
Here we go!


'Hm, What? I think someone just call me? '

Yes, Can you hear me?

'Wut? Who? Wait... Where is this?'

I'm what people call Apex Predator, And this place is dimensional rift

'Wait... how can I be in this place?'

Meh don't ask me. When I swam across this dimensional rift suddenly a soul appear from nowhere and that's you. By the way random soul can't just exist in this place, Cuz they got instantly destroyed when they arrive here

'Then how can I be in this place?'

Dunno? Only special soul that can only survive dimensional ripping or getting destroyed by the vast amount chaos energy, So tell me about yourself so I can know you why can you survive in this place

'Well... My name is Regulus Altair and I live in a planet named earth. When I'm still a kid I almost got killed by thunderstruck but before it struck me, I immediately dodge that hit. More accurately I predict my own future and decided to dodge it first before the event happened. So decide to train my ability to the max, and eventually death can't even kill me. Like he tried to kill me for thousands of time and still can't kill me

Plus I can use this to correct any wrong answer, like any wrong answer. Basically I can randomize A to Z to get the correct answer. And I can use any martial arts, including hand to hand to all kind of weapons mastery.'

Damn son, so you have lesser omnipotence. Damn, that's OP. Btw what's your age?

'59, so what's the cause?'

Easy. The world reject you

'Reject me? Because I defied death? That's unfair...'

Come on dude, You are an anomaly that the world hate, of course the world want to throw you from it's system

'Basically... I'm being too OP?'

Yes, you are. oh yea I'm the same as you. first my name is Lucas Marcus, I'm from Earth too. And my Innate ability is Predator and yes I'm a pedo(Lolicon) same as you

'Wait... how do you know i'm a pedo(Lolicon)?'

You have the same vibe as me, So I decided to help you

'You decided to help me because I'm a lolicon? that's weird... What's the catch?'

You know what?


Sane lolicon is abysmally low in this verse. Usually the one who get rejected by the world majority of them are prick who love mature woman big tits or your typical pedo uncle who likes shota ass. And if they are Lolicon. they usualy like strange shit like gore, torment, piss drinking, ass licking, scat, mutilation, literal brain fuck, NTR, and other strange fetish


YES! WHAT. THE. FUCK!!! that's why I decided to help you, so I can get a friend who have the same taste as me. So, here. I already gave you the ability to cross between dimension including anime, manga, manhua, manhwa, novel, Vn, Game and the other.

'Can I get another ability?'

Sure, Btw each world have their own law. So, you can't just spam magic or any kind of supernatural energy from world to world, And if they have the same (kinda) energy, you still cant use that kind of energy from previous world in those world. Because each world have their own "finger print"

'Okay. can you tell me why my Innate ability don't work on you or in this place?'

Because I already transcendent time and space, and this place have the ability to negate any kind of innate ability. So, what's your wish

'I want Mikasa Mikoto's Railgun and Hokaze Junko's Rampage Dress... and can you give me infinite inventory?'

That's it?

'Oh wait, I want the ability to age and de-age without losing my power. That's It. cuz I don't want to be WAY OP in the early game. Plus, being OP are boring. Just look at Saitama Look at those face.'

Suree~ Bye. see you in a Thousand years or so.

And then rift began to open

Just go inside that rift and you'll come to your destination. bye again Regulus

'Sure, bye. See you in a thousand years or so'

then Regulus float towards the rift and he's gone