
Coming out

Sky almost threw up at the sight of her dress, she used her hands to cover her mouth and ran to the restroom. Zino ran after her.

Chiamanda, Dwayne and Anton arrived at the dressing room the same time. Anton heard someone throwing up and ran to the toilet, knocking on the door. Sky are you allright? hope you didn't get any blood on you?

Oh no...I just left here to get something from the office, and I still have the key with me, the dress is ruined, who could have done this... Chiamanda said, running her fingers through her hair.

What the fuck! Dwayne cursed as he saw the dress, the dress was torn into pieces with cuts like that of scissors, it had blood all over it and a smiley on top of the cloth hanger.

Sky and Zino came out of the bathroom, I'm fine Anton just a little nauseous. Its almost time ...i need to get dressed. Anton you know what to do, Chiamanda run to the office and get him his bag.

Ma'am I'm soo sorry, I wouldn't have left the room if i knew this would happen. Chiamanda said to her boss with her head bowed.

This is not the time for apology Chiamanda, I need something to wear.

It wasn't easy getting this dress cause of her taste and condition. She needs to look really good today. Zino said frustrated.

Dwayne go with Chiamanda, help her with Anton's bag, Chiamanda get me my dress. Now hurry, we have less than twenty minutes. Anton please do my makeup...Zino please check if I still have shoes to wear.

Your shoes are here dear. Zino replied her.

fifteen minutes later, Sky was all dressed up. Her make up looking really beautiful with the black dress she made.

Anton Zino and Dwayne were all surprised. Wow they said in unison . Why did you make us go through the stress of searching for a dress when you know u could make something this beautiful? Zino asked.

Duh Zee she's pregnant, she's not suppose to be sewing. Anton said to Zino, especially not in the early stage.

Oh my bad, you look dashing love. Myself and this dashing young man, Zino said linking hands with Dwayne will go join the rest of the family, while you and Anton head backstage.

Please Zino, don't let Derek punch my Fiance, release your hold on him. Sky said smiling. Some Fiance huh! Zino said as she got closer to Dwayne.

Sky shook her head and laughed as she linked hands with Anton as they walked backstage.

My mind is in my hand, they are so many people here, I wonder how my poor baby is now. Those men especially aren't happy, Mrs Victoria said pointing at the shareholders.

Mom keep it down....Mena doesn't want people to know we are related yet, she said it might be dangerous. Jenna said, whispering into her mom's ears.

Oh my bad. Ok dear. Allright everyone look up, here she comes,my princess.

Mrs Hembadoom whispered something into Dwayne's ears as they stood up to welcome the new CEO. Ok mom but I have to go backstage, boss's order. Anton said as he read a text from his phone. He left his mom and the rest to join Sky and Anton backstage.

Ready? Anton asked Sky as he linked arms with her. Sky smiled and took in a deep breath. She heard Mr Jide call her name and said, let's go boys before I change my mind.

We'll be right behind you Sky...Anton said, Yes boss, just a call away, Dwayne said as he linked hands with her.

Neto sat far away from the stage, he knew who was behind the curtain but yet he couldn't stop himself from coming. His father's company was invited to the party. He's been away from the country but he's father made him come back, said he couldn't go to the party alone. He sighed as he watched everyone focus on the stage. Just yesterday, he had her but now, she's far beyond his reach.

Most of us have met the CEO before, our leader has been with us all this while, guiding us. Handpicked by our late Mr Jayden and the other shareholders. I present to you the new CEO of Jaydite...Sky Nathaniel.

The hall was filled with sounds of applaud as Sky walked out with Dwayne and Anton by her side. They led her to Mr Jide, who shook her hands and went back to stand with Dwayne and Anton.

Hi everyone, I am Sky Nathaniel. I'm honoured to be in this position.

Everyone gasped as the new CEO walked in, they expected one person but what they saw were three beautiful creatures. A woman who made the colour black look so divine and two handsome men who looked like angels. Most of the company employee recognized Dwayne and Anton and they wondered what Dwayne was doing on stage. A few recognized Sky as Mr Jide's assistant. When she walked in to the stage and shook hands with Mr Jide, the hall was filled with murmur.

The reporters didn't waste any time to take pictures of Sky and the boys and pictures of her alone.

Neto watched as Dwayne held Sky's hand and smiled brightly at her. He watched the two men walk alongside Sky and his demeanor changed. It was just like the first time he met her only that, she looked more ravishing, bold, powerful and definitely not alone.

He's father noticed his countenance and asked? Are you ok son?

Not really dad, i'm sorry but I have to go, I shouldn't be here.

His father held Neto's hand to stop him from leaving. Greyson junior, I forbid you from leaving. You can't leave me here alone in this party and something tells me you are familiar with that lady up there.

Off course I know her dad, they are our biggest client.

now, now son, none of that. There's more right ? I think I have seen her picture somewhere before....

Let it go dad, it's nothing. Neto removed his father's hand, as he turned to leave, a lady bumped into him. She fell down with the content of her bag on the floor. Neto apologized and help her with her things. Most of which were pictures, pictures of Sky and a man in intimate positions. Before he could say anything. A big man came, knock the lady out cold and took her out of the room.

Neto recognized the man as Bones, he handed him the pictures and hid one for himself, understanding the situation, he helped Bones take the lady out so no one would suspect a thing. She's a little drunk, he said smiling, to the few people who noticed them. He placed her head on his shoulder, so that she could lean on him and Bones as they took her out.