
Chapter 3 : Meeting Klein (1)

While all members of the circus were busying themselves, I thought :

My new friend (who made a divination to Klein in each round) is a beast trainer.

I remember that the name of a sequence 8 is also beast trainer.

The corresponding sequence 9 is pharmacist.

The fat pharmacist (was his name Darkwill ?) became a Beyonder because of his teacher Roy from the Life School of Thought (I think ?).

It means that the Life School of Thought detains at least these two formulas and knows the acting method (because, when the fat pharmacist advanced, he actually went to a circus to become a beast trainer).

So the female trainer in this circus could be Beyonder currently acting, and could have been sent here the Life School of Thought to make a divination to Klein (because Will would have felt that it would be beneficial to Him ?).

Or she's just an ordinary female trainer and I should really stop overthinking.

To verify this, it's simple.

When Klein passed in the city, Miss seer wasn't there and it was Miss trainer that intercepted him.

So, if Miss trainer is constipated at that time, then she won't make the divination to Klein if she is a normal person. However, if she is really a Beyonder from the pharmacist pathway then she can make herself medicine. The third option is that she is really sent by the Life School of Thought and will make the divination by being constipated ! The fourth option is that I'm totally wrong and Klein already left Tingen since a long time ago.

So how I decided to mess with my new friend's to make her constipated for a totally absurd reason.

Result : she was constipated, she is constipated and she stayed constipated.

In short, she should be an ordinary person and I totally don't feel any guilt because of this prank.

While I standing there dazed, in shade of a tent because I hate sunbathing, I saw Mr. World.

Just in case I had to see him after this, I put on a robe with a hood then approached.

« Do you want a Tarot divination ? »

Seeing him hesitating, I also added.

« You're the first customer today so it will be free. »

Because I know too well that money is very important to him.

He's so stingy...

Well, he seemed to be thinking rude things but still followed me inside the tent.

It was darker than I thought. When does she keeps the place so dark ? Is it to seem mysterious ? But how are you supposed to see anything in such an environment ?!

Oh, there are candles. Should I light them ? But I'm scared of fire... Let's just light them, if I burn the tent I'll just tell them that they shouldn't have let matches here...

So, ahem, we were doing Tarot divination...

At least the cards are already on the table.

« Sir, what would you like to ask about ? »

« Past, present, and future. »

« Then shuffle the cards and cut the deck please. »

He seemed surprised.

« Me ? Shuffle ? »

Are you deaf ? So young ?

« "Of course, everyone's destiny can only be unraveled by themselves. I only serve as a reader of it." »

Of course, I'm not confident in pulling the Fool's card if I do it myself... But I certainly can't tell you that so I just quoted Miss trainer's words...

To be honest, I always wanted to try being a charlatan. I guess I can remove it from my bucket list now...

« This reading does not require additional fees, right ? » asked Klein

If I say yes, will you leave ? Ahem...

« Of course y- ...not. »

Shit, my tongue slipped.

Klein : You just tried to say yes, right ?! Should I just leave ?

I should hurry and get done with it before he really leaves.

« It's done. » He said.

So, I reached my fingers and picked a card from the top of the deck. Then she placed it Klein's left side and spoke in the tone of a charlatan.

« This card symbolizes your past. »

I placed the second card in front of him.

« This card symbolizes your present. »

Then, I picked the third card and put it in Klein's right side.

« This card symbolizes the future. »

So, what do you think of my acting skills ? It's perfect, right ? (#modesty...)

I raised my head.

« Alright, which card would you like to see first? »

« I'll have a look at the 'present' first. »

As expected.

I flipped the Tarot card in front of him and, relieved, read it out loud.

« The Fool. »

At this moment, Miss seer arrived.

« Why are you impersonating me again! It's my job to handle the divination for people! Return to your post quickly! You must remember that you're just an animal trainer! »

Great. At least she took me for Miss trained.

I took a quick look at the cards pulled out by Klein then hurried out before Miss seer could recognize me.

An inverted "Wheel of fortune" card for the past, "The Fool" card for the present, and...

—————— I am the dividing line

Klein's point of view :

After being scammed by an animal trainer, I went home and tried the luck enhancement ritual.

« Blessings Stem From The Immortal Lord of Heaven and Earth. »

« Blessings Stem From The Sky Lord of Heaven and Earth. »

« Blessings Stem From The Exalted Thearch of Heaven and Earth. »

« Blessings Stem From The Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth. »

Can I make it back ?

