
PLEASE READ:How to survive the multiverse by dying every day! Instead.

please read How to survive the multiverse by dying every day!(Re:zero/Multiverse) instead, This story is on indefinite Hiatus

InterPlanarGod · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
54 Chs


Satoru Gojo POV

August 3rd, Jujutsu Tech

A flicker of movement near the window caught my eye. A figure clad in black, his presence masked by an unnatural stillness, materialized from the shadows. The Yakuza stealth specialist, his movements precise and silent, approached my desk, a sealed envelope clutched in his gloved hand.

Just as he was about to place the letter on the polished wood and vanish back into the darkness, my Infinity activated, the space around him distorting and holding him immobile. He froze, his body tense and his eyes wide with surprise, but he made no sound, no attempt to resist.

"What is this?" I demanded, my voice sharp and laced with suspicion. "Who sent you?"

The man remained silent, his gaze fixed on the envelope in his hand. 

With a flick of my wrist, I pulled the letter towards me and it was in my hand a microsecond later. I broke the seal and unfolding the paper- Wait? Why is it sealed with the tojo Cla-.

My eyes scanned the neatly written words, each sentence sending a jolt of apprehension through me.

All thoughts of the Tojo clan fled me as horror washed over me.

"A sequel... Sukuna... Kenjaku..." I muttered, my voice growing fainter as the implications of the letter's contents sunk in. 

The horrifying scene with Geto, all too realistically ran through my mind, the chilling revelation of Geto's death. Did he even really defect? Or was Kenjaku the one to ruin everything with a lie like this? Using his body against everyone.

"Is this true?" I whispered, my voice barely audible. 

A wave of nausea washed over me as doubt and fear gnawed at my mind. "I have to confirm this. I have to find them."

Fueled by a desperate need for answers- a chance to change what this entails, even if it's not true or a prank,

I had to know.

My mind raced and my heart pounding against my ribs

I had to find Zack, Miu, and Nobara. I had to find the truth behind this letter.

I needed to know NOW!

I shoved the letter back into the envelope and shoved it into my desk underneath some other papers.

In a burst of speed I was used to for far too long now, I was flying through the air.

Later I would regret leaving that letter behind, because unbeknownst to me, a small, grotesque cursed spirit, drawn by the surge of cursed energy emanating from the letter, had slipped into the office unnoticed.

As I rushed out, it snatched the discarded envelope and letter from my desk, its shadowy form melting into the darkness as it scurried away with its prize.

Zack POV

August 3rd, Tokyo

The familiar scent of fresh fish, sake, and soy sauce filled the air as we settled into our seats at the upscale sushi restaurant. The soft glow of the paper lanterns and the gentle murmur of conversation created a soothing atmosphere, a welcome respite from the chaos and tension of our recent endeavors.

"This place brings back memories," Nobara remarked, a nostalgic smile playing on her lips as she surveyed the elegant surroundings.

"Indeed," Miu agreed, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Who would have thought that a chance encounter with a piece of shit who thought he could murder my zack would lead us to such exquisite cuisine... and even more exquisite company."

I chuckled, raising my sake cup in a silent toast. "To unexpected romances, and culinary delights," I said, my gaze lingering on Nobara's face.

She blushed slightly, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "And to kicking cursed spirit ass," she added, her voice laced with a hint of her usual bravado.

We talked for a while, Nobara talking about her life in the countryside- and Miu- 

As we enjoyed the array of sushi, playful banter flowed effortlessly between us. 

Miu regaled us with tales of idiots trying to do stupid things around her dojo.

"And then Grandpa said," Miu recounted, her voice mimicking Hayato's gruff tone, "'Why would you try to steal the dojo plaque if you aren't even a black belt yet?!' Can you believe it? He expected me to master all 108 styles before even attempting such a feat!"

Nobara burst out laughing, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Sounds like your grandpa was a real piece of work," she remarked, wiping a tear from her eye.

"He was," Miu admitted with a fond smile, "but he was also the greatest martial artist I've ever known. He pushed me beyond my limits, made me stronger than I ever thought possible. Speaking of idiots who overestimate their abilities"

Miu's expression turned mischievous as she launched into a story about a recent encounter with a particularly clueless street thug.

"This guy," she began, her voice laced with amusement, "decided he wanted to prove his worth 'as a ninja' by stealing the Ryuzanpaku dojo plaque. Not only did he choose the strongest dojo in the country, but he also decided to attempt it in broad daylight, wearing a bright orange jumpsuit that screamed 'amateur thief.'"

Nobara snorted. "That's just asking for trouble." Her eyebrow was twitching for some reason.

Miu nodded, a playful smile dancing on her lips. "Oh, he definitely found it. First, he tripped over a garden gnome and face-planted into a rosebush. Then, he tried to climb the wall but got stuck halfway, dangling like a ridiculous orange windsock."

I chuckled, imagining the scene. "And I assume you were there to witness this comedy of errors?"

"Of course," Miu replied with a wink. "I couldn't miss out on such entertainment. And just when I thought it couldn't get any funnier, he started yelling for help, claiming he was being attacked by invisible ninjas."

Nobara and I burst out laughing, the absurdity of the situation too much to contain.

"Needless to say," Miu concluded, "he didn't get very far with his grand heist. He ended up spending the night in a jail cell, probably still wondering where those invisible ninjas came from."

