
Chapter three


Janes POV

My head is still rattling by what I heard those girls say earlier on in English. I want to ask him but he doesn't know me and I don't know him and pull it'll rude to ask if his friend? Girlfriend? Whoever she is.

I still want to know why the girls is the corner was looking at me like that. They was shocked I think, they had a surprised look on all of there faces.

I push all the concerned and curious

thoughts away and take a seat in my art class, I pull out my book and pencil case to start my drawing when I'm startled by the chair next to me scrape across the floor and someone sitting down.

"Can I borrow a pencil?" A familiar British accent asks me and I nod before pulling out a pencil and handing it to him. "Thanks" He says before putting in his earphones and start to draw.

After 10 minutes of the class making small talk and giggling I get a tap on my shoulder from someone behind me.

"Why are you sitting next Harry?" The same girl from English asks me while chewing on a pen.

"Oh he sat next to me, I was already here before he was" I say and she rolls her eyes sitting back on her chair with a huff.

I turn back around to get in with my work before the teacher call me out.

"Shit" the boy sat next to me said in frustration, " Sorry do you have a sharpener I could borrow?" He asks not making eye contact.

"Yeah here you go" I say to him handing him the object as he gets up and walks to the bin. Soon he's back in his chair and starts writing not saying a word to me.

The lesson went by very slow but I'm glad it's over, I hate art but I'm good at it, it makes my hand cramp up and I just don't have the patience.

I walk down the hall heading back to my locker to get some things and to put my hoodie in my locker it's way too hot for that anyway.

"Are you new?" I'm startled by someone next to me, I look away from my locker to see Harry at his.

"Yeah, I moved here a week ago" I say looking back to my locker.

"Oh cool anyway here's your pencil, thanks for letting me use it" He says trying to pass me the object.

"Keep it I have to many anyway" I say smiling lightly.

"Okay thanks" he puts the pencil is his bag and walks off down the hall to the canteen.

I close my locker and put back in my earphones and walk away holding my books to my chest. In my last school I got bullied, like a lot, so I'm used to walking around holding my books this close to me. I only got bullied because I was short and had braces at the time but what can say? Girls are bitches and boys are twats when it comes down to things like that.

I found a tree far away from everyone else so I sit down and play on my phone until the bell rings but that won't be anytime soon.

My mind goes back to those girls in the back of English. Half of me wants to know what happened but the other half doesn't want to be rude and disrespectful, I have only just moved here and I don't want to make a bad impression or anything.

About 40 minutes of thinking and scrolling through Instagram the bell rings so I get my things and make my way to maths. I fucking hate maths more than art and that says something, all the numbers and letters confuse the fuck out of me. I thought it was maths, Why the fuck do we have to include letters?

I get to my lesson really quick surprisingly I always want to be late for this lesson in general. As usual I take a seat at the back and pull my bag of shoulders and pulling out a pen.

I get bored after 5 minutes of the teacher talking so I plug in my earphones to drown out the irritating noise the teacher keeps making.


I hope you're enjoying this So far it'll get really interesting in the next couple of chapters. If there's any ideas you want to see or may like let me know so I'll consider including them.



Love you all

-C x