
Balor and Juggernaut VS Kisuke and Yoruichi part 3

"Hadou # 48, Gaki Rekkou (Raging Light Fang)!"

While pointing his sword towards the Balor, Kisuke cast his first spell. From the tip of his sword, a circle of energy appeared, before firing blasts of green light from its center in a cage-like formation.

"Hadou # 58, Tenran (Orchid Sky)!"

Kisuke didn't wait for it to hit as he pulled out his another spell. Still from the tip of his sword, a widening tornado-like blast is fired towards his first spell adding a spinning force to, resulting in a more destructive force. However, the main aim of the tornado is to give Yoruichi an edge against the Juggernaut by using it as a foothold.

"Kaizou Kidou (Modified Demon Arts), Jugeki Hyappo Rankan (Hell Hundred Step Fence)!"

Kisuke still didn't wait for the result of his spell and fired his next one, his own modified version of Bakudou number 62. Instead of short rods like it normally should, Kisuke's modified version changed it into long blood-red metal spikes.

As the first two Kidous hit the Balor, it only backed up a bit. However, the concentrated fire of Kisuke first Kidou burnt some of the Balor flesh on its chest making it screaming in pain, "GRRROAARR!!!"

And on the same spot of the burnt flesh, tens of blood-red metal spikes embedded themselves in it.

"Hadou # 63, Raikohou (Lightning Roar Cannon)!"

With his fourth spell, Kisuke generated a ball of compressed lightning similar to that of Yoruichi's and fired it like a cannon. Normally, the Balor's flesh is enough to block the attack, albeit, incurring some heavy damage, but nothing it can't recover from. However, due to metal spikes that are embedded in the specific places where nerves gather, the lightning cannon didn't just blast away its flesh but was also able to paralyze it for a short period of time. As a bonus, it's regenerative capabilities also slowed down

"Bakudou # 63, Sajo Sabaku (Winding Binding Chains)!"

Not wasting this chance, Kisuke used Flash Step to decrease his distance from the Balor before tying up its left leg with chains of light that appeared between his fingers. He could have tied both of its legs and pulled it to make it drop to the ground, but for Kisuke, that's too much effort and there is a much more effective method.

Turning his attention towards the Juggernaut, who's having a dog fight with Yoruichi, Kisuke waited for the right timing and sent the other end of the chains to wrap around its tail. The skeletal dragon, whose full attention is to catch and evade the hateful human, was caught off-guard when its body became unbearably heavy. It then looked back subconsciously to search for the tugging force and saw its tail tied to something and tried to bite it down.

Since this is a huge opportunity, Yoruichi didn't let it pass and her twin lightning swords became whips of lightning.

Feeling the threat behind it, the Juggernaut chooses to forego the chains and tugged it forcefully to dodge Yoruichi's attacks. Although she wasn't able to catch its head, Yoruichi was able to get its other arm and now the Juggernaut is just a skeletal dragon with arms that forced it to walk on its hind legs resulting to reduced speed and maneuverability.

Because its leg was suddenly tugged, the paralyzed Balor lost its balance and started falling down, back first. Seeing the desired result, Kisuke didn't let up, casting his sixth spell

"Bakudou # 75, Gochu Tekkan (Quintet of Iron Pillars)!"

Kisuke summoned five thick and tall pillars of iron connected by chains and each one of them dropped on the Balor's limbs. Four for legs and arms and one on its forehead where the still closed third eye is located. Although the big pillars are incredibly small for the giant Balor, it did its job of temporarily adding another layer of control on the Balor.

Within the span of the Balor is falling and being pinned, Yoruichi was finally able to kill the Juggernaut, reducing it into pieces of bones, thanks to it losing its arms and being tethered on something.

Kisuke then stepped on the air and pulled Benihime to his side before pooling most of his Reiatsu-Ki for one final attack. As the air becomes heavier, spiraling blood-red energy envelopes Kisuke sword.

The Loki Familia is 'calmly' watching everything beyond their common sense unfold when a sudden pressure was put on their shoulders which woke them up with a great start. They could ignore the physical pressure being put on them, but the real shocker and terrifying one is the mental pressure that is emitting from the masked man.

While watching in horror, the masked man muttered in a language that they don't understand, "Tsukisasu, Benihime (Pierce, Crimson Princess)."

The spiraling energy then solidified as it created a gigantic spike and launched towards the unmoving Balor with great speed. Kisuke intended to finish it off by destroying its magic stone after disabling its defenses. He's been on guard on its third eye but nothing as of yet. However, he won't let his guard down just because he's about to win in the next second.

And just as he expected, the lids on its third eye moved. As it moves, every Mana of the Balor gathered on it. The pillar of iron which is pinning it suddenly exploded into smithereens as the golden slitted eye fully opened.

Kisuke and Yoruichi became guarded as they waited for their effects to be shown. Kisuke already guessed what sort of abilities it could possess and already formulated a plan against most of those. A few seconds later, the air suddenly becomes heavier.

'No... This isn't just some atmospheric pressure manipulation!...' Kisuke tried to think of any other possibilities as he watches his attack slows down, 'Dammit! This is Stagnation!'

Kisuke guessed it right. It's not that the air really became heavier but the time itself became slower for their surroundings. Although everyone's perception is still the same, everything, including their bodies were reduced to 1/50th of the normal speed.

Kisuke, Yoruichi, and the Loki Familia trying to break free from the effects of time manipulation, the Balor lifted its head and looked towards Kisuke before turning to Yoruichi, all in a normal speed. The gray skin and black fur then started receding towards its third eye, leaving the Balor pale white as the effect of stasis became much stronger.

Its third eye then started glowing brightly before it releases a large beam of golden light aimed at Yoruichi. This is the Balor's final attack using everything it has and intended to take down at least one of them with it. It determined that Kisuke could still have some ways to dodge or defend from its attack but it already saw Yoruichi getting injured before so it targeted her.

On the way of the beam is Kisuke's piercing attack, but as the two collided, the crimson spear was pierced by the golden light instead, 'Fuck!!! It has annihilating properties!'

Kisuke knew that Yoruichi still has some ways to defend herself, but he didn't want to risk it so he immediately decided to use two of his few trump cards that could instantly turn the situation.

His first trump card is to force himself to shook of the effects of stagnation. He transformed himself into full Hollowfied form, the Vasto Lorde form.

Due to this, his cloak and mask burst open as his Reiatsu-Ki shoots up and became malevolent. His choker's ability to disguise was also rendered useless. From the Loki Familia's perspective, a monster in humanoid form just appeared. Although it isn't as large as the Balor and Juggernaut, they have a feeling that it's more terrifying than them.

Thanks to his Reiatsu-Ki pressure, Kisuke was able to move normally and hurriedly used Sonido to arrive in front of Yoruichi.

Putting his free hand forward, Kisuke intended to use his second trump card, but the beam of light is coming fast, 'Looks like I have to sacrifice more than an arm...'

As he braces himself, two orbs of lightning suddenly flew past him and detonated, delaying the golden light for only less than a second, but for Kisuke, it a very valuable time bought.

"Hadou # 96, Ittou Kasou (Single Blade Cremation)!"

Fiery-red light like veins emerged from his pale white-clawed arm as it starts to burn. A split second later, A huge pillar of flame burst out from his the said arm in the shape of katana slashed through the golden beam of light and divided the Balor in half, ending the battle.

Forgot to schedule this chap. hehehe

Sorry for the wait,


This is the last Chapter of the Volume.

Goyyacreators' thoughts