
Secret and Lies

Neither of them said anything as Neto drove her to the company. She looked out the window, while he focused on his driving.

Would you have told me about you leaving the country if you weren't drunk last night? Sky asked, breaking the silence.

Neto turned to look at her and saw that she was still looking outside. Yes I planned on telling you when it's approved. My dad is refusing to approve it for no reason.

Ok. Sky said.

Neto expected her to say more but she didn't.

He put on the radio to break the silence in the car. He heard Adele's voice then smiled, he knew how much Sky loves Adele but the song was someone like you by Adele. When he heard the lyrics, " I heard that you've settled down, that you found a girl and you are married now" he quickly changed the station. The next song was by Ludacris, "Break your heart". He pressed the button again and hoped it'll be a lively song this time but it was "I forgive you" by SIA. He changed it again and he heard Sam Smith singing "stay with me".

He got lost in the lyrics for sometime, before he realised he wasn't alone and quickly switched off the radio....what the fuck was wrong with all the radio stations today, he said to himself.

Sky smiled as she watched Neto from the corner of her eyes... struggling with the radio but it seems even the radio was against him. She remembered what her dad use to say and her smile turned into a frown. "All the power in the world never stops the bullet, and no car can outrun fate". She sighed as she thought of it and smiled bitterly.

As they arrived at the company's parking lot, Anton was already there waiting for them. He joined them in the car and handed Neto the documents, he gave Sky her bag and they walked together to the elevator with Bones behind them.

Slept well? Anton asked Sky as she wasn't saying anything.

Mmmhmm she said.

Anton sighed, he thought her mood was going to be better today but it seems like it isn't. They got into the elevator and went up to the office.

The day went well....Sky mostly attended meetings with Dwayne, while Anton handled other affairs. Sky asked Bones to drop her in her mother's place as she wanted to spend sometime with her family. Her family members were acting weird and told her to go home that it was late, since she wasn't passing the night...her mom packed some food for her. They didn't even let her stay thirty minutes, Sky sighed as she got into the car...even her family members didn't want to be with her now. She phoned Zino and gave Bones the direction to Zino's place. She spent the evening in Zino's place as they ate junk, they reminisced and talked about nothing in particular. Sky felt better as she left Zino's place. She thought of the next day, of Bimbo and Mr Jide. She spoke on the phone today with Joke and told her that she had something to give her, and knowing how persistent the girl can be, she knows the girl and her mother will come look for her soon. Hopefully everything will go well, she said as she looked out the window.

The next day. Sky went to work early to prepare for the days work. She got a text from Joke that they were in the Capital with her father cause they'll be travelling out soon. Sky smiled as she read the text, it's her lucky day...she didn't know if she could trust Tinu but she knows Mr Jide won't suspect a thing because she and Silvia were buddies and she always visited Sky when they are in the Capital. Lord please let it end today...she prayed silently.

let say I do get you your daughter back...what kind of life do you plan to give her? Sky asked Bimbo as she pointed at his rough hair and his raggedy old cloths. I'm not gonna tell the girl you are her father if you don't become a better person.

I know....Bimbo said looking down. I have a plan, I have savings.

Ok let's pray this goes well, I'll like to hear your plan because I won't hand a child over to a thug.

Mind your words Mena, I didn't know they were alive, I hoped they were but I suspected he was just using them to get me. It was only when he showed me a video of my Kelly playing that I started believing they were alive cause they was no trace of them.

Allright let's pray everything goes well today. We are ready when you are. Sky said as she walked out of the room.

Hi Tinu how are you? It's been a while....Joke is in the other room trying out the things I got her. How have you been?

It's good to see you again Sky...we are fine. I hope my boy won't bother your fiance?

No, he needs to learn since we are expecting...Sky said as she rubbed her baby bump.

You are expecting? Tinu asked surprised...but you don't look it, I just thought you added since you are now a boss.

Mr Jide didn't tell you? Sky asked feigning surprise.

No he barely tells me anything, especially about work. He has become paranoid these days, he doesn't let us go out without a bodyguard and we need permission to go out. And that reminds me, did you and my husband quarrel? Joke has been disturbing him to take her to you but he always refuse and he told her not to contact you.

Not really, Sky said. Where's this bodyguard of yours now?

I sent him on a fools errand, We snuck out of the house. I needed to breath and I barely hang out with girls my age. It's nice to be out alone, Tinu said as she took a deep breath.

Tinu have you noticed anything strange about your husband?

Hmmm funny of you to ask. He drinks alot these days...make alot of secret calls and tell lies. He told me Akeem our driver travelled to his village but I found out he died in a car crash with his girlfriend. He forgets I was in the street before he married me. I know he's been doing some shady deals. I heard the phone conversation between Akeem and my husband before the poor boy died, since then I lost my trust in him. He's filled with secret and lies. I'm only telling you this cause of what you did for my daughter back then.

Thank you for telling me. I also have somethings to say to you but I want to know if I can trust you. Sky checked the message on her phone and smiled. Sky didn't trust the lady...so she was going to start the conversation with the lady's identify. Mr Jide might have sent her. Hopefully after today, she won't have to worry about him anymore.

I don't know what you have to say but I give you my word, I won't say a thing to anyone.

Ok. Sky said. Cherish Okehie...why did you change your name and that of your daughter?

What did you just say Sky? Tinu stood up and looked around, she locked the door so nobody would hear them and her little girl wouldn't hear too.

I ran into an old friend of mine Samuel, he got drunk and showed me a picture of you and your daughter, and that was when he told me everything.

What? Samuel is dead, Tinu screamed. I saw his body...she whispered as tears flowed down her eyes. He died in prison and Mr Jide was nice enough to have the body released for burial, so whoever you saw isn't my Samuel.