

"I'm just taking a walk...", replied Hestia to Hermes.

"I see. You're taking a walk with a spear which you cannot even wield?" Hermes added.

Hestia hurriedly hid the spear behind her, but Hermes could only see this futile attempt as incredibly naive. He then walked towards the edge of the stream and watched the waterfall, "Are you sure that you don't want to search for Kisuke-kun? He could be with Artemis, just him and her, together."

"You're one to speak. As if you didn't intend for that to happen..." Hestia muttered.

Sighing, Hermes explained, "The stronger their bond becomes, the more powerful the spear gets." He then peeked at Hestia, "You already knew about that, right, Hestia?"

Hestia gritted her teeth, "Does it really have to be done by this spear!?"

"It must."

Hestia started to tear up, "There has to be another way! We just need to work it out together! And then, we'll-"

However, Hermes interrupted her, "Hestia!"

Hestia shut up.

"We're out of time and options..."

Hestia dropped down to her knees and cried, "But... Artemis is so different... She's so different from before... and it's just too cruel for her..." Hestia actually liked this kind of cheerful Artemis. Even though she knew that she would never act this way back in Heaven, she also knew that her real personality was still there and that she just opened up. In hindsight, Artemis didn't change, but just discovered her new self. Hestia didn't want this to be the end for her best friend.

Hermes crouched down in front of Hestia and said, "So that's why you tried to throw the spear away?" Smiling gently, Hermes added while putting his feather hat on her head, "You have a good heart, Hestia."

While Hestia was crying on the ground, Hermes stood up and revealed, "Also, it seems that Kisuke-kun was already aware of what he needed to do."

Hestia was startled and hurriedly looked towards Hermes, "He is!?"

"Yep. He was able to guess it with clues that shouldn't be applicable to the people of the Lower World. It was honestly surprising.", replied Hermes.

It was then, Hestia finally remembered what sort of person Kisuke was. Recalling all the impossibilities he had done until now, it finally occurred to her that Kisuke might have a way to save Artemis. Hestia immediately stood up, "Kisuke... Where's Kisuke!?"

Hermes was surprised at Hestia's sudden outburst, "H-he should be with Artemis... What's wrong?"

"I must find him!", replied Hestia.

"You'll be able to find him if you follow the path along the stream.", Yoruichi appeared from the shadows and pointed towards a certain direction.

Hestia looked towards her and nodded vigorously before bolting off. She wasn't surprised that Yoruichi suddenly appeared as she was already used to it.

Being ditched, Hermes was even more surprised, "What the hell was that about?"

"Maybe she thought of a possible way to save her best friend?", replied Yoruichi with a chuckle.

"How long have you been listening?"

"From the beginning, after all, I have to protect Hestia-sama at all times in this dangerous place."

"From the start, huh... And what do you mean when you say, that she found a possibility?"

Instead of answering, Yoruichi turned her back towards him and left, "I have no obligation to answer that."

Hermes didn't follow her as he tried to think about her words and Hestia's reactions, 'Did they find a way? But that's impossible. It was only until recently that we discovered this problem. Even Zeus could only scratch his head at this. It's a different story if they still had time, but if we don't solve it now, the possibility of Antares becoming a Deity, although not much, increases.'

He then looked towards the moon and thought, 'One thing is for sure though, we have to finish it off tomorrow or it'll be able to wield the power of a God here in the Lower World... Dammit! Just why is there such a loophole in the system!?'




Kisuke and Artemis had fun talking about Hestia and their experiences in Heaven. Thanks to that, Kisuke was able to understand not just Hestia, but also Artemis.

"We shared our times of happiness and sadness. Hestia was always there for me. She was full of love and I admired her.", Artemis finished her story.

Since it wouldn't be fair if Kisuke doesn't say anything, he nodded at her words and added, "I also like Hestia-sama quite a bit. Thanks to her, we were able to find a good place, a place that we could call our home. I also learned a lot just from interacting with her. Although she looks and acts like a child most of the time, her wisdom let us pass through some difficult and confusing times."