Nobara asked something interesting then, "Did you guys ever get his name?"

She shook her head, "No, but he kept screaming his name was whirlwind fishcake, and that we were gonna be some ho in a cage. I honestly think he was unhinged."

A stray grain of rice clung to Nobara's cheek, catching the light from the lantern above. I reached out with my chopsticks, gently plucking the grain away and popping it into my mouth.

Nobara's eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed playfully as a mischievous grin spread across her face. "Hey!" she exclaimed, mock indignation in her voice. "That was mine!"

I chuckled, returning her grin. "All's fair in love and sushi," I teased, enjoying the warmth that spread through me as her blush deepened.

"Okay, so, it's my turn to tell a story now. Okay, so, Growing up in the middle of nowhere can be pretty boring," she confessed, "but it also teaches you to be resourceful. I once had to chase off a wild boar with nothing but a rusty shovel and a whole lot of attitude."

I chuckled, imagining the scene. "I bet that boar never messed with you again."

"Damn right it didn't," Nobara declared with a smirk. "It was dinner for a few days, afterall."

We smirked. "Did it's stupid bleed into the food and make it taste better?" I asked with a smirk on my face." 

Nobara nodded, "The taste of stupid was very good."

We burst out laughing again. 

"The literal day after the boar incident, This idiot from out of town," she began, her voice laced with amusement, "thought he could intimidate me with his flashy tattoos and tough-guy act. He kept demanding I hand over my wallet, threatening all sorts of nasty things if I didn't comply. Except he had tattoos but was a stick thin looking guy who couldn't have possibly worked out a single day in his life! He was waving around a butter knife too!"

Miu snorted in amusement as my face revealed my captivation about this level of stupid actually existing somewhere. "And what did you do?" I asked, already anticipating her response.

Nobara smirked. "Let's just say he learned a valuable lesson about underestimating a Jujutsu sorcerer. After a few well-placed kicks and a dislocated shoulder, he was begging for mercy."

"And did you show him any?" Miu inquired with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Nobara shrugged, a playful smile dancing on her lips. "Maybe a little," she admitted. "Just enough to ensure he wouldn't bother anyone else."

We quickly paid, our stomachs full.

But as we stepped out of the restaurant and into the cool night air, reality came crashing back with the force of a tidal wave.

Satoru Gojo stood before us, his tall figure blocking our path. 

His eyes, usually hidden behind his blindfold or sunglasses, were bloodshot and filled with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine.

His usual playful demeanor was gone, replaced by a grim seriousness that spoke volumes about the turmoil within him.

"Is it true?" Gojo finally spoke, his voice low and gravelly, a stark contrast to his usual carefree tone. "What you wrote in that letter... is it true?"

I met his gaze, my expression resolute. "Everything I wrote is true to the best of my knowledge," I affirmed, my voice steady despite the tremor of unease that ran through me.

Gojo's shoulders slumped, as if a great weight had been shoved on top of them. 

He reached up, pulling his blindfold back into place, concealing the turmoil that raged within his eyes. "I see," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper. "I understand why you've been acting independently. With stakes like these..."

He trailed off, his gaze distant as he seemed to grapple with the implications of the information I had provided. 

After a moment, he straightened, his demeanor shifting back to a semblance of his usual self.

"Come on," he said, gesturing for us to follow him as he started walking down the street. "We need to talk."

As we fell into step beside him, Gojo explained the steps he had taken to ensure our continued freedom and recognition within the Jujutsu world.

"I may not agree with your methods," he admitted, "but I understand your reasons. And I'm not going to stand in your way."

He revealed that he had used his influence and, more importantly, his vast wealth, to bribe Mei Mei and her brother Ui Ui to vote in favor of granting Miu and me special grade sorcerer status.

"You've both earned it," he stated matter-of-factly. "Your skills, your power... they're beyond anything I've seen in a long time. The higher-ups were dragging their feet, but I made sure they saw reason."

A surge of surprise and gratitude washed over me. Despite his unorthodox methods and frustrating personality, Gojo had our backs.

"And what about me?" Nobara interjected, her voice laced with a hint of indignation. "I'm just as capable as they are!"

Gojo chuckled, a mischievous glint returning to his eyes. "Patience, Kugisaki. You're on your way. But you need to prove yourself, to show them what you're truly capable of."

He paused, his gaze meeting hers with a challenge. "Unlock your Domain Expansion, Nobara. Show them the full extent of your power, and they'll have no choice but to recognize your worth."

Nobara's eyes narrowed, a determined spark igniting within them. "Challenge accepted," she declared, her voice filled with a newfound resolve. "I'll show them what a real sorcerer looks like."

"Good, I'll work on my end, and you can do what you can on your end. I'm trusting you with this." I could tell his gaze narrowed even behind the blindfold. "When you find Kenjaku, you better call me so we can work together to put him down."

He walked off, and waved his hand from behind. "Good luck, I have faith in you three."

We headed to the hotel.

At that very moment, a certain brain held a letter in his hosts hand. A smile of utter delight and manic insanity featured upon his host.

"Other worlds…" Kenjaku spoke from the mouth of the long dead Suguru Geto.

A maniacal laugh emanated from an abandoned building in the middle of a cemetery.