
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

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320 Chs

Chapitre 39

Chapter 39

Author: Luozhou White Horse

And then--

"It's our turn, it's 'people', come on stage!"

Rowe, Gilgamesh, and Enki looked at each other and smiled at each other.

Rowe smiled expectantly.

Gilgamesh is rampant and confident laughing.

The corner of Enkidu's mouth was a gentle and quiet arc.

No one spoke, just stretched out their hands and fists, and agreed to separate.

Gilgamesh went to the bull of the sky.

Enkidu went to the cedar forest.

The collision of heaven and earth is missing the 'people' in the middle.

They will fill in the vacancies.

Draw on the enormous power generated by that collision.

As before, in the forest of monsters.

Link to Rowe who is standing still.

Rush to the sky again.

Again... shake the gods above.

Chapter 50 God, where are you going?

Group 4⑧87④97⑨9

Whether it was Gilgamesh, Enkidu, or Rowe, all three of them carried the concept of 'human' that was inspired and unified just now.

At this moment, no matter what their true identity is, no matter how their bodies are constructed, they can represent the people who live on this land.

Because they are the kings of Uruk.

Because people put their hopes on them.

Intangible concepts will also be transformed into real power at this moment.

"Welcome the arrival of this king, the bull of the sky!" The rampant laughter, accompanied by the dazzling golden rippling, the boat of stars that flickered with emerald light arrived in front of the golden bull in an instant, and the golden king faced the huge and impressive Horrible's pet, slowly opened its mouth.

What greeted him was the low hum of the bull in the sky, and the violent roar of the golden hooves constantly hitting the bottom.

Gugalana was fearful and angry.

But in the face of the power of the Lord of the Underworld, even the strongest divine beast, it is difficult to break free.

And——the door of the treasure house that Gilgamesh fully revealed at this moment, the thousands of bright ripples are wrapped around.

In the ancient myths of later generations, the treasure house of Babylon is regarded as a symbol of the original heroic king Gilgamesh gathering all things in heaven and earth.

But in fact, this is also its manifestation as a 'heaven's perseverance' to some extent.

No matter what kind of thing, it can be brought into the hands and become all things logically.

This is the domineering of the king, but also the breadth of the king.

And now, the unfolding gate of the treasure house has also taken back the anger of the bull in the sky, the power to vent its anger, and the energy generated by the collision with the underworld!

"Jill has already started, then... I have to do it as soon as possible." In the west, the plain white robe tumbled.

En Qidu fluttered the long emerald hair on his cheeks, raised his eyes and looked at the lush green cedar forest suppressed by Venus.

Among them, countless scarlet eyes turned, and the moment Enkidu came, they all aligned with him—

This is a scene that is enough to make ordinary people terrified.

But Enkidu just laughed.

"Humbaba, we meet again." He said.

"Clay figurine... You, dare to come!?" The crisp voice echoed, with anger, anger, and a bit of inexplicable: "Do you still want to continue to block me? You can't do it. Yes, now I have fully manifested, my power is not comparable to you."

"I know, but I still have to come, Humbaba." Enkidu said, his lips were wet and slightly flowing: "For my friend...for Rowe, I must come."

The divinely-made clay figurine raised its delicate face and aimed at those thousands of scarlet eyes impartially.

"Sorry - Humbaba." Enkidu's expression was serious and serious, the plain white robe was lifted in an instant, the ground shook, and in an instant, like sprouting, endless chains pierced through the ground and stretched out from all directions, Completely block the cedar forest.

Humbaba was silent.

He neither resisted nor surprisingly calmed his anger, but just fixedly looked at Enkidu in front of him.

Different from the bull of the sky, which has long been domesticated, Humbaba, who is 'wild and difficult to tame' in the eyes of the gods, has a strong ego.

As the king of monsters, He has always been close to Enkidu with whom he once lived.

Even if Enkidu had no specific form at that time, it was just a bunch of 'mud' that carried the power of the gods at will, even if it had no self at that time, only a pure consciousness like an ordinary beast.

Back then, it was different from now.

But Humbaba, as the king of monsters and his demon, is a symbol of stubbornness.

So I can't really do anything with Enkidu.

——Although he was suppressed by Venus, He was actually unable to act at all.

