
Chapter 1325 Dissolution

Azazel and Ajuka both returned to their respective organizations and updated them on the reason for their sudden leave. Shocking the higher-ups of these organizations was an understatement but these two leaders didn't have time to entertain them and immediately excused themselves while citing that they were working on something important in light of all of these.

[Is this line secure enough?] Azazel asked from the other side of the screen.

"I'd like to believe so...", Ajuka was brewing his cup of coffee in the background, "But I can understand your apprehension. If any of this gets out, we'll lose our advantage and we'll be listed in that guy's naughty list if not already."

[Still, it's unbelievable... While everyone else is trying to decide whether they should side with either Shiva or Indra, there's this guy laughing at their faces watching them duke it out within the playing field that he already exited.]

"Well with this, we can finally understand Ouroboros Academy's adamant neutrality."

[Is it really alright for us to just jump in like that on his terms?]

"Can you think of any other alternative?"

[Hmmm... I do think that it's better to agree to it immediately because who knows how he'll manipulate us into accepting it.] Azazel went quiet for a few seconds while tapping on his table, [But why do you think he's letting us in now?]

"To answer that, we first have to figure out the root of his motivations. Even though we're not that close to him, we're the few people that's within his vicinity and knows how his head works to some extent so that's an easy guess."

[...Safety and protection, huh? It's way too pure for someone with a personality like him.]

"It's still way better than people who declare such things and bend the moment it disadvantages them." Ajuka chuckled a little bit. Kisuke is someone Ajuka couldn't fully trust, but he's someone who he could leave his back open as long as he doesn't cross his lines nor give him any reason that he's a threat, "Continuing, we can also guess the reason for Yoruichi's prolonged absence and the reason why he's doing us this 'favor' is probably because the scale of their operation has expanded so much that it became difficult for them to handle it effectively."

[Or they wanted to stir the pot for some reason.]

Ajuka finished brewing his coffee and went back to his seat, "That too... Or maybe a little bit of both. Either way, it's our chance to get away from Shiva and Indra's ever-expanding influences. However, the problem now becomes the personnel. We don't have anyone, right?"

Azazel also became silent on the other side. It was at this moment of silence that Ajuka and Azazel received a message from an unknown origin at the same time.

[Good day, Ajuka Beelzebub/Azazel. I'm Laria, your correspondent and assistant who will help you establish a base in Zurg of Nenvetune, an Etoulde territory. Pleased to meet you.]

Ajuka and Azazel looked at each other with eyes wide open with the latter asking, [Did you receive it too?] And the former nodding.

[You know what? I just had a great idea.]

"What is it?"

[Let's dissolve the DxD Team and dissolve the Alliance officially.]

Ajuka was stunned for a moment before asking, "Are you sure Kisuke Urahara hasn't rubbed off you?"




"Aaachhoooo!!!" A tall blonde man with Western features, long hair, and bright blue eyes sneezed horribly loud, "Who the hell misses me now?" He muttered in a deep voice while rubbing his nose.

Somewhere within the state of California, the man was standing in front of a strangely grandiose mansion in the middle of nowhere. At its front door was a black-haired man in a suit, "You must be Mr.Smith. The chairman is waiting for you."

The blonde man nodded and walked towards the door without talking. The guard didn't say anything about this and just opened the door, revealing a lobby that was way larger than the building itself, "I'll lead you to the chairman's office. It's on the 99th floor."

The blonde man quietly followed him towards the Magic Circle that would teleport them to the assigned location so it didn't take long for them to reach the designated floor.

The guard didn't leave the Magic Circle and just gestured for the blonde man to go forward. Since there was only one room on this floor, it wasn't hard to find the only door that would lead to the person he was looking for.

The blonde man knocked three times and a deep but playful voice came from the other side, "Come in."

The blonde man opened the door and once again, he saw a room that was way larger than what the floor suggested. The room was surrounded by bookshelves that's at least 100 feet tall and in the middle of this room was a single table surrounded by floating holographic screens showing various news channels dedicated to the supernaturals.

The one who was watching all of this and the owner of the room was sitting on the table, swiped his hand and all the screens disappeared. The moment the doors behind the blonde man closed, the middle-aged man with gelled hair, which is a mixture of red and blue, and heterochromia red and blue eyes greeted him, "I was waiting for your arrival. It's our first time talking directly, isn't it? Kisuke Urahara?"

The blonde man smiled and walked towards him, "Please call me John Smith, Mr. Mephisto Pheles, or else, there would be no point in us doing all of this."

Kisuke, who's in disguise, came to meet the Grauzauberer's Chairman for his next set of actions, 'I won't have enough time to search for those guys if I were to start from scratch.'


28th00: It’s been like a month since I edited and I can’t remember what’s going on besides chaos reigning supreme. The third faction is the Neutrals/Kisuke’s faction too, now, huh? That’s gonna make the others HATEFUL AS FUCK! Then again, they’re already on his naughty list.

Goyyacreators' thoughts