
He's Dangerous

The Hestia Familia didn't let the Loki Familia ask any question as they could only stare in awe at the group of hungry wolves as they kept devouring the food to the point that the waitresses has to keep bringing out food and take away plates in front of them. Even the Adventurers at the side could only stay quiet as they watch Kisuke and the rest.

Sona shouldn't be able to do this, but with Kuroka and Kisuke's help, she was able to process the food to utmost limit of her body. Hestia also tried to copy them as she didn't want to be left behind, but she could only keep up with their pace for a few minutes before giving up with a bloated stomach. She and the rest couldn't understand how could they fit all the food they eat in their stomach.

As they continue to watch, Kisuke, Yoruichi, Kuroka, Koneko, Aika, Medusa, and Sona simultaneously finished the last batch of their dinner, "Thanks for the food~."

Immediately after that, Mia spoke, "Great. Its closing time so you lot should go home!"

Not waiting for the others to recover from the sudden change, all of them stood up and Kisuke carried up Hestia before saying his goodbye, "Well then, we'll be going ahead~. Good night~!"

Only when they exited the pub, Loki Familia finally sobered up and the first one to speak up is Tione, "What the hell was that?"

Her twin sister, Tiona, asked, "Why didn't you asked them?"

"...It feels like they'll suddenly attack me if I interrupted them... Are they really Level 1s?" Tione answered.

Ais, on the other hand, could only mutter in admiration, "...Amazing... If I can do that, I can eat all the Jagamarukun I want without worry..."

Riveria did a facepalm, "...Don't go there, Ais..."

Despite the warning from Riveria, Ais is still genuinely interested.

Gareth then asked everyone while grooming his beard with his hand, "In any case, just how did those two sneak up to Tione and Tiona?"

Tiona and Tione became silent as they try to recall what happened.

"Let's discuss it as we walk..." Fin then stood up and the rest followed his steps towards outside. Since their dinner is Bete's treat, they didn't have to worry about paying. As they go, Gareth didn't forget to carry the unconscious wolf over his shoulder.

"So, Finn... What do you think?" Loki continued their earlier topic.

Finn stayed silent for some moment to think about it before answering her question, "... I don't feel any threat..."

Riveria and Gareth's expression became serious, "Is that something bad?" Tiona asked.

"I don't know... It's either they're not really a threat, they're not hostile... or they're capable of hiding their intents to a terrifying degree... How did you feel it, you two?"

The Amazoness stayed silent for a while and Tione took the initiative to answer, "We didn't feel anything, captain... And now that I think about it, that's strange..."

"So the possibility is only either they're not hostile, or they're really good at hiding..."

Riveria then spoke, "Then their Levels doesn't make sense. They claimed to be Level 1s, after all. Did they lie to the Guild?"


"Then what should be our next course of action?" Gareth asked.

"Nothing... We don't have to do anything regarding them as long as they don't antagonize us. We continue our preparation for our next expedition."

"That settles it then~." Loki then ended the topic.

But Finn still wanted to ask something, "What about you, Loki? What do you think about this group?"

"Want my honest opinion?"

The Loki Familia didn't think that Loki would ask such a question and became even more serious. Finn then nodded at her.

"He's dangerous..."

With everyone surprised, Finn continued to ask, "How?"

But Loki only shrugged her shoulders, "Who knows~? The girls beside him exude an aura of mystery but only him exudes danger. Even I don't know where this feeling is coming from so I could only advise you to be careful around him. However, as you said, he isn't hostile and creating a connection to such a child should be interesting. It's up to you if you want to befriend him, though."

That night, after Loki's words, the executives of Loki Familia made their own guesses to the meaning of her words. Some didn't want to get involved, some are only curious, while some also wanted to know more about the group.




The next morning, after their morning training and exercise, Hestia Familia, without Hestia who's still sleeping away, gathered in the living room as per Kisuke's instructions

"Ehem, now that everyone is here, I want to say a few things before we start our day.

"First of all, as I said earlier, it'll take some time to go back to our world or even formulate a working theory regarding the transfer. Not to mention the required amount of energy.

"And since we're going to stay here for quite some time, I would like for you all to explore this world... this city at your own pace and decisions. Whether you explore the Dungeon or make friends with this world's residents, it's up to you.

"But remember, I don't want you to think that this world will only become a temporary stop and consider the relationships that you'll be making as something trivial and superficial. Now that we're living here, let's properly live our lives with them. After all, this world can expand your horizon and let you experience events that may shape your future."

Everyone became silent as they quietly contemplated on Kisuke's words. All this time, they've been acting that everything in this place has nothing to do with them as they would also leave soon. But after Kisuke pointed it out, they finally realized that it's fatal to have that kind of mindset as they might turn into unfeeling individuals that might affect them even after they returned to their former lives.

Kisuke and Yoruichi smiled after seeing this. They both noticed that they all had a dreamy expression in which they figured that they might be not treating this world as something 'real'.

After a few minutes, their expression cleared up as if they woke up from their dreams which both Kisuke and Yoruichi are hoping for.

"Now then, the Dungeon, I want to stress the fact that leveling up will help you with your current problems. For Koneko, if you reach around Level 3 or 4, from my estimations, you should be able to use that 'growing up' mode freely. However, some limitations will still be present."

Koneko's eyes glowed in anticipation after hearing that and decided that she have to level up as soon as possible.

"For Aika, with boosted physical abilities from level-ups, you should be able to freely take out both of you Zanpakuto and Shihakushou."

Aika is already expecting this when she heard about Koneko's case and just like the former, she decided to do her best to level up.

Kisuke continued to explain the benefits of using this world's power system and stressed the fact that they can use it in conjunction with their real abilities. Aside from that, it'll also help them recover their injuries as he noticed that there is some auto-correction function from the Falna they received that restores the body which is what they desperately needed.