
please reset the booktitle Lady_Ale 20231218092329 50

Set in a fictional place. The names of the places I have mentioned may exist but it's description is my imagination. A stroy of a young girl who runs away from her house and settles in a place named kinsale. Why did she have to run away from her house and use a pseudonym while telling her name? Things start to stir up in Amelia's life, when she meets a young CEO named Adrian Schneider. A slow burn romance and a feel good stroy! I do not want to tell anything about the story here. You can give it a try if you are searching for a feel good romance and I would be delighted to be supported by you guys.

Lady_Ale · perkotaan
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9 Chs

Beyond Beautiful

The next day, on their way to the resort, Amelia was informed by Skylar that, Trevor Wolfrcik, her boss, had to leave and would return after three days. No wonder Skylar found time to show her around, Amelia thought. As Amelia placed her feet inside the majestic buildings of the resort, her eyes didn't let her blink, it was as if her eyes didn't know how to blink at that moment. Amelia was awestruck by what her eyes were witnessing. She has been to many beautiful places, but this was beyond beautiful. Skylar guided the way and she silently followed her. Skylar, who saw Amelia lost in the beauty of the resort, allowed Amelia to indulge in it by giving her enough time to drown in the beauty surrounding them. When Amelia saw Skylar walking casually, she thought Skylar must be used to the resort since she lives here. As they continued to walk further, Amelia's eyes caught the sight of water covered with a layer of ice that covered most of the parts, but the beauty within the resort could not be hidden, in fact, the snow added something to the place making it look more attractive. Amelia could see foreigners walk past her.

"Looks like the resort is always busy." Amelia pointed at the tourists with her eyes.

"True and this place looks different as the seasons change. Now that christmas season has come to an end, there are some changes being made to please tourists," Skylar replied.

Amelia didn't respond to Skylar but wondered how this place looked during other seasons. She was looking forward to be here again after the preparations for the new season are done. After showing the resort, Skylar told her that she would show her office, which was a little away from the resort.

"We are almost here." Amelia heard Skylar speak to her and reluctantly Amelia shifted her gaze to Skylar. After they walked further, there were few people who gave a quick glance at Amelia before continuing their work. They were all a bit surprised to see someone come with the chief executive's personal assistant.

"Ms. Byrne," Amelia heard a manly voice from behind. When she turned around, she noticed the man's hidden amusement which he tried to cover, his attempt was too obvious for Amelia to not notice when she witnessed the way his eyes settled on Skylar, as if he was anticipating her presence. When Amelia's eyes turned to see Skylar, it was opposite to the man's reactions. It was more like she was surprised to see him.

"Mr. Trevor." Skylar greeted him almost out of surprise. Skylar was not expecting his presence until the next three days.

Amelia gave a quick glance at the man who was tall and handsome, he was as tall as the man she encountered a few days ago. Even though she now forgot how the man looked, she couldn't forget the strong aura he possessed and the man in front of her was like a prince charming. Before Amelia could think more, she quickly brushed her thoughts away and averted herself from recalling that day, she didn't understand why in the hell did she compare the man in front of her with the man who degraded her.

"She is Amelia, my friend." Skylar's words brought her back from her thoughts.

As far as Amelia could remember, she never had a close friend to whom she could share her thoughts and she was glad that she now has someone in her life with whom she started to laugh and have fun and then there was another part of Amelia, filled with guilt, a guilt of hiding something from someone who treated her as a friend. Amelia brushed her thoughts and focused on giving a bright smile in exchange to the man who seemed to be interested in Skylar; Trevor Wolfrick.

"It's good to see you," Trevor's voice was calm and professional, "Ms. Amelia, I hope you are having a good time here."

"Mr. Wolfrick, good to see you too and yes, I am having fun here," Amelia said politely.

"Trevor. You can call me Trevor, Ms. Amelia, since you are Skylar's friend." he stressed the word 'friend' while looking at Skylar and then back to her.

"Amy would be fine," she smiled.

"It was nice talking to you, Amy." these were the words by Trevor before he left. What amused Amelia was, the short glance he gave at Skylar before he left and then she looked at Skylar for some explanation.

Skylar cleared her throat, "There's a party in the mansion, they are very important people. I don't know who are invited but I do know that this gathering is an important event to them." Skylar narrated not giving Amelia any chance to ask about Trevor.

Amelia was keenly listening to her without getting diverted but when a question popped up on her mind, she didn't hesitate to ask Skylar.

"Are you sure if it is fine to take me to the mansion?"

Skylar smiled at Amelia's question. Is it okay for her to take Amelia? She herself didn't know as to why she wanted to take Amelia with her. Was it because Amelia was excited to see the Mansion or was it because she loved her company? Living alone all these years, away from her family, Skylar at times felt empty whenever she returned home after getting down from her work but after Amelia had started to live, she was happy that she now had a companion with her and when Amelia said she didn't want to stay home alone, Skylar decided to take her around. Skylar knew that Amelia was requesting for a job not because she was feeling alone but it was because she wanted to divert her attention to something. Amelia had her own problems like she did. Amelia didn't share with her yet and Skylar respected privacy and never asked much about Amelia's life because, she didn't want Amelia to know about her personal matters either, at least not for now.

"Nothing is gonna happen." Skylar didn't lie to Amelia nor did she tell her the truth about the problem which might take place, but she didn't care at this moment.

"What kind of people are the Schneiders', Sky?" asked Amelia while Skylar was driving towards north.

"You will know soon, but let me tell you that this is the first time they are having a party here, in their mansion."

Amelia replied with an 'O' while pulling her window down and enjoying the scenery yet again. She was lost in its beauty yet again.

"When is the party? " Amelia asked still enjoying the view.

"In two months. Mr. Schneider wanted Mr. Wolfrick to organize the party and that's the reason why I am going to the mansion." Skylar replied.

"Why do you have to go?"

"Because I am his assistant. I need to check everything and make sure if everything is going fine." Skylar replied. "You can turn on music if you want to, it would take about thirty minutes to reach the place considering we have to stop by for permit."