Dwayne laughed as he watched Anton struggle with him and Sky's relationship. "It's ok man, just leave it as sister. I myself don't understand but I like it. I know if we leave Ms Sky she'll hand over everything to me when I'm ready and run to her company. But thanks to Mr Jayden, we've got her hooked."
Neto tried to calm down as he watched the two of them laugh.
"And Neto this doesn't mean it's over yet. Married or not, if you break her heart or hurt her, I'm going to make your life miserable, I don't care who your father is, I'm going to use all I have to ruin you .....so it's not to late, you can back down now. Incase your inside voice is still scared of commitment, that's the door, you can walk out of it and never come close to Sky again." Dwayne picked his beer up and took a sip, not taking his eyes off Neto's face.
He was really enjoying himself. This is the only time he can tease Neto like this, the dude was so uptight. No wonder he's referred to as a pampered prince.
"If you have a problem with me pretty face dude, say it to my face now..I think we've got a score to settle." Infuriated Neto stood up, he tried to calm himself....seeing the smile in Dwayne's eyes, he took a deep breath, sat down and shook his head.
"It's understandable if you don't trust me. Yes Sky is one in a million. I know I was skeptical at first but I promise you, I won't hurt her, the truth is I can't even do it, she...."
Before he could finish his conversation, Anton cut him off. "We don't need all this talk, neither do we want you to make promises. Time will tell. You know how the beginning of a relationship is always Rosy and sweet? I won't believe anything you are saying now until you both do your three years marriage anniversary. So you still have time to think it over. You can leave now and never go close to Sky again. I will explain everything to her, it's understandable that after her accident, you got emotional, you got scared but now your head is out of the cloud."
Neto smiled as he listened to Anton. He finally understood what was going on. You are stuck with me buddy, like glue. There's nothing you can do to make me leave. And Dwayne I think you should focus on your relationship with Soma. We aren't that different after all, you and I."
Dwayne frowned. The dude was catching on, he is even making a joke. So the dude can be cool, " Hmmmmm well he's a little right." He thought to himself. He has never thought of settling down before, but after spending sometime with pregnant Sky and after holding the twins, something in him changed. For the first time in his life, he wanted a real relationship.
Picking up his glass, he raised it up. " A toast, here's to healthy relationship and good health."
The room was filled with laughter as their glass clinked.
A week later.
"I have three babies now. Berly, this baby and this baby" Tega said smiling as he pointed at the twins.
"Yey, my little man now knows how to count. Good job sweetheart yes you have three babies now. Do you want to kiss your baby?"
Sky asked as she fed her daughter, while her mom held her son close to her.
"Aren't you going to tell me their names? I mean I am your mother, if anybody should know it's me." Mrs Onome said as she watched her daughter and grand children.
"Be patient mom, they have refused to discharge me, including Aidenn. I keep telling him I'm alright. I don't want to name the twins here, in the hospital."
"Alright dear but I'm a bit disappointed that you won't tell me, I won't tell your sisters, or Mavis. I promise." Mrs Onome made a face as she tried to make her daughter tell her the names.
"No way mom, you can't say no to Jenna, she's your baby, and Anton too. Once he pouts and makes a cute face, you'll give in, no way."
Spent, Mrs Onome stood up with her son in her hands and started pacing. She sighed
"Ok if you won't tell me their names, at least answer this question sincerely. How long will you keep Neto waiting? It's been a week since he proposed, the young man is at his wit's end. He doesn't leave your side or else he's driven out. Mena, with your personality I know what you are thinking but my child, deep down every woman wants love, we want a family, a man who we can rely on sometimes or who can pet us sometimes."
"I know you are afraid that you might fail, but dear there's no school for marriage, none of us attended a marriage school prior to our wedding. Marriage is an institute on its own, you learn while you are in it and whether you fail or not, it all depends on you and your spouse. Did you give up when it became tough in school, or when you faced challenges in the company? The young man loves you, I have seen the way he looks at you and you him."
Mrs Onome placed her grandson on his bed as she went to Tega whose head was on Mena's thigh as he slept peacefully. The little boy has been here since early morning, he must be tired. She lifted him up and carried him before she continued.
"You know, a young lady once told me this 'To live without taking risk, is to not live at all' If I remember clearly, her name was Mena. During our time, we didn't have the opportunity to chose our spouse but these days you get to pick your spouse yourself. I wasn't in love with your dad when we got married. We barely knew eachother but we fell madly in love with eachother, your father was the love of my life. Was it always Rosy? no. But we never gave up on eachother. Come out of your comfort zone Mena, just because one man didn't do it right, or even two it doesn't mean others will fail.
"Moooom" Sky tried to stop her mother from talking but Mrs Onome raised her hand up to stop her.
"Yes dear, I know about Ruky. Anton told me everything, even about your first boyfriend. Anton told me he lied to you about having a child and being a divorcee and that you found out years after you guys split. That even after you met again, you still didn't confront him cause you didn't want to hurt. They aren't all that bad dearie, I know you have had a rough start but please my darling girl, don't give up on love.