And it looks like,

Enkidu did not intend to kill him.

After all, there is affection, not like the original of the myth.

So now, He just sighed: "It seems that you have found the meaning of your existence..."

The meaning of existence?

"Luo Wei, that's the meaning of my existence." Enkidu responded with a smile, his delicate face blooming like flowers.

The youthful beauty and the girlish meaning couldn't be more intense.

He... Or rather, her smile was replaced by a sigh.

"As expected, you are broken... weapons made by the gods, clay figures made by the gods."

Humbaba said this, his voice soft as the majesty that brushed over the mountains: "You have fallen in love with the Luo Wei in your mouth - this is not necessary for weapons, human emotions."

Like it?

Enkidu was stunned.

Then she saw in the depths of the forest surrounded by the locks of the sky, the vines intertwined and spread, slowly condensing an illusory and graceful figure, she glanced at Enkidu from a distance, then turned and disappeared.

"After remembering, give me back my freedom."

The final voice reverberated.

Everything that hindered the spread of the lock of heaven disappeared instantly.

The clay figurine made by God - a girl, smiling with a smile on her face.

"If you like it, just like it!"

Break it, break it.

If it's broken to stay with Rowe... that's not bad.

She reached out and controlled the forest, and at this moment, she grasped the power of the confrontation between the earth and the sky.

"here we go."

Uruk and everyone looked up. They didn't know what the three 'kings' of Uruk were doing, but they could feel that because of their existence, the world-destroying disaster seemed to have stopped.

Wang, began to fight back.

In the city-state of Uruk, in front of the palace hall, the only remaining Luo Wei raised his eyes and looked into the distance.

The shadow of the 'Key of the Sky' flashed in his eyes.

In his body, the power of Heaven's Wedge and Heaven's Lock is reflected.

Just like before.

But this time, Gilgamesh is standing in a 'world' - a world with the bull of the sky as the sky, the underworld that invades the world as the earth, and the world as a 'human' who stands above the ground.

The place where Enkidu stands is also a 'world'—the cedar forest and Fumbaba are the ground, the fallen Venus is the sky, and Enkidu himself is a human being.

This is the conceptual world.

three superimposed,

The power brought to Rowe is far stronger than before.

The hum reverberated, golden ripples formed on Rowe's head, and the treasure house of the king representing the power of Gilgamesh was displayed simultaneously, and countless chains extended from it - it was the manifestation of the locks of the sky.

Almost at the same time, the Underworld, Ailei, and the 'key of the sky' hidden in the heart also burst into a dazzling stream of light.

The locks of the sky spread to the four corners.

Extend to the sky.

It takes the human world established by Rowe as the platform and the underworld where Alley lives as the cornerstone.

like a blooming flower,

Pieces are prosperous, covering the entire sky in an instant.

Similar, but far greater than the last time, the scale is countless times larger.

Luo Wei stood in the 'flower heart', and his whole body was shrouded in light, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a 'key', rising into the sky with the things in full bloom.

The robes rolled, and the black hair flew.

The drooping gazes of the gods were condensed, and they were a little surprised at this momentary change.

He even used the 'beast' they attacked as his own help...

It's just that they still don't believe that Rowe can shake the interface of their existence.

Unreal world.

Originating from the sky above the Mesopotamian dimension, it is also an imaginary space floating outside the world, the sea of ​​imaginary numbers. Even if it can be touched, it is absolutely unshakable.

So they were only amazed,

But still calm.

Calmly staring at the man rising into the sky.

Staring calmly into the eyes he looked into them.

This composure only lasted for a moment.

They saw Rowe's raised hand, pointed high, and heard his voice: "God, where are you going?"

"Where are you going?"

"Where to go?"

The ethereal echoes the silence of the void.

The gods once changed color.

This sound is not observed from their 'eyes'.

But it rang directly in their ears.

"No, no... They didn't want to break into the heavens at all, they didn't want to touch..." The solemn and simple face of the god Anu was extremely cold.

In those eagle-like eyes covered by the blue beard, he looked at the world again.

He saw the concept of 'world' from Gilgamesh and Enkidu.

From Rowe, he also saw the concept of the world.

Enkidu is the earth and Gilgamesh is the sky.

Rowe's 'world' as a human being