Is there going to be any effect ?

Can there be some unexpected situation ?

I began to hear ravings then found myself in a thick fog.

« What's with this situation ? »

I looked around me and found that there was a lot of crimson stars. There was also a long table and a mysterious being sitting there.

He looked at me for long time then suddenly moved his hand and touched two crimson stars.

Then, a girl and another man appeared opposite me and asked the mysterious being.

« Sir, where is this ? »

The two were startled at first, falling silent in the process. Then, they immediately started speaking in unison.

« What are you planning on doing? »

After a few seconds of silence in the fog,  the mysterious being spoke to the visitors.

« An attempt. »

Its voice was cold and indifferent, creating chills down our spines.

What didn't I involve myself with ? Is it because of the luck-enhancement ritual ?

I observed the three people while the girl took a breath, revealing an impeccable, courteous smile. She asked in a somewhat perturbed way.

« Sir, is the attempt over? Might you permit our return? »

She should be a noble.

Then, the chilling voice resounded again.

« Of course, if you make a formal request, you can return this very moment. But, please, seat down first. »

I reluctantly sat down with the others while the girl continued in an anxious, anticipative and tempted manner.

« This is such a wonderful experience... Yes, I have always been hoping that something like this would happen. I mean—I like mysteries and supernatural miracles. No, my point is—what I mean is that, Sir, what can I do to become a Beyonder? »

What are Beyonders ?

Alger inspected the surroundings, and after a few seconds of silence, he suddenly opened his mouth, and answered Audrey's question in place of the mysterious being.

« Are you a Loen ?

If you want to become a Beyonder, join the Churches of either the Evernight Goddess, the Lord of Storms, or the God of Steam and Machinery.

The majority of us will not meet a Beyonder our entire lives. This has caused churches, and even some clergies within some of the biggest churches, to suspect the same. While this is the case, I am certain to tell you that Beyonders still exist in courts, tribunals, and execution agencies. They are still fighting against the dangers that grow in the dark, only that their numbers are much fewer as compared to before and during the early days of the Iron Age. »

I listened attentively, keeping quiet.

Audrey silently listened to Alger finish his sentence before sighing.

« Mister, I know all about what you just said; I even know more than that, including the Nighthawks, the Mandated Punisher, and the Machinery Hivemind, but I don't want to lose my freedom. »

Audrey puffed her cheeks subconsciously and looked around in a fluster. After confirming that both the "mysterious man" and Audrey did not notice her tic, she pressed.

« Are there no other solutions ? »

Then Alger and Audrey began exchanging a potion formula against the blood of Ghost Sharks.

Then Audrey asked the question that Klein was the most curious about.

« Sir, how should we address you ? »

Alger echoed the same question.

Then, the mysterious being thought for a second and said :

« You can address me as... The Fool. »

« Mr. Fool, would you mind making a few more 'attempts' like this ? »

Alger listened to her suggestion calmly; he was tempted by the suggestion as well. He hurriedly echoed :

« Mr. Fool, don't you find such 'Gatherings' interesting? Although your powers exceed our imaginations, there has to be certain domains that you don't understand or excel in. The person across me is obviously a young lady of lofty stature. I also have my unique set of experiences, insights, mediums, and resources. Perhaps there will come a day when both of us can help you complete something trivial that might be inconvenient for you. »

I continued observing everything in silence.

« Mr. Fool, I think it's a very good suggestion. As long as this Gathering becomes regular, you can totally leave certain things that are inconvenient for you to us. Of course, it has to be something within our capacities. » insisted Audrey

« I'm a person who likes a fair and equal exchange.

Your help will not go unrewarded.

Every Monday at three in the afternoon, try your best to be alone. After I make a few more attempts and figure out certain things, perhaps you can apply for a leave of absence ahead of time. You will no longer need to worry about being in inappropriate situations. »

This was a form of agreement to Alger's and Audrey's suggestions.

Without waiting for Alger to say a word, Audrey said in excitement, her eyes glowing :

« Then, shall we give ourselves call signs? After all, we can't use our real names for conversation. »

Mr. Fool agreed and the lady proposed to choose code names from Tarot cards and chose the "Justice" card.

Alger chose the "The Hanged Man" card.

