
It’s Just a God

The group left without much more happening and the streets had become even more desolate. While the normal citizens were nervous, the Adventurers were with each of their own Familia, waiting for their God to come back from the Denatus and figure out what to do next.

When they reached their place, all of them gathered in the living room, except for Claire, who already went to sleep because she was tired from their journey and new environment, and Ophis who accompanied her.

"What happened back there?" asked Sona.

"Something a bit unexpected," replied Kisuke with a sigh, "The Syr from earlier was not Syr."

The moment Kisuke said that, Hestia and Artemis' faces crumpled.

"Hmm? What do you mean? The Syr from earlier was an impostor?" asked Aika.

Kisuke shook his head, "From the start, there was no 'Syr'. The 'Syr' that we knew was a fake persona."

Everyone who didn't have any idea of what was going on was surprised, "So the real Syr Flova never existed in the first place?" asked Kuroka.

However, Kisuke shook his head again, "Syr Flova might have or may still be existing. If not, the nature of this 'Syr' persona wouldn't have been possible."

"I noticed that you stopped Yoruichi-chan from doing something," wondered Serafall.

"Kisuke stopped me from looking further into her. The moment Ophis-chan spoke up, I instinctively wanted to see through her, but if I were successful, 'Syr' would have noticed it too. Kisuke stopped me to diffuse the situation," answered Yoruichi.

Finally, Hestia spoke up, "Do you have any idea who she really is?"

Kisuke and Yoruichi looked at each other before the former spoke up, "Out of everyone here, only Yoruichi, Kuroka, and I knew of this particular information. The Hostess of Fertility is in fact, under the Freya Familia's control. It's true that Mia Grand was a former Adventurer of the Freya Familia and never contacted them again ever since her retirement. However, although they tried their best to hide it, we found traces that the establishment was being protected by them, in which we can assume that there's still a deep connection between the two despite the noncontact."

Although everyone else was shocked, except for the newcomers, Hestia, Artemis and Sona were the only ones who figured out the underlying meaning behind it, "If it was a normal disguise magic, you could have seen through it...," muttered Sona.

Hearing this, Kuroka and Medusa also got it, "So chances are, it's really a complicated and sophisticated magic, or magic that's not meant for those who are from the Lower World, nyaa," added Kuroka.

"Then that means..." muttered Aika in concern.

"It's either a mage with very high attainment in magic and has some basic understanding regarding the soul, or a Deity that used a mortal's 'fate' as cover."

They then all immediately recalled Ophis's words at that time and had an idea who she really was, "...Freya," mumbled Koneko.

A wave of concern washed through almost everyone, until Kisuke clapped his hands to get them out of their own worrying minds, "Well, let's not mind this for now and continue interacting with her as before. After, nothing has really changed."

Artemis then furrowed her brows, "You're making too light of this situation. The fact that Ophis was able to scratch her cover won't get out of her mind, and the little girl would surely be targeted."

Kisuke nodded, "It sure is a concern, but Ophis-chan would be fine."

"Aren't you underestimating her too much!? Aside from having one of the strongest Familia within the Lower World and having spanning influence, Freya is also a God who dared to use magic like this! Aside from that, I doubt any child could resist her charm as the Goddess of Beauty which is, although in a grey area, allowed to be used!"

Artemis ended up yelling at Kisuke's 'who cares' attitude but she immediately shook her head, "I'm sorry. I'm just concerned with everyone's safety, especially that innocent child that would be targeted."

Kisuke and some ended up smiling when Artemis referred to Ophis as an 'innocent child'. True, Ophis is innocent, but even though she lost a part of herself, only the Gods with their Arcanum activated have the actual chance of hurting her. However, even then, their first few attacks may only just barely scratch her.

"I know where you are coming from, Artemis-sama," Kisuke then looked into her eyes and continued with a straight face, "But it's just a God."

Hearing that, Kisuke's companions' eyes widened but immediately soon after, they smiled wryly and also felt relieved.

On the other hand, Artemis was shocked to her core, "Wh-what!?"

But before she could confront Kisuke, Hestia stopped her, "He didn't say that because he wanted to disrespect, discredit or underestimate the Gods, right, Kisuke-kun?"

"...Hestia?" Artemis became confused.

"That wasn't my intention at all," replied Kisuke.

Hestia sighed, "Then that means the Freya Familia and Freya herself isn't that much of a threat to you."

"What do you mean?" asked Artemis.

"Have you forgotten? These guys are just level 2 and Kisuke-kun was still able to fight Antares and defeat it without even the help of your Divine Weapon. And concerning that Divine Weapon, even if it was incomplete, he still was able to pull enough power from it to destroy your Arcanum."

"So the Freya Familia who are still within the constraint of common sense, don't you think they'd have something else in their sleeves seeing how out of this world their abilities are?"


Hestia then faced Kisuke, "I couldn't ask earlier due to the arrival of new people, but isn't it about time you tell us more about yourself and your group, since I have a feeling that you're not that much concerned about hiding your secrets and all? And how is it possible that the red Dragon became your ride?"

"Wait! Are you saying that you don't know much about these people and accepted them into your Familia!?" reacted Artemis.

With an idiotic laugh, Hestia responded, "Hehehe, I was really desperate to have someone in my Familia so I just..."

Artemis was about to say something but Hestia interrupted her, "Nonetheless, Kisuke-kun already warned me and told me that he's just using me. Despite that, I never regretted my decision to accept them back then and I don't have any plans to do so now."

Artemis saw Hestia's clear eyes and could only sigh as she recalled her time with the members of the Hestia Familia. Within that, not a single time she took note of any fake concern for her best friend, and also during that time, she realized that Kisuke only saved her because that's what Hestia wanted.

Although she was very thankful for his actions back then, she can't help but feel a little bitter, especially after being invested in him. Artemis then looked towards Kisuke and asked, "Is it fine if I listen too?"

Kisuke responded with a nod, "Of course. In fact, I'll ask you to stay if you chose to leave to respect our secrecy."

"Thank you. I also wanted to share even a little bit of Hestia's burden."


28th00: Ah, fate manipulation is something that Kisuke is decidedly ‘not’ good at. Phis-chama is incredibly good at it though, cause she exceeds it. But yeah “Just a God” is really put in perspective when you remember that Kisuke fought Ares with full hax and Hades with who he hard countered. And they’re top 10. The really esoteric ones and the ones with unlimited brute force (Like Ophis and Great Red) are his only ‘true’ threats here. And the Ares here is just… an idiot that somehow nobody has killed yet. Rakia is a shithole from what I remember.

Goyya: It’s led by a God with a singular mindset and those around him trying to benefit from it.

Goyyacreators' thoughts