
Playing with other Supernaturals

Cover not mine (c) Yushiba Miyabi This is the story where Urahara Kisuke died after Nel failed to save him inside Askin's Gift Ball Delux and reincarnated in the world of DxD. I am not sure if I can capture Urahara's character properly so I apologize in advance if you are not satisfied. Also, English is not my native language. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ DISCLAIMER ++++++++++++++++++++++++ I don't own any of the characters from the canon. Please support the original work. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Buy me a coffee Ko-fi.com/goyya00 patreon.com/goyya00

Goyya · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
1285 Chs

The Church

Next day evening.

A black figure is flashing in and out of existence, jumping from one place to another.

This figure is Kisuke wearing a black-colored aura-concealing cloak. Under his hood was Yoruichi in her cat form scanning the area.

The two felt a fluctuation of auras at the distance and Kisuke decided to take a look.

They landed on a tree branch near the abandoned church of the Kuoh Town and took a look inside.

There they saw Koneko, Issei, and Rias' Knight, Yuuto Kiba simultaneously attacking an exorcist with a gun and blade made out of light.

"The shitty priest!" Issei shouted at the appearance of the exorcist.

"Up until now, I never had the pleasure of meeting the same devil twice! I'm super strong, so I usually just chop their heads off as soon as I see them!" The exorcist mouthed unceasingly.

"But you lot have broken my pretty record and that ain't good. You'll pay for it by letting chop your bodies into pieces. That way I'll have peace of mind." The crazy exorcist continued.

"This guy is crazy," Issei commented.

"That much is obvious from the start." Yuuto readied his sword.

"You shitty lot came to save Asia-tan? I should have played with that bitch before. Too bad its too late now." The exorcist sported a crazy smile.

"You bastard! Where is she!?" On Issei's arm, a red gauntlet with a green gem in the middle suddenly appeared.

"Hmm? There is a staircase under that altar that leads to the ritual site." He answered honestly.

"Y-you actually answered?" Issei's mouth is twitching.

"Huuunh??? That 'cos you lot are goin' to die 'ere~~~.!" He started firing his gun in rapid succession.

Issei frantically dodges the bullets while Yuuto clashed swords with him and Koneko just throwing stuff from the distance clearly holding back.

"Bastards!" He kicked Yuuto away when he got a chance and aimed his gun at him, "Dance! Dance! Dance! HAHAHAHA!"

Koneko stopped throwing things at him and run in front of Yuuto to block the bullets. The bullets destroyed parts of her clothes and the final bullet in his magazine hit her forehead leaving a red scratch.

"Koneko-chan!? Are you okay!?" Issei shouted from the side still charging his sacred gear.

"That hurt a little" Koneko said still in her usual deadpan expression.

"Hyahaha, You might be tiny, but you're tough." The exorcist was not scared of her intense defense.

"...Tiny." Koneko touched her modest chest.

Koneko suddenly disappeared from her spot and appeared in front of the exorcist sending a punch to his gut.

"Wh-- Gehooo!" His eyes widened in shock of the unexpected speed.

"W-what!? Oi Kiba, I thought Koneko-chan's a Rook. Why is she as fast as you?" Issei was also shocked.

"T-that's... She already mastered it? And

He kneeled in pain and started salivating. He looked up and saw Koneko looking down on him with cold eyes, " Ah..." He knew that he was f***ed.

Koneko started pummeling him like she's letting out all her frustrations.

Both Issei and Yuuto were speechless. They looked at each other in cold sweat and had a mutual understanding to never call Koneko 'tiny' or anything synonymous to it.

"It seems that Koneko won't be finishing anytime soon, let's go and save Asia-san," Yuuto suggested. He didn't want to look at the brutal beating.

"Right, let's hurry." Issei has the same opinion.

They headed to the altar and moved it to the side. They saw a staircase going down just like the stray exorcist said. They gave Koneko a final look who is still pummeling the poor exorcist and went through the staircase.

After a few minutes, Koneko finally stopped and wiped her nonexistent sweat and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

Kisuke who is watching all this while is also drenched in cold sweat after looking at the poor exorcist who is bruised all over and his manhood completely.

"Say, Yoruichi," Kisuke spoke to the cat on his shoulder.

"Hmm?" The cat is also watching in satisfaction at her student's actions but didn't give her full points because she didn't kill the exorcist.

"She wouldn't do that to me of she got stronger than me, right?"

"Who knows."

'Yosh, I'll never let her become stronger than me!' Kisuke made a weird promise to himself. Of course, he never thought of impending her progress.

"They'll be fine here. Let's take a look at those two who seems about to get killed." Kisuke changed the topic and looked at a certain direction.

Kisuke used magic similar to clairvoyance to view what's happening at the Gremory King and Queen. He saw them on the ground with tattered clothes trying to stand up.

In the air in front of them is a fallen angel with black hair and four pairs of wings signifying his strength as a vice-cadre level.

The fallen angel is looking at the two beauties full of lust and is about to pounce on them. The two beauties were not scared an intended to end their selves with him if it really came to it making the naughty fallen angel stop on his tracks and hesitate.

"What are you going to do?" Yoruichi asked Kisuke.

"Help them of course. They are still Koneko-chan and Issei-kun's comrades and their camaraderie are still one of the best I have seen." Kisuke replied.

"How are you going to do that? Are you going to reveal yourself?" Yoruichi asked again.

"I'll just snipe him from here. I don't care about the devils lurking around, but I still can't pinpoint the exact location of those Grim Reapers." Kisuke gave Yoruichi a grin.

"Right, I'm sure that they are watching all of this but I also can't pinpoint their exact location. Maybe they'll reveal their selves if something unexpected happens. Go and do it. Make it flashy, it's going to be fun." Yoruichi is patting Kisuke's face to urge him.

"You look like a cat who found a rat to chase. Haah, whatever. I'm going around." Kisuke used Flash Step to go to another direction to avoid the town getting destroyed in his attack.

He stopped at a certain spot 300 meters away from Rias, Akeno and the fallen angel. The fallen angel looks like he can't wait any longer and was about to dive. Rias and Akeno amassed all of their demonic power for an all-out attack.

Kisuke pointed his right palm at their direction and muttered, "Hadou No.88 Hiryuu Gekizoku Shinten Raihou (Flying Dragon-Striking Heaven-Shaking Thunder Cannon)."

A beam of blue light with streaks of lightning more than five meters in diameter appeared in front of his palm like a gigantic laser beam sweeps across the sky and hit the fallen angel vaporizing him along with the beam's path two kilometers long from Kisuke's position.

I'm here to inform you guys that I've accepted another big project, so I'll be out for another week or two starting from Monday.


I'll be posting one or two more chappy before I go.



Anyway, Enjoy~~~




Buy me some snacks, Teehee~~~




Goyyacreators' thoughts