And I chose "The World" card.

—————— I am the dividing line~

Mr. Fool's point of view :

I resigned myself to stop trying.

To do as if I didn't exist and let the world filled its course until the rest of eternity.

Then why ?

When I saw Klein, I hesitated.

In the end, I ended up holding the first Tarot Club.

I don't understand why I did that.

Also, I didn't put Klein at his usual seat at the end of the long mottled table.

Why ?

It was as if that place belonged to someone else.

It feels as if I'm forgetting something...

« Xin... »

Xin what ?

Am I losing control this time ?

I chuckled.

Now that I think about it, it's been a while since the last time I chuckled.

But it's not like anything will change this time, right ?

(In fact, Xin Jian's appearance was in part thanks to the Evernight goddess power -but she doesn't remember Xin Jian either since she isn't a regressor-, and it prevented her from separating the curtain since she didn't have enough spirituality...

Here is the second big change of this round.)

—————— I am the dividing line~

Xin Jian's point of view :

I decided ! I don't want to become a beyonder so the only way to be useful to Klein in the future is to imitate the best ability of the Hunter pathway ! I'm sure that I'll be a very good provocator, I will just need Klein to save me after that...

Now, how do I meet Klein...

I know ! Wasn't there a church ? (I don't remember his address.)

—————— I am the dividing line~

3rd point of view :

No far from the Moretti's apartment, a man, that just tried to enter Klein's dream, was sweating.

« Captain ! Are you feeling better ? Is he really possessed by something ? What should we do now ? » said a certain poet with a romantic temperament.

« For now, let's report to the headquarters. It is too dangerous to continue. We will need sealed artifacts to continue. »

(Klein, you're so screwed...)

The next morning, they came back with sealed artifacts to knock to Klein's door.

Then, they heard a calm voice :

« Who is it ? »

The owner of that voice seemed young and belonged to the only one left in the apartment, Klein Moretti.

« Police. » Said the captain of the Nighthawks in an inspector's uniform.

The young man with a scholarly vibe opened the door.

« We have something to ask you. »

Klein made way and pointed into the room.

« Please come in. How might I help you ? »

Léonard remained cautious and kept his guard up.

« Do you know Welch McGovern ? » asked Dunn

« What's wrong with him ? » Klein blurted back.

Dunn scanned Klein's face then said.

« I'm the one asking the questions. »

Klein strangely did not seem the least bit nervous.

He organized his words.

« If you mean Welch McGovern, the graduate of Khoy University from Constant, then I'm sure I know him. We are classmates with the same mentor, Senior Associate Professor Quentin Cohen. »

He thought for a second.

« To be honest, our relationship is quite good. During this period, I met with him and Naya frequently to interpret and discuss the Fourth Epoch notebook that belonged to him. Inspectors, did something happen to him ? »

Dunn replied :

« I'm sorry, Mr. Welch has passed away. »

Klein stayed in silence for a moment, maybe he didn't realize what was just said.

« What ? »

He finally faked a surprised reaction.

« What about Naya ? » He questioned.

Léonard frowned.

How could he ask about Naya if he didn't know anything ? There was something fishy there...

« Ms. Naya passed away too. »

Then the Nighthawks explained how the two died and asked about the last time Klein saw them.

As soon as they finished, Dunn made a sign to Léonard to search the room. The latter walked towards the desk in the corner and picked up the notes which resembled more of a diary.

« Hey! » Klein, which was calm until now, cried out.

« This is a necessary procedure. » said Dunn, clenching his hand on the sealed artifact his was holding

« What is this strange thing ? » said Leonard

He turned to the end of the notes and suddenly asked :

« And what does this mean? 'Everyone will die, including me'... »

Leonard tensed up.

« Isn't it common sense that everyone dies except for deities ? » said Klein

Not convinced, Dunn had a serious look on his face and said :

« We have to ask you to follow us. If you don't cooperate, we will need to use force. »

Unfortunately, this round, Klein didn't have the occasion to use his acting skills.

Meanwhile, Mr. Fool : « Why do I feel warm all of a sudden ? Is Klein getting purified ? What the- » felt that something is going wrong...

Klein raised his hands.

They used a strange object on him which made him warm and emitted a golden glow.

"This is probably related to Beyonders." Klein thought.

He then followed them to the church.

