
The Displeased Serafall

Kisuke directly returned to his base on Mars to finish the remaining work he had before formally returning to the other side. When he got there, Kisuke immediately noticed that Ophis had been working on her castle and couldn't help but smile wryly, 'I really have to hurry up with a way to connect this place directly to the other side.'

This time, to finish everything, he didn't go home for dinner. All in all, he only had two to three days of stay left. Four if he wanted to cut it close.

After spending the whole day, Kisuke managed to finish what he needed and some small projects that he could use on the other side.

Within that duration, Kisuke kept noticing that Ophis would go in and go out every few hours. But when he checked the progress of her work, it seemed that she was copying the interior of castles from all over Earth. Due to this, there were some weird feelings of chaos between the rooms, which were very Ophis-like, so Kisuke didn't do anything to fix it, 'This is the best as it is.'

Kisuke then stopped Ophis from continuing any further and returned with her to his mother's place, still not aware of the tsunami he'd created in the Supernatural World.

"We're home~!" Kisuke greeted them when he arrived in the living room. However, the greeting that went back to him was a jab to his stomach, "Guhuuu!!!"

"You damned brat!? What was that all about!?" shouted Sakura at him.

"Eh? What?" Kisuke asked back. Meanwhile, Ophis ignored them and went to find Claire.

"Olympus! I'm talking about Olympus!"

"Eh?... Erm... Karma's a bitch?" Kisuke replied.

"Ughh!!!" Sakura groaned and slapped her forehead before heaving a large sigh and asking, "Are you alright? What about your injuries?" She then went on to check for any wounds on his body.

Kisuke let her do so but still answered, "I'm fine. Though there are still some injuries and I'm still pretty tired, nothing serious remains. But how did you know I'm injured?"

"A footage of your fight with the God of War Ares is circulating around after the news of you storming Olympus was released."

"Hmm? Why would they release footage? Isn't that bad for their image?"

"It wasn't Olympus that released it but some unknown individual who was at the scene. Of course, Olympus tried to suppress it and had seen some success, however, they couldn't stop its internal circulation among the larger factions," Sakura then shook her head and stared down at Kisuke before asking, "And? Why didn't you inform any of us beforehand? And why didn't you show yourself even after escaping from that place?"

"I'm sorry about that, but it was a sudden thing."

Sakura knew that he was lying, but she could understand where he's coming from. If he had told her about his plans, she would have done her best to convince him against it due to the danger he'd incur, 'Well, he can take care of himself now, but I still can't stop worrying as a parent.'

Knowing that talking about this would just be a fruitless effort, Sakura changed the subject, "So, what about Nyx? Where is she?"

Even though Kisuke hadn't heard the news, he was already expecting this, "She's on her own, but she'll be fine."

"Still, I can't help but be surprised... Who knew that the enemy who tried to kill you would help you now?"

"It's mainly from fear though," Kisuke answered.

"What's your plan now?"

"I'll be leaving in three days. After that fight, I still need to recover my strength fully before traveling between worlds again."

Sakura's expression then became serious, "I see... Then before you leave, We'll have to ask you a bit of an unreasonable request."

Kisuke's brows furrowed, "Why not ask now?"

Sakura, in response, shook her head, "We haven't fully decided nor prepared yet. We want to consider everything first before coming to a decision."

Kisuke stayed silent for a bit before replying, "If it's something I can do, I'll do my best to fulfill it."

Sakura smiled and said, "That's reassuring."

Kisuke then stayed until dinner and left Ophis in their care to visit Sona's peerage, 'It's about time to change it... Though if I were to guess, Serafall-chan probably already froze several of my dummies because she won't be able to take the sight of her sister's precious servants being 'tortured'.'

While getting ready to get lectured, Kisuke teleported to his old hideout. Before he went towards the training area, he first checked all those who're currently within and noted a few things, 'So Nyx-san hasn't been here. Well, it's a good thing she's being careful.'

'Now then, what are both Himejima-san and Irina doing here?' Kisuke thought as he started walking towards them.

When he neared the site, Kisuke immediately saw Serafall who was frowning, which was very rare, and Akeno and Irina who were making a face as if they were witnessing something incredibly unthinkable.

The first one to notice his presence was Serafall, as she immediately snapped her head towards him and the temperature around her immediately dropped to winter levels.

"Mind explaining this?" asked Serafall.

However, instead of answering, Kisuke looked towards the training area, and out of the 7 dummies he took out, 5 of them were frozen solid while the other 2 were still working as intended, beating up Saji and Tsubaki.

He then looked towards the rest of the student council who had a blank and dead face before turning towards Serafall, "I gave them a chance and they accepted it despite the warnings."

Serafall's brows furrowed deeper, "Don't you think this is a bit too much?"

Kisuke lowered his hat and replied, "Well, to be honest, this is one of the worst training methods I've devised."

"Then why? Couldn't you have to give something else? Is it necessary to torment them like this?" snarled Serafall at him.

However, Kisuke didn't back down and looked straight into Serafall's eyes with the same intensity, "Yes. I believe so."


"Serafall... You of all people should be aware of what happens to those who're just suddenly thrown onto the frontlines of a war."

Serafall's expression became complicated, "...And what's that gotta do with this?"

"I don't know if you're aware... maybe some people in the Alliance are, but this world... Is already on the verge of chaos."

Not just Serafall, but also Akeno and Irina who were behind her, became wide-eyed, "W-what do you mean?" asked Serafall. If it was any other person who'd declared as such, it would be hard to believe it, but it was Kisuke who's uttering it. She knew that he's someone moderate with his words and never exaggerated, so hearing him say that the world was already on the verge of chaos surprised her greatly.

Kisuke sighed and said, "It's not just the Khaos Brigade, but the storm brewing within Olympus was also much greater than I had anticipated. In addition, there are some unknown entities that are moving about that don't give me any good impressions. And more than any of that, this World became connected to a place where it really shouldn't have been."





28th00: Well, ExE is pretty messed up, I will admit. Really shouldn't have gotten connected to that place, it's dangerous yo. I have not even finished DxD, let alone started the 2nd series, so I only know it from the sparse wiki entries. That place is the result of the power scaling and it's unending snowball effect in canon, like DBZ did. Scary scary. Ophis has luckily only made a Super Castle that is technically every other castle on Earth, but on Mars, and hers. Is this plagiarism? At least it's only 3D, small mercies.

Goyya: It's really a messed up scaling. The author introduced 10 characters that are stronger than Great Red and tons of characters that are as strong as Chief Gods.

I'm sorry for the late post~!

Been too busy and got the flu!

I tested negative, though.

Goyyacreators' thoughts