
please reset the booktitle Irene_Fernandze 20231218092329 1

It has been said that, before you embark on a journey for revenge you must first dig two graves. In a world where power and authority are prioritized over morality and compassion, Athena who is now Luna is born to one of the most powerful families on the continent, possessing the power to control the superior dragon race. Due to the hatred, she bears for the person she loved the most she sets out on a quest for power. Power enough to defy the heavens and slaughter all those who opposed her. Will she be consumed by her thirst for power and revenge or will she find her salvation and heal her wounds from the past. Find out in this book

Irene_Fernandze · Fantasi
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33 Chs

Void of space

A few months ago when Luna was teaching the group how to use a realm, she found out about the twins' rather interesting move. A realm that can distort space itself, but could only be used when the two were near each other and they were yet to perfect it. So Luna thought now would be a good time for them to test out their new move.

The twins were staring their opponents in the eyes as they tried to synchronize their mana. "Ha, do you think your underlings can defeat us all? Come here and face us Luna Grey", Sarah shouted. "I would like to but you're not worth my precious time, you're not even worth their time", she answered not giving the lady another glance. Luna's attitude not only bruised Sarah's ego but the ego of all her teammates. 'Fine I'll defeat these two then take you down', Sarah thought as she fire a volley of arrows toward the twins but unlike her expectations, the arrows never reached Thomas and Tiana as they passed through them and vanished. Sarah was surprised, how could her arrows just vanish. Her thoughts were cut short by her older brother David who suddenly pulled her behind him and raised an earth wall. 'What happened, why is David here'. "Sarah, focus. Those arrows almost got you", he shouted as he lowered the wall. "A-arrows what arrows", she asked as she looked down at the ground and was greeted by the sight of her arrows. The ones she shot towards the twins, but how come, how did this happen.

"You called us underlings, lady Hills. I'd like to personally show you what these underlings can do", Tiana uttered with a sadistic smirk on her face. A thin transparent dome rose from the ground, encasing both the twins and the prince's team in it. "What the hell is this?", David asked trying to maintain his cool. "Nervous", Thomas mocked "Well we spent five months with the Grey princess, so there was no way we couldn't have grown stronger.", he continued. "What do you mean", he asked. "You should quit while I'm still allowing you to because here were invincible", Thomas advised. The prince and his teammates were not prepared to heed Thomas's warning and charged toward the two. Just like before non of their attacks got to the twins, "What magic is this", Nicola inquired.

"Well it would be rude for me not to answer", Tiana replied. "The crown prince has experienced something similar to this, but instead of a realm of ice, I and my brother are using a different type of realm. We are using Void the realm of space", she concluded. "S-space, how come, that's impossible is this just an illusion. It can't be space magic", Alena shouted. "Ha, haha. Princess Veronica have you met the duke's daughter, nothing is impossible when it comes to her and this is just a simple basic move, it doesn't even come close to what she can do" Tiana explained. "I can't tell you everything about our spell it puts us at a disadvantage, but battling you has been fun too bad it has to end ". she concluded as the dome expanded reaching the outside. Using the range of the dome the twins transported everyone on the prince's team outside the arena securing their victory.