They entered and went to a priest before going through the back door leading underground and that's how Klein was trapped behind Chanis gate.

Klein sat down and frowned.

"When they were at the door, I could see them through the door. Did that notebook give me some Beyonder abilities ?"

Meanwhile, Xin Jian's point of view :

So... It's true that lost my way, but ! At least I finally found the church (which is in the same city, with a high clocktower and after one to two days of search...).

I admit that I'm the type of person that can still lose myself while searching for the gate of the school after the second week of class... (but that only happened three times !) Or lose my way while searching the bus' exit... (that's not true ! I deny it !)

In short, the church is there.

What do I do now ?

Well, let's enter.

Why the hell is the church so empty ? Did something happen ?

Oh~. But isn't it Amanises' church~ ?

(Amanises, you're screwed too.)

It's her church. Maybe, if I call her name, she will come ?

So, I took a deep breath and tried to say "Amanises".

"Tried" is the key word here.

Now that I think about it, she has the power of secrets...


So, let's try her title ! What was it again ? Oh ! I know !

« Goddess of the sleepy flowers~ ! »

(Association :

Amanises kingdom of god -> makes sleepy + a lot of flowers

In truth she just doesn't remember that Amanises is the goddess of the Evernight.)

Wait, why would flowers be sleepy ?

Sigh, gods have such weird titles...

I shook my head while the priest looked at the girl who just entered and yelled something blasphemous as if he was facing a mentally ill person.

Hey ! You should at least respect mentally ill persons.

« Don't mind me, mister. I'm training to become a fake Beyonder from the Hunter pathway ! »

Amanises : Don't train anymore, girl. You're already a better Hunter than those who really ate Hunters' Beyonder characteristics...

(Meanwhile, the Evernight goddess, renamed as "goddess of the sleepy flowers", which had her spirituality depleted, found the source which seemed to have a trace of her power walk right into her church. She went to take a look at our cutie Xin Jian and found that she would be even cuter if she sent her to sleep for eternity.)

Then, the priest fell on the floor.

Hey, aren't you duty ? I don't think that's a good time to sleep when a mentally ill person just walked straight into your church.

Then, a lady... without shoes ? Your style sure is special... A lady (author : the goddess' divine container) went through the back door and walked to me.

I looked at her lifeless eyes.

Sigh. Depression... I know what it is, fighting !

(Meanwhile, the goddess who was far from knowing that Xin Jian thought she was making a depression, continued to advance in her divine container.)

I then realized that she could be the person I called for and put on a beaming smile. (My speciality -except for my acting skills- is actually faking smiles !)

« Are you the goddess of the sleepy flowers ? »

Amanises : Are you my walking headache ?

The goddess calmly looked at me and asked in an ethereal voice, as if speaking to a child :

« Why would I be the goddess of the sleepy flowers ? »

(This is a true question.)

« That's because your garden is full of flowers and it makes people sleepy ! » I explained.

Her calming voice resounded once again.

« You entered my garden ? »

« You're only reacting now ? » I blurted back.

So trespassing properties wasn't authorized and gods are just slow-minded ?

Shit, that's rude.

Wait, no ! I'm training to be a Hunter ! That's fine !

But that's a true god, I'm done for...

What's more, a "fake" Hunter can only have "fake" abilities to protect himself, and I don't think bluff will work here... Haha...

« Of course I entered your garden. We even drank tea together in your kingdom of god and I lived there for a few months. Don't you remember when we want to Lilith to prank her ? »

Amanises shook her head.

« No. »

Of course, since that only happened in another reality.

I went back to the subject.

« So, what is Klein's address ? Where is he now ? »

I admit. I called a goddess' title only for this reason.

—————— I am the dividing line~

Dunn Smith went to greet Crestet Cesimir, who brought the goddess sword with him.

« Where is he ? »

« He is behind Chanis gate. » answered Dunn

Crestet Cesimir nodded and said :

« The goddess said that you can let him out. He only needs to swear on the sword. »

Dunn bowed.

« Okay, your Excellency. »

The latter tapped four times on his chest in a clockwise manner.

« Praise the lady ! »

« Praise the lady ! » repeated Dunn before making a sign to Leonard to free their prisoner.

But the three didn't notice Xin Jian that sat there.

"This is a public church, okay ?!"

"I'm not eavesdropping, why the hell are you doing official business here ?!"