
please reset the booktitle Monu03 20231218092329 72

“I was before everything and I will be after everything destroyed.” Witness being overpowered in a society in which civilians somehow got the power of the gods.

Monu03 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs


The Deer spoke, "there was a legend in our tribe, this forest is known as the 'Aranyani forest'. Aranyani is the goddess of Forest and also a guardian of a divine treasure. She has hidden that treasure inside this pond."

"If there is a treasure inside this pond, why nobody is guarding it. Moreover, since no one is guarding it, why no one attempted to acquire it." Om.

The deer replied, "My lord many tried before yet not one was able to acquire it. Those who went deep inside never retuned. Those beasts were not any normal beast were on king level beast, nonetheless we know nothing about them. Only legend was passed down that there is a treasure, but what he treasures is nobody know?"

"Hmm, let's see what this treasure you spoke of is?" thought Om.

He took a deep breath and jumped in. due to extreme luminous light, vision of Om became blurry. Everything was white for him. Unable to see but curious, He went straight to the source of the light. The taste of water was sweet, he didn't feel any presence of underwater life, like the pond was dead water where no life was possible.

After travelling for a while, he finally reached the giant pillar of light. Close to the pillar, the intensity of light was deemed. He became able to see everything around the pillar. The surrounding environment was just water, nothing around it, only clear water.

While looking at the pillar of light from close, he thought, "Due to my high stats, I somehow swam here also this is odd that breather here is possible even in underwater, but what do I do now. The only object present here is this pillar of light."

Curious, Om raised his hand and tried to touch the pillar. Upon teaching the pillar, water around it turned turbulent, afraid of turbulence, he swam away from it, but water sucked him in. behind him all the water present in the pond was sucked. The entire pond became empty.

All the undead that were present outside the pond. In front of their eyes while all the water disappeared, witnessed whole scene moreover they did nothing but watched. The same deer that was explaining about the legend of the treasure of the pond was starring in the middle of the pond, the same view that the deer was looking at was also witnessed by Yama. He was able to see what his undead were looking at. Yama, there also went inside the pond that was present in the graveyard of the beast. For some reason, he was not in the pond but in some place surrounded by lava like he was close to the core of earth. Yama was not only surrounded in lava, but bones of the dead beasts were also visible.

"My lord went in the pond, but he vanished with the water. Furthermore, that pillar of light is also similar to the pillar present here. This pillar appeared after sometime lord went in the pond. Both ponds are mirror identical to each other. Everything point towards same direction that both the ponds are somehow connected to each other. There is a good chance that, similar to the lake the lord went in, this also has a hidden treasure."

Yama also raised his right hand, but nothing happened. In the presence of pillar, his authority over the law of death was also nullified. He tried to raise the dead present there, but failed. He was unable to return to. Furthermore, he can only wait.

Somewhere in the mountains, the group-two of Vanaras led by king of Apes, 'Sugriva' were face to face with another king, the king of herbivores, 'Nandi'.

Nandi didn't ask any word, he was just standing there looking on the undead. Sugriva's and his group also walked towards Nandi. They ignored him and walked through. Nandi reaction was like nothing happened. He turned and was only spectated what those undead were after.

From a cliff, all dead jumped behind them, Sugriva also jumped. He landed on a giant rock. That rock shattered. A gust of wind came, and all dust created from Sugriva's landing cleared. He stood like a wrestler and punched the land beneath him. His punch made a crack which travelled to the nearby wall of rocks and also shattered that wall. He went towards the shattered pieces of rock and picked one of them. The rock was a metal of some kind. Looking at the piece of metal, "We died because we were weak, and we returned to life as undead. Living as undead is a curse for other people, but we came back to life for a good cause. The mighty lord of ours deserves our service. Even death kneeled in front of our Lord. Unlike the undead raised by necromancy, we are not any ordinary undead. We are divine undead beings. Before us, even the gods will fall." Motivated from Sugriva's speech, all undead began to mine the mineral from the valley.

Nandi listen to the whole speech Sugriva gave. He remembered, "when I was a mount for the destroyer, I also lived in the cemetery. In respect to my great lord, many souls themselves came and lived with us. Those souls took over objects to form the temporary bodies. Motivated by this, A art came to existence, the art of necromancy. But the art of necromancy was flawed. It tames the Souls of death without their consent and bring them back to life as undead by force. But unlike those undead raised by necromancy, these are different. This undead showed emotions. They may be undead, but they are pure, without any ill intentions.

I will watch them for a while to be certain."

Nandi started to glow and changed to human form. Unlike Damon, his body was more muscular but lean. His hairs were white. Eyes were black. He was also wearing a white dhoti in lower body. On his face, there was no trace of pride. He was calm. His whole body was glowing in white light. Due to light emitting from Damon's body, Sugriva, who was in the valley also noticed that someone was watching them. But since both sides didn't show any ill intent, they stayed quiet.

Om after getting sucked in found himself float over a pound which is in the middle of clouds. He was a little confused that nothing existed there except of clouds and water still. Everything was white around him. A cold by satisfying gust of wind coming from somewhere.

"My world was far better than this. Everything was normal, but now nothing makes sense. I went deep in a pond, found a glowing pillar of light, was sucked in, and now I am floating on a pond that is between clouds out of nowhere. Moreover, what is this cold yet satisfying breeze of wind."

Om started swimming. He swam until he reached a place where he could stand. Upon the side of the pond. He put his index finger in his mouth. He took it out and raised the same finger up. Likewise, he was trying to find the direction where the wind was coming from. He closed his eyes and initiate to focus on wind. He noticed that the wind was flowing in a single direction but randomly changing direction like it is alive.

Furthermore, he inhaled a large amount of air took a long deep breath, similar to how he always did and decided that, "if wind is here means there is a source. But the direction of wind was hard to predict. Let's just follow the path of wind." He began to follow the direction of wind in hope that it lead him to its source.

He started walking and walked for a long time, yet he was unable to know exactly how much was gone. Kept his cool and walked until he noticed a glow similar to the pillar that took him to this place. This time the light was not coming from a pillar, but from a tree. The tusk and branches of that tree were of silver white, its leaves were of something transparent like diamond. The surrounding land was made of a big diamond like rock. It was emitting multiple colours of light, similar to how prism separate white light into different colours of the rainbow.

From looking at it, Om felt that it was calling him. He unconsciously began to move towards it. His eyes were wide opened, like they forgot to blink. His face was emotionless. He stopped near it and hugged it.

As he hugged it, he started to see some images in his mind and blown back from shock. His head was in pain and his heart was on the run. He somehow gained control over his emotions. He asked himself, "what were those images? It was like I Alway had those memories."

Om took a bottle of water from his inventory, opened its cape. But as he was about to drink water from it. A strong blow of wind came and the bottle fell. The water from the bottle was spread over the diamond like rock. Om look sat down and was about to pick the bottle back. His gaze fell on the water. It supposed to be the reflexion of his face on the water, yet he saw a man with multiple head and hands in the water.