
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

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320 Chs

Chapitre 248

Chapter 248

Author: Luozhou White Horse

"The beast of death will come from a foreign land, and the terror after the world's death will invade like a cold wave."

"Fate of Heaven can't stop the past and the future—"

Crown assassin.

for the disaster that will destroy the world.

Another world's 'antler god' Corbynus...

"Already on the way to sweeping again."


"Interesting, interesting, such a grand performance, as a king's appearance ceremony, it is just right."

The meeting between the king and the crown assassin in the dark night was also a reunion of acquaintances after a long time.

On the other side, Arturia and Atalanta, who were included in the inherent barrier by Nero, were both alert and vigilant at the same time.

The so-called Inherent Barrier is a powerful power that can only be mastered by a person with a ten-thousand-thousandth of a ten-thousandth of a tenth of a strong will.

Into the inherent enchantment.

That means entering the opponent's home court.

"Nero Claudius...the legendary king of the world who has an extremely close relationship with Rowe?"

The surrounding streamer is rolled up layer by layer, like a flame in full bloom. The expansion of the inherent enchantment is not completed in an instant, but this process is glued to the world itself and is difficult to interrupt.

So at this moment, Arturia could only stare silently.

The storm spear in his hand is gaining momentum at the same time.

"Have a close relationship with Rowe?"

Atalanta looked over, her golden beast pupils were full of vigilance.

"I almost forgot, you are from an earlier era..." Arturia lifted her body slightly, the god Marenlista disappeared in an instant, and the King of Knights' legs fell firmly, The tall figure still showed graceful curves in the silver armor.

She said: "Nero Claudius, that was the maiden emperor who created the most powerful Roman emperor with Rowe at the beginning of the century AD."

"Well... that guy just now, seems to look like you?"

Atalanta got the point.

The bunch of beast ears on the huntress's head were shaking, and her tail was swaying from side to side. She looked quite vigilant: "Isn't it possible... This is just a play directed and acted by you guy!?"

"I wish it was like this, so Luo Weiqing is mine." Arturia sighed.

She frowned slightly: "I'm also curious why we look so similar."

"Um hmm? You don't say it, Yu really didn't notice it!"

The exchange of words between the two came to an abrupt end, and they looked forward at the same time.

The source of that talk.

At this moment, the light of the streamer finally condensed, and at this moment, the dazzling Huaguang became even more flamboyant.

The red blanket spreads and rolls under the feet, and the golden decorations are surging on all sides. The golden hall and the curtains hang down to cover the four corners, the pillars stand, and in the middle is a high platform.




On the high platform is the Roman emperor floating in red.

Nero and Rowe.

His Majesty the Emperor, who had a flowing red dress and blond hair, looked at Arturia with a curious expression on his face.

Rowe is quite clear about Arturia's origins.

As a special existence created by Meli and Uther together, it is only natural that she bears the future of Britannia and is similar to the king of the world. The country established by Boudicca, Camelot, was split from the prosperous Rome. of.

Atalanta was a little impatient: "Humph, you brought us into your world just to show us your extravagance!? It's boring!"

The natural princess who was born in Arcadia Paradise is not interested in the prosperity of human beings.

For her, the most beautiful place was the lush woods in Arcadia Paradise.

The most memorable experience is undoubtedly the adventure between the mountains and the sea with Luo Wei.

rather than the place in front of you.

...but Nero ignored her and Artoria.

She just measured her eyes and fixedly looked at Luo Wei beside her,

"Does the performer remember?"

"Remember what-"

"Yu once said, to provide the most perfect performance for the performer, a dance for the performer only!"

Of course Rowe remembered.

To be honest, at this moment, Rowe has tried to pull his perspective out of this inexplicable 'Holy Grail War' that was beyond his original expectations.

He turned his mind to the outside, looking for a way to crack it.

At this moment, he was also attracted by Nero in front of him.

The petite, yet fiery Emperor Rose, bowed slightly towards him, pursed his lips, and revealed a very beautiful smile.

She opened her hands slowly.

As a result, images appeared in the four corners of the palace and among the countless curtains that fell from the theater.

Nero's perfect dance moves are shown in the video.

It also presents the scene of old Rome.

The bustling city of Rome.

Different...people living in Rome.

The young man who left home with his luggage, waved goodbye to his parents: "Father, mother, I want to join the army and defend our Rome!"

"This year's harvest has increased again!" In the countryside of Rome, an old farmer with a face full of vicissitudes looked at the lush fields and smiled.

In the silent school, a deafening voice came out: "Teacher, teacher, I want to know, how can I control my own spirit?"

"Lord of heaven, king of earth, all things are in the palm of your hand." In the holy church, the young priest bowed his head and prayed: "The Father entrusts his destiny to the Son, and the Son returns destiny to all beings..."


This is the Noble Phantasm displayed by Nero.

'The glorious imperial government sung by the virgins' is not only in Nero, not only in Rome, but in the group of nobles.

But on all Romans.

In the spirit, spirit, and spirit of the whole of Rome.

This is both the dance that Nero Claudius offered to Rowe, and this is what she weaves for Rowe... the glory of Rome.

"Player, how is it?" Nero raised his hand and danced lightly.

Luo Wei silently swept his gaze across the scenes and silhouettes, and finally settled in front of him.

He smiled: "Thank you for your hard work."

In order to create the prosperity of Rome.

Nero must have worked his hardest, exhausted himself.

after he left.

The maiden emperor still supports the figure of the huge empire with her slender shoulders...

Thanks a lot.

next second.

The four fields were suddenly dark.

The song is over, and the final curtain call is coming.

But the figure in Rowe's eyes became clearer.

The last dance steps fell, and the fluttering long skirt took the petite and graceful figure between slight rotations and hugged Luo Wei.

Luo Wei did not refuse, but embraced Nero, holding the slender waist with his palm.

Soft, rippling and clinging, the red maxi skirt drapes.

Nero raised his face.

He kissed Rowe gently.

No one can stop this moment.

Because the "show" is done.

The ceremony has been successful.

The power of the inherent barrier has been exerted to the maximum - everyone except Nero will be suppressed by the emperor.

This is not the power of the emperor alone.

but the spirit of the Roman collective.

It is a precious thing that human beings have not been able to pick up at the moment.

It is also a treasure left by Rowe for mankind.

Even more so now.

The key to Nero's victory.

The power of "civilization"!

On the stage, the overlapping curtain falls, blocking the view from all sides, turning the stage into a closed space.

Nero pushed Rowe to the ground at the same time.

Luo Wei was stunned, looking at the girl emperor who leaned over him and still kissed him.

Those green eyes were full of longing.

Full of confusion.

This glory of Rome is my gift to you.

But the glory I long for...

Only you.

The rest of the players.

Give Yu...the passion of the performer!

Chapter 8 Attila, join the battlefield!

Group 4⑧87④97 ⑨9

Nero's kiss is just like a person, full of fiery passion, and it is also a manifestation of the emotions she has accumulated for two thousand years.

This emotion was too heavy for Rowe to refuse.

He was never the kind of person who was timid, and he would never shy away from emotions - in any case, Nero was 'brought' by him.

Of course, in fact, Nero would not allow him to refuse.

The 'imperial power' of His Majesty the Emperor of Rome has long been shown to the extreme.

Tongues intertwined, fiery clinging.

Soft carcass delicately intertwined.

Under the stage, covered by heavy curtains, only two vague shadows could be vaguely seen