at your home soon, Sister, because of me there was a fight between you and your husband.

I'm sorry sister,

Nothing like that we were just talking about nothing else,

elder sister, your husband is such a big police officer, he will help us, why don't you talk to him?

I said after thinking sometimes,

yes of course I will talk to you.

You go to sleep, there is a lot to do tomorrow.

how can I talk to Steven, what will happen will be seen, I will have to talk, for this innocent girl,

It's morning, I control my mind, and reached Steven's room to talk but, Steven was not in the room,

Did he leave the house because of yesterday's talk, then I started moving towards the kitchen after being a little sad.

then I saw that Steven was cooking,

I reached angrily, what are you doing here, He smiled at me and said I was preparing something for you to eat, last night you did not eat anything, so I have come to make something good for you.

I thought that you had gone away yesterday, Are you worried about me?

No, not at all.

I just want your help, Steven, are you talking to me about help?

I thought you'd never ask me for help, I thought so too, but I need your help for that little girl, ok.

But on one condition, you are talking about the condition now, Steven.

Listen, my dear wife, first eat my cooked food, only then I will help you, that's all. Ok

After a while the house bell rings, then I open it, then the police officer who put me in prison is standing in front of me.

He apologized for seeing me and said madam, I made a mistake, please forgive me, otherwise, you don't know what will happen to me.

I said ok I forgive you, then Steven asked him to come inside, I didn't understand why this officer came here,

Then Steven said you have brought what I told you, he fearfully said,

yes sir,

He brought the evidence, the place where the girl was locked up and the hotel where she visited where there was evidence to go, and gave it to him, and said whatever happened to them, I will give you the rest of the information connected about human traffickers I will give you all information in 24 hours.

So you lied to me, on whose advice did you do this,

forgive me, madam,

You tell me the truth, Mr. officer

on whose advice did you do this?


I had no idea that you are our boss's wife, otherwise, we would not have bothered you so much. You guys left me just because I am your boss's wife, what would you have done if I was a common girl?

Mr. officer,

The rules should be the same for everyone, this law tells you all, but if all of you do this then how many people will be like us who have no one in front or behind?

Their only support is your law, please don't do like us.

Steven interrupts, on whose advice did you do this, and tells them his name, He did not tell the name but said that he will report to you tomorrow, in any case.

Then Steven's phone rings and he takes the police officer to the police station, Before leaving, trust me by saying to me.

But I tried to go from my side so that I could help that girl. I asked do you remember the place near where you were kidnapped, he said no sister, well tell me, do you know the place from where you ran away?

she said yes, Come take me But sister, your husband should be told, let him do his work but then we should also try from our side, Ok

Sister, it would be right for you and me to go alone.

Hmm let's go, she took me when she went I saw this is a very old factory, she said sister from here, from that, but, sister at this place, I was locked up, sister, these people were the ones who brought me here. I started thinking that when a kidnapper places someone escapes, the kidnapper changes his place, Police couldn't catch them but why didn't the kidnapper do that?

Did I trust the wrong person again,

Or am I again in some other new trouble?