
Art of Seduction II

Anton looked at Sky for the forth time, while driving. Sky are you feeling allright? Just this morning you weren't saying much and now you are dressed like you are going for an event. We are just going to eat Sky.

Don't worry Anton, she's good. I challenged her plus I want the whole world to know my sist is beautiful....Jenna said smiling.

You are quite dressed yourself Jenna, is there something you both are hiding from me.

What do you mean sir Anton? You are talking to Adrianna so off course I have to dress the part.

Right! Sky said from the backseat...rolling her eyes. I already bought you enough cloths so please stay away from my closet ok?

Yes ma'am, Jenna said as she saluted her sist.

As they walked into the restaurant. They stole everyone's attention. Aton was in the middle while the two ladies were by his side as they linked arms. Sky wore a short silk green dress, that was fitted from the top and flared out from the waist. It had yellow butterfly designs on it and white pearls round the neck. She wore pantyhose with yellow heels.... displaying her straight legs, with her hair down. While Jenna wore a yellow fitted dress with a V-neck, exposing her cleavage. The dress hugged her skin, accentuating her curves...she had her hair up. Anton simply wore a black Jean and a white shirt with blue blazer. He hadn't changed his work cloths as he got back late cause he visited the bars.

Some people took pictures secretly as they were just too beautiful. Sky smiled as she felt the eyes on her. Let's hurry up and leave this place Anton before I miss my step and embarrass myself, she whispered into Anton's ear.

They placed their Orders and collected three extra plates. Sky didn't tell them why they weren't eating in the restaurant, just that they had somewhere to go first. Anton didn't allow her drive, so when she punched the address on the navigator. Anton only shook his head.

Dwayne eventually called Oscar over as he wasn't in the mood to party, he focused on his report. After working for a while...he switched off his laptop and started drinking beer with Oscar while they watched the TV and talked about girls.

After eating peppered meat and a few bottles of beer, they sat lazily on the ground talking and laughing about silly things. When they heard the doorbell, they both looked at eachother, don't tell me you invited girls over Oscar? Dwayne said.

No I didn't, except they followed me here....Oscar replied laughing, they were both tipsy. Don't worry man, I'll get the door...just relax, I think you need more drink.

I don't want crazy ladies in my house Oscar, and no more drink man, I have work tomorrow, Dwayne said as he watched Oscar stagger a bit before he got his footing and went to get the door.

Oscar opened the door and smiled, he saw two beautiful angels standing outside smiling, his face fell when he saw the handsome Asian dude with them.

Can we come in? Sky asked Oscar. She could perceive the alcohol from his breath.

Dwayne we've got some very hot chicks here and an Asian dude.... should I let them in? Oscar said in a loud voice.

What??? they all heard Dwayne's reply from inside.

Anton had hoped they would eat in the restaurant but instead they ordered takeout and drove down here and this tipsy dude was blocking the door, he pushed Oscar out of the way and went in.

Dwayne was already on his feet, he froze when he saw Anton. Hey man, why are you here at this hour, is the boss ok?

Ask her yourself....Anton said as he cleared the table and placed the food bag on the table and removed his blazer and rolled his shirt sleeve up.

Surprised, Dwayne's gaze followed Anton, what's going on...he said to himself. Before he could think of an answer, someone hugged him.

Hey cutie, how are you? we decided to give you are surprise visit....Jenna said as she hugged him. Dwayne couldn't believe his eyes, Ms Sky was here, and she came with her sister and Anton and it looked like they were just coming back from an event cause of their dressing. He quickly removed his eyes as his eyes met Sky, she looked breathtaking. He scratched his head as she walked up to him.

Hi Ms Sky, I wasn't expecting you.

Yeah I know, now can we please eat, Sky said as she discarded her shoes and hurriedly went to sit with Anton as he arranged the table.

Oscar shook his head and walked up to Dwayne, what's going on man, who are these people?

You've met my fiance and boss, Ms Sky...that's my second boss Mr Anton and that is je...

Adriana, a friend of Ms Sky. Jenna said....cutting Dwayne short, she shook hands with Oscar before she went to join her family.

