

I don't understand....What, how do you?...confused Neto stood up and started moving about in the room. Tell me it's just fat Sky, it's not possible...I don't understand.

Sky picked up her polo and put it back on. I'm pregnant Neto, it's not fat. I wanted us to have this together but you refused, I told you it was over... remember?

Mena wait...were you pregnant before I travelled? Is this why you ended things?

No I wasn't pregnant then, but I was already planning it. And yes I ended things cause I wanted a child. I remember talking to you about me getting pregnant last year, your reaction was something else, that was when I knew I had to move on with my life.

I've been pregnant before, but I lost it. When you were away in Germany, last year. But I lost it, she said looking down.

Who....ummm...who's the father and how far along are you? He asked her.

Is it the pretty face guy?

Sky smiled, rubbing her tummy. You don't need to know all that. This is why I said it's over.

Neto stood there looking at her, for minutes without saying anything.

Neto? She called out to him. Please say something.

I have to go Sky, I'm sorry. With that he walked out of the house.

Sky collapsed on the floor crying. Neto....she said in a small voice. Tears flowed down her eyes, making her vision blurry. I'm sorry, she whispered to herself.

Anton was walking out of his room and heading towards the kitchen, when Neto came out of Sky's room....looking confused, lost, he didn't even see Anton, he kept staring at the door and scratching his hair before he walked out. Is everything ok bro? Anton asked following him to the door. He watched Neto staggered to his car.

I'm pregnant...Sky's word continued ringing in his head, he held his head and screamed as he kicked his car. He got into his car and put his head on the steering wheel, Neto touched his face and realized he was crying. He wiped his face and dialled a number on his phone...before driving away from the house.

Anton ran to Sky's room, wondering what happened, he pushed her door open, and found her on the floor crying and whispering to herself, holding her stomach.

Anton rushed to her and lifted her from the ground, Sky...Sky, what happened? What did Neto do to you?

Seeing that she wasn't saying a word, he placed her on the bed and said. It's allright dear, everything will be fine, I'm here, He said rubbing her back. Few minutes later, she dozed off.

Checking the air-conditioning if it was working well, Anton covered her with her blanket and left the room. He tried Neto's line but it went into voicemail. The only time he's seen Sky like this was when Mr Jayden died. She stayed locked up in her room for five days without talking to anyone. He didn't want to see her like that again.

He picked his phone and made several calls, picking his car keys...he hurried out of the house.

Sky heard noise in the kitchen but she wasn't in the mood to leave her room, she picked her laptop and started working.

Thirty minutes later, she heard a soft knock on her door. Anton I don't want to talk right now please go away, she said.

It's your grandmother my child.

Sky jumped out of the bed surprised, and took the tray of food from her grams hand. Grams what are you doing here?

Omome(my child) how are you? Your face don't look bright. Is it a bad thing to pay my granddaughter a visit?

No grams but how did you get here, I mean ...who brought you here?

You are asking too much questions Mena, now sit and eat. Or I'll call your mom.

No grams not mom. Sky heard noise coming out from the living room and the kitchen. Grams is Brianna and her kids here?

Her grandma smiled, we decided to pay you a visit since you didn't come to church. Now talk to me omome, are you ok?

Anton! Sky said to herself. Grams I'm fine I just have a little headache.

That's probably because you've been crying. I hope my great grandchild is ok?

Grams...Anton over exaggerated, I'm a pregnant woman, so sometimes I'm really emotional.

The child I know don't cry easily, pregnancy or not. My girls aren't criers now spit it out.

I don't want mom to know about this, promise me grams.

I dont make promises dear but I will keep your secret.

Thanks grams. There's always been this guy who stays by my side, we were not in a relationship but we were intimate. It's what we call...friends with benefit. So I have been keeping my pregnancy away from him, but he found out today, I knew he was going to panic when he found out but not like this. He didn't say anything Grams, he just apologised and walkedaway. Grams I know I planned all this but I just realised that I'm really going to be alone, alone.

A tear rolled down her cheek. Sky wiped her eyes, crying and laughing at the same time. I don't know why I'm like this grams, I always cry these days.

Ooh my poor baby, her grandmother said as she hugged her child. Hush now dear, you can do it, it's normal to feel like this sometimes but it's not too late. You don't have to be alone for the rest of your life. Besides my dear you chose this path, you chose to bring this child into this world so you have to be strong, you can't breakdown when things don't go your way. Now cheer up or your mom is going to find out.

Thanks Grams, Sky said as she kissed her grandma on her cheek. Sky washed her face and went into the living room with her grams. The house was full, Auntey....Tega ran into her arms and kissed her cheeks, miss you, miss you. Sky laughed as she rubbed her nose with her little man's nose. Brianna and her family, Jenna, Mavis, Zino and her husband were all present. Wow Mi familiar....why are you all here?

Anton said you were lonely, so we all came here. Sky smiled as she went in search of Anton, she heard noise from the kitchen and went to check.

Anton and Dwayne were in the kitchen cooking, both wearing apron. Dwayne was stirring something on the fire while Anton chopped some things. Wow she said, why are you two in the kitchen?

Hey princessa you are up, Anton smiled brightly at her, I thought you would love some company.

Mmmmmhmmmmm, Sky replied him.

Hi Ms Sky! The men are taking over the kitchen, go join the ladies and enjoy yourself...Dwayne said, pushing her out of the kitchen.

Hey! what about Jim and Drake?

We asked them to go get tips, Dwayne replied her smiling.

Allright fine I'll leave you boys to do your thing, just don't burn down my kitchen, or my house.