
please reset the booktitle Irene_Fernandze 20231218092329 1

It has been said that, before you embark on a journey for revenge you must first dig two graves. In a world where power and authority are prioritized over morality and compassion, Athena who is now Luna is born to one of the most powerful families on the continent, possessing the power to control the superior dragon race. Due to the hatred, she bears for the person she loved the most she sets out on a quest for power. Power enough to defy the heavens and slaughter all those who opposed her. Will she be consumed by her thirst for power and revenge or will she find her salvation and heal her wounds from the past. Find out in this book

Irene_Fernandze · Fantasi
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33 Chs

Glacial worlds

From a young age, Luna had been a genius mostly due to her reincarnation. In her past life, she lived on the sea and her water and ice magic were invincible due to the vast amount of water but now fire magic was her weakness when using water and ice so she invented a move that will help her overcome this. Ice realm is an expansion of her mana creating a field of her own choice where she is invincible. When using glacial worlds blue and normal flames are useless the only thing that can melt them are purple flames which are more advanced than blue flames, and even she can't use them. She can only make one purple fireball and then her mana will be finished. Ever since she was nine years old she has been developing glacial worlds and now after four years of hard work it was perfect and she is now almost unbeatable when cast.

"It's so cold", Tiana was shivering due to the cold. "Well, I endured this cold since childhood" Alice complained. The students were shivering, even Hendry was shivering. "You dumb bastard, even though ice magic is an advanced magic type, fire melts ice", Michael shouted but Luna just kept quiet and fired an ice spear, the prince did not bother dodging and he raised a firewall to melt the spear but it just moved through the fire and pierced the prince's left shoulder. He crouched down gripping his shoulder in pain. Luna walked toward him and pointed her rapier at his neck, "You lose prince, how shameful", she had a smirk on her face. "Since I won let me; Tiana and Allie slap you and you must apologize to Allie and Tiana, easy enough right now please get to it". Michael felt humiliated by this but due to his pride as a knight, he complied and left the canteen in utter humiliation.

The group headed to class with everyone staring at Luna with disbelief, surprise; admiration, and fear. "There is no way that your just an A rank. Your S rank, there is no mistaking it" Thomas said, "But thank you for protecting my sister and Allie".

Than night Luna was out taking a stroll under the moonlight. The night was peaceful and beautiful, but it seemed someone was not going to leave her alone. "Come out Ezekiel. I know you there" she said without looking behind her. "As expected. You have sharp senses" commented Ezekiel. "I know, but you didn't follow me out here to tell me that did you now." she finally turned around to face him with a small smile on her lips. "Everyone might have forgotten what you said but I didn't. How do you know", his face was serious and emotionless. "How did I know? What are you talking about Kiel" she said smirking "That he's not the prince of Grandcrest and that he is a fake royal" "Really he's not then who is" she feigned ignorance. "Then are you the prince of this kingdom Kiel"

"You know very well that I am" he shouted because this woman was getting under his nerves. "I just knew. Prince Kiel, I advise you to watch your back. The royal family knows about you and will target you. But worry not I am part of the Sheppard family so I won't bother you and may offer you protection" she said with a smile. "To you, I am Ezekiel, not Kiel" his voice was stern but Luna just chuckled. They went back to their rooms to get a well-deserved rest. 'You see my lady, I told you that I could never be wrong. I knew he was of true royal blood' Chronos said with a voice full of pride. Actually, Luna was informed by Chronos about the true royal bloodline, he knew of the true royals and their distinct features and mana. The true royals had silver eyes and jet black hair just like Kiel and the previous King who was the younger brother of the current king.