
please reset the booktitle Alexis_pearl 20231218092329 36

Alexis_pearl · Masa Muda
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5 Chs

Guess it's bye

"okay Liam before you say anything, I just want to say I'm sorry, I really am."

"C'mon Emma you don't pull the sorry card on me after ghosting me for close to three months with no explanation, nothing nada"

"I uh.... I uh.... I just got too busy with coding and club activities and studies to make time for anyone. I'm sorry okayyy" I stuttered trying to give a fake smile but was terribly failing.

"If you're gonna stay away from me without explanations then just say so. You don't want to be friends with me again? Cool! You think I'm too nerdy for your friend group? Great!! You think I'm outta your league? ....."

"Liam! stop it!! I said cutting him off."

"What?!!" He screamed at me

"You know everything you're saying isn't true. Of course I want to remain friends with you, I don't think you're one bit nerdy on the contrary, I actually think you're really cool and Liam I would never ever think you're outta my league, I love you too much to think that."

"Point of correction, you loved me but now I don't even know what to think but what I do know however is that, this isn't the Emma I grew up with. Something's has come over you because you don't feel the same to me and you definitely don't act the same."

"Liam..." I said in a low tone my voice breaking with tears threatening to flow.

"I care about you Emma and I'll be waiting for you to come back to me but for now, it's probably right that we give each other some space." Hugging me, he whispered in my ear in a low tone and left me with a kiss on my cheek.

It was a heart breaking moment for us both, I could see the tears brimming at the edge of his eyes. Our friendship of thirteen years was now on extremely shaky grounds and might tumble one of us over if we don't tread carefully.

I can't let this happen because Liam has always been there for me since forever, he never left me even when I wasn't been fair to him, he always took the blame even when I was at fault, he been my only true confidant from day one and has never failed to advice or caution me when I'm going wayward but now I guess he has got tired of all that.

I created this trouble myself and I'm going to fix it, no matter what it takes because Liam's the only one person I can't afford to lose no matter how stupid I may be.

Still reminiscing old memories, I fell asleep crying at the foot of my bed.