
Goliath part 2

After Kisuke and Yoruichi retreated, the Goliath turned to their direction and opened its mouth. From its throat, bluish Mana started gathering. Seeing this, Kisuke immediately used Flash Step and just as he disappeared, the ground where he's just standing exploded into pieces.

However, the Goliath is done yet as it continued shooting out invisible bullets at both Kisuke and Yoruichi, who's jumping from place to place in response to this, "Highly compressed air bullet... Effective as a surprise attack but that's a big weakness there..."

Calculating the attack's interval, Kisuke strengthened his arms to the limit of his basic parameters using Mana. While the Goliath is aiming at Yoruichi's position, Kisuke suddenly threw the long sword he's holding towards its mouth.

The Goliath successfully sent the air bullet but Yoruichi already dodged. And just as it started charging its next air bullet, Kisuke's long sword arrived and pierced through the turbulent Mana, creating a big explosion and reducing its head into lumps of flesh, sending it everywhere in the room.

Kuroka, who's holding a chain suddenly asked, "Did we do it?"

In response, Kisuke started running towards the headless Goliath and shouted, "Yoruichi! Kuroka raised the flag!"

"I know!" Yoruichi also dashed towards the Goliath while pulling out two long swords from her back and covered them with oscillating Mana effectively turning them into sonic blades. The Goliath started moving again and sent its fist towards Yoruichi after feeling the threat from its swords.

"I-is that my fault?" Kuroka muttered while carrying Medusa's chain and ran around the Goliath's feet. On the other side, Medusa did the same while carrying the same chain, "What is a flag?" She asked curiously. The two of them started pulling the chain and it wrapped tightly around the Goliath's leg. With its leg tied, the monster lost its balance and fell forward while swinging its fist.

"We're probably the only group who can talk casually about inane things while fighting a monster a lot stronger than us." Yoruichi jumped and landed on the arms of the falling Goliath and ran through it to reach its back. She slashed it with both of her swords leaving a cross-shaped deep wound on its back. Yoruichi then jumped back to avoid the splatter of blood. She looked at the swords that already started crumbling, 'Hmmm... I'm not really good at fine controls.'

"Well, isn't that just fine? I think it's a lot better than talking about some philosophical things in the middle of a fight trying to justify your actions." Kisuke then appeared above the back of the Goliath via Flash Step and did the same thing as Yoruichi, converting the long sword into a sonic blade before throwing it in the intersection of the wound. The sword flew in subsonic speeds, leaving a whistling sound and embedded itself inside the Goliath, destroying its magic stone.

The Goliath finally fell down on the ground and a few seconds later, it exploded into lights and ashes, covering the whole room they are in, only leaving the magic stone which is now in pieces.

Kisuke landed and let out a deep breath, "That was a good warm-up~."

"You consider that as a warm-up? That guy is probably one if not the strongest monster we'll go against in this whole outing, nya..." Kuroka could only sigh. But she also likes the feeling of sweating up a bit. It's really a good warm-up.

Yoruichi then walked towards the path leading to the 16th-floor while Kuroka and Medusa went to the other path leading to the 18th-floor to check if there are incoming Adventurers. It's not really important if others were to witness that they defeated the Goliath, however, what Kisuke is about to do is something different, something that is not known in this world, and that is Space Magic. While there are records of gravity magic and some rumors of resurrection magic, space magic is unknown territory for the inhabitants of this world.

Signaling Kisuke that no one is around, he then started gathering the magic stones and tossed it in his personal subspace. Although they can't sell it, it's a valuable specimen for Kisuke's research. It took him a few minutes to gather everything and they decided to move to the next floor.

The 18th Floor is a safety point where no monsters are born, though some monsters can come up from the floor below. It is also called the Under Resort. The floor is filled with crystals and nature. Large forests and lakes cover the floor. Within the forest are blue crystals of different sizes that reflect the light from above, causing the forest to be filled with a pale blue glow.

The exceptionally high ceiling is filled with brilliant shining crystals of two colors, white crystals in the center that resemble the sun, and blue crystals surrounding it that resemble the sky. The amount of light from the crystals depends on the time and cycles throughout the day.

On the eastern side of the island facing the lake stands the city of Rivira. It is located 200 meters above the lake on a cliff. Level 2 adventurers would need to be extremely capable to reach this floor solo.

"This Dungeon's layout doesn't make sense... This is just the 18th floor and the deeper you go, the larger it becomes. The deepest explored floor is the 59th floor and there should be more floors beyond that so that should be in quite a deep place in the earth..." Kuroka commented after seeing the scenery.

"It's actually easy to explain that. The space around the Dungeon, especially on the deeper floors are warped. This is the reason why it took me a few minutes to gather the magic stones earlier as it's very hard to control space magic in this place." Kisuke replied.

"How about teleportation magic?" Yoruichi asked.

"I'm still observing the place, but based on what I gathered now, it would be advisable not to use it as it might just send us to some different place. However, it's not that we can't use it, but I have to find a location to set up a teleportation array. While I have to calculate how much the space is bent to set a proper location as a destination, it isn't possible."

"In other words, we can't use teleportation magic to immediately get out of the Dungeon?" Medusa asked.

"Yes. We have to find a proper base inside the Dungeon where we could set and hide the teleportation array. And finding that base will be hard as not every place in this Dungeon could be an anchor point."

"Enough with complicated talks. We'll leave it to you so let's go see this Rivira where the outcast Adventurer's gather. Maybe we could find something interesting." Yoruichi then led the group and started walking towards the direction of Rivira.