Dwayne decided to go with the flow. Well everyone meet Oscar, he said as he sat on the couch and watched them share the good among themselves.

Hey, you mean the lady i met the other time, your fiancée? wow she looks so different and fat. She's beautiful man, you are lucky and her friend is hot.

If you flirt with her, I'll break your leg man, Anton said without taking his eyes away from the food.

Don't worry Anton, he's not my type. Jenna said as she ate her fried rice.

That hurt girl, don't worry man, i won't even look at her. Oscar said.

Come join us Dwayne. I bought extra.. you and your friend can take one each, just leave one turkey for me.

Dwayne didn't hear her as he was staring at her legs.

Dwayne? come join us. Sky said as she watched him, he seem a little drunk.

Dwayne took his gaze up and stopped in her lip, she had red lipstick on. He felt like kissing her now. Oh no it's the alcohol, he shook his head and said Ok to whatever it is those sexy lip was saying.

As Dwayne stood up and went to sit with Sky, she whispered into his ears and he blushed. He was acting all hypnotic, she only told him that what happened Sunday wasn't his fault that Tricia was a crazy person. And he still couldn't look at her and his ears was red. Was he drunk?

Hey, a black man is blushing. What did you do to my friend ma'am? Oscar asked as he watched his friend.

Nobody answered Oscar as they all continued eating.

The next day, Dwayne helped Jenna moved to her new apartment. Anton didnt want to risk being seen by Aidenn so he stayed in the car, they made sure Aidenn wasn't home.

Jenna was excited, it's her first time staying alone and, she really wants to show the place to her friends even if she won't be staying here for long. Sky had given her two weeks to wrap everything up, deep inside she hopes it will be for a month but she knows it won't be good for her sister.

She laughed out as she remembered that her sister made her sign a contract, that she wouldn't bring any man to the apartment and any of her friends too. And that she wouldn't use the money in her account for useless things.

She laughed as the elevator door opened, What is it? Dwayne asked as he carried three boxes into the elevator.

Oh nothing just that my sister made me sign a contract, Jenna said whispering.

Oh! she loves contract. Dwayne said as he smiled. Yeah that reminds me, we'll be checking on you from time to time. So please be careful, this is really important to Ms Sky.

I'm worried Anton, I don't think I should have used Jenna, maybe we should have used somebody else, we all know Jenna, I know she's been calm but she can change anytime and spoil everything. Sky said as she walked around the office.

Calm down Sky...I'm sure she'll behave. I know you love to do everything yourself but except you can run a DNA test, we'll have to do it this way. There was nothing about my findings on him but just the scandal he had back in Los Angles. My guess is that he's doing it for money.

So he will be Mrs Rose puppet?

That's the thing, according to the things I heard about him, I don't think he'll be able to put on this facade for long, we all know how Mr Jayden's ex can be....once he becomes CEO, he'll try to get them out of the picture. So we can made both side hate themselves and have them confess to us.

Ok but i can't reach Charles, he's not in the country. His secretary says he'll be back in a week time.

Just calm down Sky, it'll go well. Anton said. He watched her receive a message, she excused her self and went into her private room to make call. There she goes again, acting all secretive. Just what is she up too? He sighed as she locked the door.

Aidenn just got back from Mrs Rose place, he was exhausted. She lectured him for hours about the company and his father's likes and dislikye. They were so different, Mrs Rose wants him to pretend that he likes all the things Mr Jayden use to like. As he punched his password into the lock, he noticed some box in the front of the apartment that was empty yesterday. Hmmm he has a new neighbor, he just hope it's not a nosy person or a loud person. He opened the door and entered his apartment, all he needs now is good rest.

I made this chapter long so I can make up for yesterday.

It's really difficult writing and working, sometimes I write these chapters during my lunch break or early in the money and late evening. It'll be nice to get encouragement from you all once in a while, please try to vote the chapters and also comment on any chapter you like. It'll help me know that people are waiting for chapters. Thnx

Thnx to Airiyam, hollybee, Ziveek and the rest for their comments and votes.

laRezicreators' thoughts