Artemis smiled happily at those words but her smile also soon disappeared, "I'm sorry for involving you. I will have to ask you to make a difficult decision."

Kisuke then stood up, "It's fine. You're Hestia-sama's friend so it's my pleasure to help and protect you. Although it's against my policy and belief to say that I'm sure everything is going to be fine, I can at least promise you that I'll give my best effort to achieve that goal. Besides, it'll be me who decides whether it's a hard decision or not."

Artemis smiled, "I want to think of you as a hero, but I can't. You're different from those in the legends."

"Well, I'd also hate to think of myself as a hero, too. I don't think that I can save the whole world as charity."

"I see... You're not a hero. You're far from one. But nevertheless, you're dependable." Artemis also stood up from her seat and continued, "I can understand why Hestia is so happy and relaxed around you. I guess it wouldn't be strange to think that she developed some feelings for you."

Kisuke could only stay silent at that.

Artemis then walked towards the shallow water while speaking, "And although it might anger some Gods, the fact that you don't put them on a pedestal is a great thing for me and Hestia, who are longing for a genuine connection and relationship."

Still, Kisuke only kept his silence.

Not minding his silence, Artemis continued, "I used to despise romance and forbid the love between man and woman. But one day, my children told me that love is amazing."

Artemis then slowly raised her right hand towards Kisuke with a longing expression, "I think, I know what they meant by that now." With a gentle smile, she asked, "Will you gift me with a dance?"

Any normal man would have gone with the flow and accepted Artemis' hand, however, Kisuke was far from normal and instead of accepting it, Kisuke only shook his head, "I do believe that love is amazing. After all, I've experienced it first hand. However, I don't think that your love born from desperation is as amazing as that."

Artemis' eyes widened.

"I'm not saying that your love is inferior, it's just that for me, love prospers through many trials and a sudden infatuation doesn't have the quality of the amazing love you're talking about." Kisuke then looked straight to Artemis' eyes, "So it doesn't have to be now. Down the road, you may find the one destined for you and by then, I can guarantee that it'll be amazing. Please save that dance for that person."

After saying all of that, Kisuke left.

Artemis didn't recover for a few minutes and when she was able to, she could only put her hand down and look towards the moon with a wry smile, "So this is a rejection... I don't like it." She then recalled his words again, "Save this dance for that person, huh... I wish I had that kind of chance. Even if I were to survive, it'll be a different me once I wake up and I wouldn't be able to remember all of this." A single tear then went through her cheeks, "I really don't like it... Just when I was able to experience something like this..."




Along the way, after leaving Artemis to herself, Kisuke came across a wheezing Hestia, "K-Kisuke!!!"

"Hmm? What's wrong, Hestia-sama? And what's with that face? Did something bad happen? Who made you cry? Please tell me and I'll make him cry ten times louder and a hundred times longer.", said Kisuke as he took out a handkerchief and wiped off her sweat and tears.

Hestia was very happy about his concern but she couldn't enjoy it now, "Kisuke! Please save Artemis!"

Kisuke grinned at her and answered, "Consider it done~."



28th00: See, Bestia-sama? All you had to do was ask~! Artemis getting rejected is pretty nice to be honest, since this is some HARDCORE suspension bridge effect and soul compatibility, her affection doesn't really have any foundations at all… Even Medusa who was in a similar situation had far more foundation for a relationship (repaying a debt to her saviour and the one to save her sisters souls is a pretty big deal for her.) since she didn't try to do anything besides be a Maid. I wonder if that's her fetish? Altoria is a Maid… The King of Maids even, so Medusa having a closet maid fetish like Grayfia (even if that's definitely not a hidden fetish after centuries.) does make sense… Maids in the Nasuverse are pretty metal.

Alexander: One last-minute rescue? You're lucky Bestia, the first customer this week get's one for free!